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Messages - cayrat

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General Discussion / Re: Village Craft Christmas
« on: 28 November 2012, 05:22:43 PM »
we should make a giant christmas tree and may the star ontop be a wither star so we better sell wither stars at walmart prices so every village can have a christmas tree we could decorate everything too

Or you could go out and wither farm like the rest of us hard-working, lower-class citizens

Eww lower class

Air, I thought you were lower class....

General Discussion / Re: Village Craft Christmas
« on: 27 November 2012, 04:46:41 PM »
Well its that time of the year, XMAS...
I think we should note down Ideas of what we could do in this fine server for christmas
Like make it always snowing, or a huge christmas tree
These are not real suggestions from me
I feel if where going out with a bang,
Make it a boner Woops wrong line, Make it a party popper
Ok fuck this shit

Lets make this a good christmas even cj will enjoy
Who agrees?

Also make nice suggestions for christmas stuff:

One of the suggestions I have made to ako that he said he would implement was Turning qualia to a winter biome when it is officially christmas

Let me congratulate you on this fabulous idea in my native tongue.

* Runek clears his throat.

Good idea, eh.

I agree.

Rune, at least you have a native tongue.......

General Discussion / Re: The Last Days are near
« on: 19 November 2012, 05:05:53 PM »
I don't get it
Am I missing something?

Not at all. Ako wanted to see his dilapidated village with the Last Days texture pack. I decided to download the pack and show it to him.

It's mine too, slut

Mexicans don't own things. Gosh, you of all people should know this.

What about the cartel leaders? Fuckers own a lot of shit. : D

I am sure that air is a Drug Lord or Cartel Leader!

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 04:48:26 PM »

You did not ask for a waffle, am I to read your mind or something?

Yes. Is that too much to ask for?

Yes Ako. It is too much to ask for.



Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 03:51:08 PM »

You did not ask for a waffle, am I to read your mind or something? You can have one next time I get some.

Good lord, woman. I was RIGHT THERE. Would it have killed you to offer?

Kids these days..

It could had killed me, but we don't know.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 03:16:50 PM »

I have her scheduled for some behaviour modification this afternoon. Your sandwich woes will soon be over.


Thanks Kovos. No really, thanks....

You should thank him for caring for your well-being. Sandwiches aren't made with facepalms and bad attitude, you know.


I meant to teach her this very point this morning.

Alas, we slept in. She didn't even share her waffles.  >:( There will be much behavior modification this afternoon.

You did not ask for a waffle, am I to read your mind or something? You can have one next time I get some.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 03:03:42 PM »

I have her scheduled for some behaviour modification this afternoon. Your sandwich woes will soon be over.


Thanks Kovos. No really, thanks....

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 02:47:06 PM »

Where the heck is my sammich???? DANG IT, CAY! This is the last time I am telling you!

It's okay.

I have her scheduled for some behaviour modification this afternoon. Your sandwich woes will soon be over.

Great..... *Facepalms again*

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 02:36:28 PM »
*Facepalms and walks away*

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 02:33:43 PM »

Kitchen. Now.


*Storms off to the kitchen*

*Calls after Cay*

Don't forget the onions this time!

*Returns with Rune and witch's sandwiches*

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 02:25:38 PM »
Back when I was a kid eating dinner at my friend's house, his mom used to say that typical mom line if he didn't finish his dinner, "there are starving kids in Africa who would love to eat that!"

I used to jokingly imagine shovelling the nasty remnants of our plates into an envelope, flying it to "Africa" and dropping it out of a plane for the townsfolk to cheer as they now had nourishment. Africa was saved.

I don't know. Most of the starving kids here are picky beggars. They don't understand the old adage "Beggars can't be choosers".

I say we ship all the food we don't want to Witch so he can hand it out to the children there.

Worthy cause.

I'll get Cay right on it~

Huh? Shipping food?  ???
Can't we just keep it and eat it later, or save it for the people whom eat four or more meals a day.

Kitchen. Now.


*Storms off to the kitchen*

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: END WARLD HONGER
« on: 10 November 2012, 02:19:07 PM »
Back when I was a kid eating dinner at my friend's house, his mom used to say that typical mom line if he didn't finish his dinner, "there are starving kids in Africa who would love to eat that!"

I used to jokingly imagine shovelling the nasty remnants of our plates into an envelope, flying it to "Africa" and dropping it out of a plane for the townsfolk to cheer as they now had nourishment. Africa was saved.

I don't know. Most of the starving kids here are picky beggars. They don't understand the old adage "Beggars can't be choosers".

I say we ship all the food we don't want to Witch so he can hand it out to the children there.

Worthy cause.

I'll get Cay right on it~

Huh? Shipping food?  ???
Can't we just keep it and eat it later, or save it for the people whom eat four or more meals a day.

General Discussion / Re: VOTE for your Player Representative
« on: 9 November 2012, 03:07:47 PM »
Kovos, *new* Doc, I swear you two are campaign buddies.

General Discussion / Re: Public Representative Nominations
« on: 7 November 2012, 06:42:32 PM »
I am so very flattered that you all think I am fit for the position of PR. I truly had no idea that I was in such good standing with the VC community; I am so honored.

Well, to be honest, Ako hates you.. But he's Canadian, so who gives a rats' ass?  :D

I think you're a natural choice. You're intelligent, level headed, and I think you have the ability to view problems from several different angles.

I didnt think ako really hated kovos. Oh well, guess that makes him even better for the job then!  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Public Representative Nominations
« on: 7 November 2012, 05:58:49 PM »
I was gonna nominate Kovos but now I guess I'll nominate my mom.

I think half a dozen people were going to nominate Kovos before Air whipped in and STOLE THE FREAKING THUNDER.


Sure you were air.

General Discussion / Re: aida read this
« on: 6 November 2012, 06:00:53 PM »
Rune, have you been to France? They are all like,

I have not been to France. But even the 'French' French hate the Quebecois.  :P

I am left laughing. Good job rune, and thanks for the enlightenment. ;)

General Discussion / Re: aida read this
« on: 6 November 2012, 05:51:01 PM »
Rune, have you been to France? They are all like,

General Discussion / Re: aida read this
« on: 6 November 2012, 05:33:10 PM »
Is that why cattys a bitch? because hes english?

No knite. Most English people are nice. I think catty has some French in him.

yo necesito mucho videojuegos por favor, huehuehue.
airborne madres es mi puta, me gustan mucho tus madre.
1 fing i hat abut vilage crafht iz dat non of da modarators r nace. day al yel at me an i dont leik it.

omg so truuuuuuu. dey hav gotta b da wurst ppl i hav eva met on mc.
hey can i be op?
i fink u haev to ask akermind abut dat. u shuld problaly sand hem many masages. he wil c it fastar

i 4sked Ackerman bout dat je seid too mee u kan havz op bot dotn doo badz stof

I see Spanish and something else. Someone, please translate it.

General Discussion / Re: Steam Giveaway
« on: 3 October 2012, 12:11:28 AM »

what else would I use?  :3

General Discussion / Re: Should The Server Have A New Plugin?
« on: 5 September 2012, 07:11:56 PM »
Tob, we had to get rid of McMMO because it was causing lag and had lots of errors. So I think I speak for quite a few people when I say no, sorry.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Ako's Motorcycle
« on: 25 August 2012, 08:08:26 PM »
Wait a sec, who is that little girl?

Off-Topic Discussion / Those funny kids
« on: 25 August 2012, 03:47:26 AM »
Islid repeating himself to someone who can not understand rules.

I found this gif. I just had to share.
Feel free to share other ones.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: EPeen
« on: 24 August 2012, 06:50:20 PM »
OMG. I only get about 20 FPS...  :(

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Machines
« on: 24 August 2012, 07:50:13 AM »

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: i am not high
« on: 24 August 2012, 07:47:57 AM »
I am so high.

This is better. I think it is any ways. You sounded tripper then then a elf on coke.

General Discussion / Re: NOTICE: Removal of MCMMO
« on: 22 August 2012, 10:20:34 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Special Thanks To All Mods
« on: 21 August 2012, 02:24:22 PM »
Additional thanks to Lady Luck 'aka' cayrat for being there when there weren't any OP's online.

U rock!

You're welcome. And thanks for playing.

28 beat cay by one

I'm just happy I beat CJ  by 2

General Discussion / Re: Server down(?)
« on: 21 August 2012, 01:08:12 PM »
Looks down to me.

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