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Messages - Arize_Nation

Pages: [1]
Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: HELP! IM MUTED
« on: 10 September 2013, 08:14:19 AM »
well ill be on at 4:00 cali time

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: HELP! IM MUTED
« on: 9 September 2013, 10:30:20 AM »
my in-game name is Arize_Nation.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / HELP! IM MUTED
« on: 8 September 2013, 11:39:48 PM »
PLEASE!!! im muted ive been muted for 1 1/2 years now and I would like to be un-muted ill never do anything bad again... PLEASE!!!

General Discussion / owner please see this!
« on: 29 November 2012, 10:00:00 PM »
cjm has done mean things and i have been only defending myself from the lies and mean things he does. do you really expect people to play on the server if they are always banned muted and provolked? WELL I'M NOT PUTTING UP WITH IT! im not going to play this server and im going to tell my freinds its a TERRIBLE server because of staff. cjm just tries to get proof of me doing random stuff to get me mad and make others hate me. (mostly microsoft word)
also he locks the page or whatever so noone else can post. alot of other people report him for being mean too. (so im NOT the only one)
and he has enlarged my temp bann so i cannot go back on the server. DO YOU SERIUSLY EXPECT PEOPLE TO GO ON IF THEY ARE BANNED?!!!!!
now if i see cjm im going to keep reporting him, so dont think about it cj! im not stopping until he is respectful makes me able to interact with blocks and is ranked to guest or perm banned!!!!  >:(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Staff Arent Very Nice
« on: 23 November 2012, 11:35:37 PM »
CJ if i see you lie on this page then ima keep reporting you.  >:(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Staff Arent Very Nice
« on: 23 November 2012, 11:33:56 PM »
Staff keep on being me and just do because they can. If they keep doing this then i will NEVER donate.
I mean seriusly! They mute bann and change my /nick for no reason! All they do is boss people around
Its just a freakin' game and they make it a terrible! How can i like the server if all the staff do is be mean and punish me for no reason?!
Its not very smart to actually keep these guys at their rank. I they were ranked down they probably wouldnt do that stuff because they wouldnt have permission. I dont understand how you staff expect people to actually go on this server?!
Honestly if I were the owner and saw this message i would rank them all down or perm bann them.
If they stay, well i guess you can say goodbye to a donater.


General Discussion / Re: cj should be ranked down
« on: 23 November 2012, 11:13:13 PM »
1. i never said that crap
2. i said i didnt want you talking on this page
3. stop posting things from microsoft word ok

General Discussion / Re: cj should be ranked down
« on: 23 November 2012, 08:34:27 PM »
Reply if you feel the same. Also I DO NOT want to see cj on this page because he'll lie and say im a liar.

General Discussion / cj should be ranked down
« on: 23 November 2012, 08:27:34 PM »
Cj has been reported by several people and me too. Cj is abusing the power of being a super-admin and banning/muting people just because he can.
In my opinion, he only payed to be an admin so he can have the rewards, so he should be ranked down.
Of course I could go on forever, but ill end it saying this: Please Rank Him Down

Reports & Grievances / CJ does mean things for no reason
« on: 23 November 2012, 06:50:38 PM »
CJM keeps on muting me for no reason.
someone framed me that i killed the mushroom cows in their town so i say "no i didnt" every time they said something.
about 10 mins into the argument CJ mutes me for 20 mins.
when 10 mins were over he added 10 mins.
finally i said: /nick CJ_mutes_me_for_no_reason.
about 10 secs later the chat says: "your /nick is now ~no".
one that happens i get banned for an hour.
CJ you gotta keep your shit together.

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