[Wall Of Extremly Usefull Text]
Sorry for replying so late, I've put off replying because I thought this needed an honest good reply, also one typed out on a keyboard and not an autocorrected mess, still on an iphone but with a keyboard at least! Anyway I have been thinking alot about streaming in the summer and I have come up with multiple ways to improve the quality of entertainment.
First : Running commentary is difficult and I understand that, and that is why I tried to encourage my friends to be doing the streams with me, one of them is
@killermango135 and he agreed to help me with multiple things (well he helps me with alot of things in real life, that is what best friends are for right? We are good friends, anyway). I decided to plan a rough schedule and I started it a few days ago (planning what games and such) I hope to get it done by the end of next week or so. Having it organised will help me to focus a bit more and I will in most cases have a friend by my side because they will know when and where to find me.
Secondly : Music, I did my homework and I found some pretty sweet tunes, Outertone (they are on YT look them up) and they only ask you to provide the link to their YT channel if you use their music for streaming or YT videos so that is 90% sorted, just gotta get in contact with them to verify it. Monster cat have amazing music but they are a alot harder to get permission from, maybe in the future.
Equipment : I gathered all the equipment I wanted and needed so that is good to go.
Background : Yeh it can be embarrassing to have something personal in there but I got that sorted. As some well know I am quite well off, so I went out and bought some acoustic foam and had them installed by the people that built the house (they are good friends and they did an excelent job) so now its just a red background. Might change it to green if it gets too irritating (red tends to agitate people and such, maybe green is the way).
Also if you are actually planninng to do this you are welcome to join me in the struggle. Maybe we can collaborate together and get something going! Best of luck and thank you for that gloriuous wall of text. This was actually pleasant to read. Oh and also sorry about this wall.
Edit : My twitch is the same as my name so its
twitch.tv/thepandawonder also forgot to mention you