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Topics - Tehroach

Pages: [1]
Reports & Grievances / Millionaurefor being a Douch
« on: 18 August 2013, 08:09:12 AM »
Accused player(s): Millionaurefor
Player(s) effected: Tehroach
Time occurred: Yesterday
Location: Bokington

Screenshots: I have many very extensive

Brief summary of what happened: Millionaurefor has placed stone blocks randomly every where :(

Reports & Grievances / Cought in the Act
« on: 1 July 2013, 06:54:02 AM »
Accused player(s): l0ckster
Player(s) effected: Unknown
Time occurred: 6:30 pm (+8GMT)
Location: Unknown
Co-ordinates: -1304:66:6474 and surrounding areas

Brief summary of what happened:
Noticed a silly comment from l0ckster, "GRIEF SPREE" 2x
then Bomber got a TPA from l0ckster and Bomber TPA me to him

I don't know who owns this village and if it is l0ckster disregard this.
but if it is not l0ckster's and I am pretty sure it isn't, here are some screenies of him red handed!


when I noticed him advertising what he was about to do.

A path that he attacked, must be old cause LB didn't tell me who laid it!

We tried to kill him, to make him stop, But PVP was disabled.

I have about 5 more screenies with him in the act, if you want them.

Any way just thought I would bring this to your attention.


The Roach

General Discussion / Enchanted Books
« on: 1 July 2013, 01:34:37 AM »
I am thinking of opening a shop in Bokington that sells enchanted books, because I don't know how many times people have asked me if I have any!

but have no idea what they are really worth!

How much would you pay for enchanted books?

Effect                              1           2           3          4
Aqua Affinity               $           $           $           $
Bane of Arthropods    $           $           $           $
Blast Protection          $           $           $           $
Efficiency                    $           $           $           $
Feather Falling           $           $           $           $
Fire Aspect                 $           $           $           $
Fire Protection            $           $           $           $
Fortune                      $           $           $           $
Knockback                  $           $           $           $
Looting                       $           $           $           $
Power                         $           $           $           $
Projectile Protection   $           $           $           $
Protection                   $           $           $           $
Respiration                 $           $           $           $
Silk Touch                   $           $           $           $
Sharpness                  $           $           $           $
Smite                          $           $           $           $
Thorns                        $           $           $           $
Unbreaking                 $           $           $           $


The Roach

Once again someone has killed all the animals in my sheep paddocks and my chook pens.

Now I don't care about their replacement (although it would help), I can do that myself, it is annoying but who cares.

The issue that I would like to raze here is the need for a logging mod that tracks animal deaths.

Cause I am not talking about a few animal deaths (hell I encourage players to kill a few of my animals as part of farming practices and breeding programs).
I am talking about quite literally hundreds of animals.
Someone walking through and killing animals for a few minutes or more, this is definitely a deliberate act, there can be no by accident on this.
I know that it was not a chunk despawn because there were XP orbs everywhere.

These sorts of people are the definition of Douche and I would just like to see them banned!


The Roach

Reports & Grievances / Could I please have my mobspawner back?
« on: 23 June 2013, 10:09:29 PM »
Accused player(s): Sparkzfly100
Player(s) effected: tehroach
Time occurred: 05-08 13:01:25
Location: Bokington
Co-ordinates: 660:17:7508

Brief summary of what happened:
It is a term of agreement to join my village that mob spawners are not destroyed, Sparkzfly100 for some reason has gone on a mob spawner killing spree,
I had screenshots of two other occurrences (but due to my own stupidity deleted them) I have put out a bounty for people to find them for me and Octogamer found this one.

can this please be rolled back?



The Roach

General Discussion / Want lots of $$$
« on: 22 June 2013, 07:45:21 PM »
Sparkesfly100 recently destroyed two mobspawners under my village of Bokington.
I had screen shots of this Grieve (as this is one of the terms and conditions to join my village),
but somehow managed to lose them :(

I will pay $25K to anyone that can find and screenshot (with sponge info) these two locations.
They are in the caves under Bokington and are accessible without digging (Mossy, I know this because I have been there before).
It is a real good maze down there, unfortunately I keep getting lost.
this challenge is available to anyone.

I will pay a further $25K for each spawner that gets rolled back and isn't a spider spawner :)

Good luck

Reports & Grievances / WaldoVorster the GOLD thief
« on: 5 June 2013, 11:36:17 AM »
Accused player(s): WaldoVorster
Player(s) effected: tehroach
Time occurred: 6:45pm West Australia time (+8GMT)
Location: Bokington
Co-ordinates: 717:69:7537 and surrounding area

I have only included 1 screenshot as the other 139 are almost exactly the same
Brief summary of what happened: WaldoVorster has removed 140 Gold Blocks from the Bokington gold reserve and sold them.

Reports & Grievances / Does log block, log animal deaths?
« on: 21 May 2013, 11:09:39 PM »
HI I hope I have put this in the right place.

because I am not going to accuse any one.

But someone has killed all my coloured sheep and sexy cows, this is not the first time this has happened.
but it is starting to piss me off as it takes considerable amount of time to breed them again.

Sorry I don't have any screenshots, but I am pretty sure I could get some witnesses that have seen them alive.

I just would like to know if there is any way of finding out who definitely did this, as I have my suspicions but no hard proof.



The Roach

General Discussion / Zombie Apocalypse, doesn't have enough Zombies
« on: 19 April 2013, 01:32:07 AM »
I really like the ZA Mod, killing waves of zombies is kind of fun, and I have built a few houses in my village for this purpose.
But I am starting to get sick of the message at dawn that says "You have been overrun by Zombies" (or something along those lines) when there is not a single Zombie to be seen or found and I have been searching for the last 6 hours(game time) looking for them.

Is there any way that you can make more spawn as you kill them?


General Discussion / VIP status
« on: 9 March 2013, 12:55:38 AM »
How long does it take after I donate to get my VIP status?

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