
VillageCraft Boards => Off-Topic Discussion => Topic started by: boylink on 25 May 2013, 10:56:58 AM

Title: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: boylink on 25 May 2013, 10:56:58 AM
There's a Pokemon thread so why not this?
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: luisc99 on 25 May 2013, 11:02:15 AM
Surprisingly, I have never played Zelda before. Mario was a childhood favorate of mine though ;)
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: xxbabygirlstar on 25 May 2013, 11:05:22 AM
Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword <3

AND MINISH CAP. Can't forget da Minish Cap.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: filletfish314 on 25 May 2013, 11:45:54 AM
Why has no one mentioned four swords?
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Airbongo on 25 May 2013, 11:46:23 AM
Why has no one mentioned four swords?

Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: filletfish314 on 25 May 2013, 12:15:10 PM
Why has no one mentioned four swords?


It's good when you play it with other people
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: boylink on 25 May 2013, 12:30:00 PM
My top 5 Zelda games are:
1. Majora's Mask
2. Skyward Sword
3. Ocarina of Time
4. Wind Waker
5. A Link to the Past

1 being the best, obviously.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 25 May 2013, 12:44:52 PM
1. OoT
2. MM
3. TP
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Ferreira_1 on 25 May 2013, 04:12:01 PM
Legend Of Zelda Rap (
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: SirLogiC on 26 May 2013, 12:28:47 AM
Why does Zelda always have to rescue the princess?

Sorry I couldn't help myself.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 26 May 2013, 12:47:41 AM
Why does Zelda always have to rescue the princess?

Sorry I couldn't help myself.

Zelda is the princess... Link is the warrior.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Airbongo on 26 May 2013, 03:55:14 AM
Why does Zelda always have to rescue the princess?

Sorry I couldn't help myself.

Zelda is the princess... Link is the warrior.

Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 26 May 2013, 03:53:21 PM
I am/was to lazy to look at the small print, so I just took it as he's stupid. :D lol.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Airbongo on 26 May 2013, 04:08:44 PM
I am/was to lazy to look at the small print, so I just took it as he's stupid. :D lol.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 26 May 2013, 04:09:18 PM
Not intended, D:
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Airbongo on 26 May 2013, 04:20:45 PM
Not intended, D:

u r suh rud feggit u r ghey bruh
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: SirLogiC on 27 May 2013, 12:33:08 AM
I am/was to lazy to look at the small print, so I just took it as he's stupid. :D lol.

He said after falling for one of the oldest trolls in existence.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 27 May 2013, 03:27:20 PM
I am/was to lazy to look at the small print, so I just took it as he's stupid. :D lol.

He said after falling for one of the oldest trolls in existence.

I don't see how it's a troll, because it only made you look stupid. Lol.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Airbongo on 27 May 2013, 03:30:54 PM
I am/was to lazy to look at the small print, so I just took it as he's stupid. :D lol.

He said after falling for one of the oldest trolls in existence.

I don't see how it's a troll, because it only made you look stupid. Lol.

Not really, he added small letters.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 27 May 2013, 07:19:12 PM
They were not readable. Without further investigation which I didn't care for.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Saxturian on 27 May 2013, 09:35:23 PM
They were not readable. Without further investigation which I didn't care for.
I read them without my glasses -_-
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 27 May 2013, 10:01:34 PM
They were not readable. Without further investigation which I didn't care for.
I read them without my glasses -_-

Lol, yea, fucking, right. That's WAY too small for anyone to read without modifying the texts size.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Fuzzy_Yeti_69 on 27 May 2013, 10:30:18 PM
What if Zelda was a girl?
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Saxturian on 27 May 2013, 10:32:04 PM
What if Zelda was a girl?
ZELDA is a girl lol
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Bl4ck_St0ne on 30 May 2013, 07:16:30 PM
What if Zelda was a girl?
ZELDA is a girl lol

You're a fucking hypocrite. Fuck you Sax.
Title: Re: The Legend of Zelda
Post by: Saxturian on 30 May 2013, 09:36:01 PM
What if Zelda was a girl?
ZELDA is a girl lol

You're a fucking hypocrite. Fuck you Sax.
i said a sentence, explain to me how its hypocritical. And i dont think it required that, but whatever.