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Messages - trailmix151

Pages: [1]
Reports & Grievances / Re: sax killed my dog
« on: 9 January 2013, 07:10:18 PM »
runek has now made him pay compensation.. its all good

Reports & Grievances / Re: sax killed my dog
« on: 9 January 2013, 07:05:32 PM »
further developing: him and others calling me a bitch for reporting him

Reports & Grievances / sax killed my dog
« on: 9 January 2013, 07:01:13 PM »
saxturian teleported to my house and proceeded to kill one of my dogs.. he blames lag and calls me a pussy. i demand 2000 compensation for another dog. this is the THIRD time someone has killed my dogs. i am very angry.

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Player sign-up sheet - Staff will read
« on: 9 January 2013, 06:43:22 PM »
I would like to apply for staff... I have had much admin/mod experience and know my way around this server pretty well. it is my favorite and i wish to contribute more to it than just another player. I do not beg for position in-game. Please consider me.  ~Trail_the_American

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