
VillageCraft Boards => Reports & Grievances => Topic started by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:15:40 PM

Title: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:15:40 PM
What the title says :/
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:16:31 PM
If you want evidence dm me on discord :/
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: Daypath on 6 April 2021, 07:22:58 PM
uhh try to follow the format,
Accused player(s):
Accused of:
Player(s) effected:
Time occurred: (please specify a time zone as well)
Location: (Village name or Outlands)
Co-ordinates: (not required, but helpful)
(For unlawful attack reports) If in a village, was PVP on or off?
(For TP killing reports) Was a no-kill promise made between the two parties?
Screenshots: (Useful for grief reports. If you don’t know how to take or post screenshots, look below)
Brief summary of what happened:
(Please write this in a clear, precise, and calm manner. We are here to help you, not to be yelled at)
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:25:28 PM
It was shazam on the discord at 9:07
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:27:00 PM
Players effected Taco grumble and daypath
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:29:59 PM
I've never done this before but its wrong
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: Yvette on 6 April 2021, 07:30:33 PM
It was deleted and he apologised. I'm not interested in pursuing it further unless we're also going to start punishing all the other gross people who say sexual shit with kids online.
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:31:34 PM
Ok :/ whatever he did actually post just a straight naked guy though
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 07:44:36 PM
And they say shit not post porn but apparently posting porn's allowed so why not
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: Airbongo on 6 April 2021, 08:29:47 PM
We should make a rule that bans posting porn into global chat tbh. We got pretty young kids on VC and I don't want them clicking that shit.
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: SIR_ROBOT_22 on 6 April 2021, 08:38:03 PM
Yeah air its my main problem that we have underaged people on the server and posting shit like what shazam posted is ok
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: OctoGamer on 7 April 2021, 03:14:11 AM
We should make a rule that bans posting porn into global chat tbh. We got pretty young kids on VC and I don't want them clicking that shit.
Could easily be argued this could fit right in with the harrasment rewording/rework we just recently did.
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: Naomi on 7 April 2021, 09:10:52 AM
It does sort of fit in with that so perhaps a specific reword so that there isn't any gray areas in regards to sending explicit images
Title: Re: Shazam posting inappropriate stuff with underage kids online
Post by: OctoGamer on 15 April 2021, 07:28:07 PM
Due to the shaz aspect of inappropriate images being taken care of that day, I'm going to lock this specific report. If people seriously wish to continue talks about censorship/punishing porn in chat. A new discussion not under reports is probably the best spot.

Topic Locked.