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Messages - Tehroach

Pages: 1 [2]
Reports & Grievances / Re: WaldoVorster the GOLD thief
« on: 5 June 2013, 10:13:28 PM »
Thanks for that!
Good old dog doing what they do best :)

Reports & Grievances / Re: WaldoVorster the GOLD thief
« on: 5 June 2013, 12:52:16 PM »
Sorry to be a pain but he must have done it, in two separate incidents there is still a full row of 50 blocks missing. I also miss calculated before, there were 150 blocks missing not just 140 sorry.


Reports & Grievances / Re: WaldoVorster the GOLD thief
« on: 5 June 2013, 12:41:36 PM »
Thankyou, can you also remove his private signs and shops from Bokington?

Thankyou for being so quick, I didn't expect this to be dealt with so fast and efficiently :)

Reports & Grievances / WaldoVorster the GOLD thief
« on: 5 June 2013, 11:36:17 AM »
Accused player(s): WaldoVorster
Player(s) effected: tehroach
Time occurred: 6:45pm West Australia time (+8GMT)
Location: Bokington
Co-ordinates: 717:69:7537 and surrounding area

I have only included 1 screenshot as the other 139 are almost exactly the same
Brief summary of what happened: WaldoVorster has removed 140 Gold Blocks from the Bokington gold reserve and sold them.

Reports & Grievances / Re: Does log block, log animal deaths?
« on: 22 May 2013, 01:29:30 AM »
Unfortunately Logblock doesn't log animal deaths. I am a cool nigga though and I will refund your animals. Remind me when you see me online.

thankyou, this will really save me some time as last time it took me a few hours of real time to replenish them.

Reports & Grievances / Re: Does log block, log animal deaths?
« on: 22 May 2013, 01:28:16 AM »
Logblock does not log animal deaths.
Also, animal deaths are hard to prove, as they do de-spawn.

Yer I was told about the de-spawning animals last time that is why I have not reported it before,
but I hid some animals underground, just incase it was the chunk despawning them, but they are still there only the animals above ground are gone.

Reports & Grievances / Does log block, log animal deaths?
« on: 21 May 2013, 11:09:39 PM »
HI I hope I have put this in the right place.

because I am not going to accuse any one.

But someone has killed all my coloured sheep and sexy cows, this is not the first time this has happened.
but it is starting to piss me off as it takes considerable amount of time to breed them again.

Sorry I don't have any screenshots, but I am pretty sure I could get some witnesses that have seen them alive.

I just would like to know if there is any way of finding out who definitely did this, as I have my suspicions but no hard proof.



The Roach

OMG! NO!!!!!!!!! :( I was playing for 5 hours straight on Thursday.

I suppose it is far far better than losing 2 months, but why that day.

Who would it be best to talk to about getting some of the stuff I bought from the Qualia shops.

General Discussion / Re: My safe house
« on: 23 April 2013, 08:19:47 AM »
Please make a treasure map, else this task will be no fun! :)

She lost it, she can't make a map to it or she wouldn't be asking for help XD

Yer, thats why I said treasure map!
I agree if she had a map, then it wouldn't be lost.

I meant something like go to village ?, head ? for X days, find the Y, turn ? etc.

General Discussion / Re: My safe house
« on: 20 April 2013, 10:07:54 PM »
Please make a treasure map, else this task will be no fun! :)

General Discussion / Re: Charleston Plantation - For Sale
« on: 20 April 2013, 12:28:45 AM »
I calked it first!!!  It's mine (Cat hiss)

lol, I will Triple whatever Millionaurefor can pay!
So is sixty bucks good for you?

Sweet, can't wait for the update and waves of Zombies :)

General Discussion / Zombie Apocalypse, doesn't have enough Zombies
« on: 19 April 2013, 01:32:07 AM »
I really like the ZA Mod, killing waves of zombies is kind of fun, and I have built a few houses in my village for this purpose.
But I am starting to get sick of the message at dawn that says "You have been overrun by Zombies" (or something along those lines) when there is not a single Zombie to be seen or found and I have been searching for the last 6 hours(game time) looking for them.

Is there any way that you can make more spawn as you kill them?


I would definitely vote YES.
Keep the parts people want and regen the rest, who cares if it look natural, most of the parts of the nether that I have been to has been raped and is far from looking natural anyway.

General Discussion / Re: GODS Update - New Gods!
« on: 7 April 2013, 12:28:42 AM »
But isn't that what MC is all about?
Diggin stuff up :)

General Discussion / Re: Showcase
« on: 7 April 2013, 12:22:00 AM »
Can I get a Warp to my boat?

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Moving pictures
« on: 6 April 2013, 12:08:03 AM »
Don't you find these thing funny at first, then boring after a while and lastly just plane annoying after you just repeatedly see them!
In the end they just get in the way of the info in the post you are trying to read!

ING: tehroach
Village: Bokington


General Discussion / Re: Charity
« on: 9 March 2013, 01:15:47 AM »
Call it "Australia" if you want it to be an "Indonesian charity" :)

General Discussion / Re: Drug Plugin
« on: 9 March 2013, 01:09:34 AM »
Oh cool,

is there any particular effect from each substance or is it just random?

General Discussion / VIP status
« on: 9 March 2013, 12:55:38 AM »
How long does it take after I donate to get my VIP status?

General Discussion / Re: Drug Plugin
« on: 9 March 2013, 12:50:48 AM »
Umm! can I ask why you have put this plugin in?

Is there any up side for doing them?

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