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Messages - cayrat

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Underrated Bands
« on: 18 July 2012, 06:23:09 AM »
I agree with ako, you can't go wrong with Godzilla. 8)

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Steam Buddies (Also the ship)
« on: 17 July 2012, 07:56:39 PM »

You two are hilariously adorable together, lol.

All I can say to that is. /facepalm

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Steam Buddies (Also the ship)
« on: 17 July 2012, 08:18:02 AM »

Why do you think I added the word "funny"?  :D  I am a very lovable person. ;D

Is that what you call it?  ;)

All I can seem to do right is facepalm. Then again, yesterday I jabbed my eye with my thumb.  :)

I'm causing physical pain with me not even being there?!?!? Wow, I'm getting good!

You are good. Keep up the great work and you might get a promotion.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Steam Buddies (Also the ship)
« on: 17 July 2012, 07:22:23 AM »

Why do you think I added the word "funny"?  :D  I am a very lovable person. ;D

Is that what you call it?  ;)

All I can seem to do right is facepalm. Then again, yesterday I jabbed my eye with my thumb.  :)

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Steam Buddies (Also the ship)
« on: 16 July 2012, 07:11:33 PM »
I was being original.
Username: cayrat

I'm hunting you all down and friending you on Steam. >:D


Hrmm, Should I accept this invite from this random "Cayrat" Person.
Maybe I'll just ignore it.

Just ignore it. It's apparently spam.

Sound like a plan, geez all this spam. ;-)

You people can be so mean at times. It is funny, truly funny.

Lol, we joke. Lighten up cayrat; you know everyone loves you  :P

Why do you think I added the word "funny"?  :D  I am a very lovable person. ;D

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Steam Buddies (Also the ship)
« on: 16 July 2012, 07:35:57 AM »
I was being original.
Username: cayrat

I'm hunting you all down and friending you on Steam. >:D


Hrmm, Should I accept this invite from this random "Cayrat" Person.
Maybe I'll just ignore it.

Just ignore it. It's apparently spam.

Sound like a plan, geez all this spam. ;-)

You people can be so mean at times. It is funny, truly funny.

Why couldn't this happen when I have my sleep on track?  :'(

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Steam Buddies (Also the ship)
« on: 15 July 2012, 05:42:40 AM »
I was being original.
Username: cayrat

I'm hunting you all down and friending you on Steam. >:D


General Discussion / Re: THE WAR
« on: 9 July 2012, 02:24:13 AM »
I may suck at PvP but this sounds like a great idea. ;D Can't wait!

General Discussion / Re: What cayrat looks like
« on: 9 July 2012, 01:18:25 AM »
Yeah, I am really mad at you still. Future tip: Do NOT get on any girl's badside. You may NEVER get off it.

General Discussion / Re: Bl4ck Is A...?
« on: 8 July 2012, 11:46:32 PM »
You forgot two things.


Jackass because all jacks are either awesome or badass. This one is a badass, an awesome one at that.

Badass :D

General Discussion / Re: Been Gone...
« on: 7 April 2012, 08:48:41 PM »
Happy to hear you are better!

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Plug-in Suggestion~
« on: 5 April 2012, 05:26:04 PM »
Yeah this would great, considering the fact I do not usually exp farm. So when I get a good enchantment I do not like to use it unless I need to. Another good plug-in might be EnchantView. Here is its page

It lets you see the enchantments you are putting on whatever you are enchanting.

General Discussion / Re: ***The Dark Kingdom***
« on: 7 March 2012, 03:32:15 PM »
Well I can still help anyways. ;)

General Discussion / Re: ***The Dark Kingdom***
« on: 7 March 2012, 12:15:25 PM »
I will help with basically anything, from running something or helping with some touch-ups. So count me in, or am i helping with this already..... or is that something else? Oh well, i'm here if you need anything. :)

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