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Messages - Bpxz

Pages: [1]
Okay, for around 4 days now, my SetHome resets to my last village and my money resets to 705 dollars. Every day, or sometimes even twice a day.

Its extremely annoying as once i had over 3700 dollars and then it just resets to 705

As you can imagine, its really bugging me.

If any mods+ can help.. please do

Jarod and Sir_Logic are having the same problem as me

General Discussion / Re: Home Teleportation Problems..
« on: 29 August 2012, 06:46:59 PM »
still a problem for me...

General Discussion / Home Teleportation Problems..
« on: 28 August 2012, 08:23:22 PM »
Okay, Recently i've moved villages which means i need to change my "SetHome" location.
Recently since i've changed it, it's been acting up. Every.. lets say 4 hours it resets to the location i had in the old village. It's been doing it for 2-3 Days and its incredibley annoying..
I spoke to the Moderator "CayRat" and she directed me here.

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