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Topics - SouthsideNewts

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Redstone Construct Shop: Coming Soon!
« on: 20 August 2012, 03:32:33 AM »
I am currently working on some displays, and will be opening a business selling redstone constructions

$750      1) Seamless 1x2 Door
$1.5k     2) Flush Mount 1x2 Door
$1k        3) Seamless 2x2 Door
$2.5k     4) Flush Mount 2x2 Door
$1.5k     5) Seamless 2x3 Door
$3.5k     6) Flush Mount 2x3 Door
$5k        7) Seamless 3x3 Door
Hidden Staircases

I might offer 4x4 and 5x5 doors, but until i get the hang of the new piston timings, those are not available.

Prices will be posted within the next week, as well as several displays that will be available for public viewing.

Special Requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

Other Structures MIGHT include:
1) Obsidian Generators
2) Automated Cobble Generators
3) Tiered Wheat farms
4) Monster Spawners
Much more to come!

Keep on coming back here for more info as the shop is set up!

Reports & Grievances / account hacked? plz ban acct from server
« on: 19 August 2012, 11:27:29 PM »
my acct that i have been using seems to have been hacked.
please ban the account from the server so that whoever is logged in does not do too much damage.

if you check ip logs, you can tell that some new ip is using my acct.

i will try to get my friend to change his acct info, but id rather that whatever dmg happens be limited

General Discussion / Showcase Probs
« on: 19 August 2012, 01:40:44 AM »
I have been having problems with my showcases as of today.
when adding stone to a showcase, the entire inventory basically disappeared, and once i was able to prove that i had just made the stone, cj gave me the stone right back into my inv.

however, the problems still seem to continue.

as shown in this video, as i try to record my failures with modifying my showcases, inventory just seems to disappear or not show at all.

I dont want to cause too many problems, but i cannot run my shop with inventory just simply disappearing, or becoming impossible to restock.

At the very least, I would like my showcases emptied into chests or something where i know that it wont disappear, as when i try to remove stacks, the whole showcase can empty as shown with the jungle planks.

Is there any record of what was in my showcases that can be accessed? Or do i need to just give up on making a simple shop, as they are simply unmanageable?

Im gunna stop touching my showcases, as it seems like doing anything to them is a bad idea, and i hope i can get some help with the issue

Reports & Grievances / Dogs killed in qualia
« on: 12 August 2012, 12:06:09 PM »
i was in Qualia with my dogs, and Cileklim decided it would be a good idea to hit one of my dogs.
as a result, they all started to attack him, as dogs tend to do.
he then went and killed off all 10 of the dogs i had around me.
is there any policy on killing others dogs, and how should i act in the future if such an incident occurs?
i have a screenshot of him admitting that he hit the dogs, but he claims it was in self defense. (the forum wont let me upload the screenshot saying the folder is full)
but since we were in Qualia, it had to be him that started the whole problem.
Is there any way i can ask for a reimbursement for training my dogs, and breeding, or do i just have to live with the loss?
i understand in a way his side of the story, so this is more of a game policy question then a grievance.

my underground village was griefed. farm partially destroyed, house broken into, enchant table stolen, and a bed stolen.

here are the log screenshots of the logblock.

Reports & Grievances / Whats do i do if ive been griefed?
« on: 26 July 2012, 03:25:34 AM »
basically, i built a way-station, spent a few hours making it nice, only to come to it with the door removed, most of my windows broken, the basement opened to the ocean, and a redstone lamp missing as well.

this is after my lamps wiring was removed twice before by an unknown player.

the house is located at Stricken From Record

is there any way i can tell who did it, and if there is any point in making proper repairs on it?

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