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Messages - karateboyintn

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You're fine, Jan. No hard feelings, right? I would appreciate if you would come say hi on my server sometime.

Missed a part. Server could be cleaner as in it could look better. The spawn tunnel is nice, but the rest is... blah. It seems like you guys just added a bunch of junk when you got bored and tried to make it work. Honestly doesn't look like a public server, more like a close group of friends' server that they goof off on. But again, you shouldn't listen to me, I'm 14. Cheers, karateboyintn.

I paid $25 to the server, the least you could do is stop by my server and say "hi" or "fuck you" lol. Don't get mad at that statement.

Ako, January was constantly attacking me as I did years ago. If that's civil, I should have never been banned all those years ago (except for spam and xray). For my remark to you, I said that because it seems like you have a temper. When that temper is set off, using my context clues, it would appear you would abuse them. Not saying anything against you. Sorry, sir. However, I would be tickled if you would get on my server and say "hi" or "fuck you" or something along those lines. Nice chat on the server, bud. Great to see I'm still loved. Cheers, karateboyintn.

But seriously, you should get on and say something.

Jan and Ako, I honestly wasn't there to be rude or mean. I was there to talk to you guys. Don't continue to be foolish and unban me, for I will probably, in your minds, be rude and harass your player base. Ida and I had a nice laugh in reviewing our old appeals. We just wanted to see the server as I said. He saw it, then I logged on and saw it. Great little server you got there, but it's not the greatest. Could be a lot cleaner. Not that you should take criticism from a 14 year old seriously, but I'm the age of most of MC's players so I like to think that I have some sense of what they might like. Anyways, Jan, you're really cool and I would've enjoyed a civil conversation but you wouldn't allow that. If you happen to find yourself bored, you're whitelisted on bryan and i's server if you want to check it out @ no.

Ako, don't get too out of hand with your powers.
                                                                                               Love ya, karateboyintn.

p.s. Our server is actually pretty nice. Seriously, check it out

You guys are all fuckers. Now that I know what a real server is, I know playing on yours was a waste of my damn time. JanuaryJones, send me a pic of those fine tits @ (210)551-8338. As for you, ako, you can fuck yourself and your mother. you've fallen for 4 of my appeals. after all of them I began harassing jan's fine ass. As for aircum or whatever his name is, aren't you a fat fuck? or is that chris... or are you the same person. doesn't fucking matter to me. unban my account and you'll feel the wrath of Satan pissing all over your guys' feelings and all of your players.

       "Cheers, karateboyintn"

p.s. Jan is hot

Ban/Punishment Appeals / I was banned
« on: 16 February 2014, 12:57:12 PM »
I was banned a really long time ago for spamming. I know I disrespected you guys multiple times with idabeast99, but that was because we were treated unfairly. However that isn't the point. I wish to be unbanned as I am helping idabeast99 with a series on your fine server. We assure you that we will behave and be nice to other players. This will attract many players as we already have 20 something subscribers. My user is karateboyintn and if you should ever need to reach me my skype is karateboyintn (My real name is Brett Reis) and my email is

      -Cheers, Brett Reis

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Acount-karateboyintn BANNED
« on: 12 February 2013, 10:57:55 PM »
This is another message about me getting unbanned. I was very dedicated to the server and played it non stop. I built a village, Avon, with my friends and had a nice time on your very slendid server. One day me and my friend decided to x-ray. We x-ray'd and then i got banned. During between when I was caught and then banned I said that i was going to hack the server. I am very sorry for doing so and I hope you accept my apology and let me enjoy your wonderful server again. I know it was irresponsible for me to do those things and again, I am very sorry for my actions and words. I hope you can take this into consideration, for i have been missing your server for almost a year I believe......


Ban/Punishment Appeals / Acount-karateboyintn BANNED
« on: 10 February 2013, 11:01:29 PM »
This is a ban appeal because a good while ago I was banned for threatening the server to hack it offline and i'm very sorry, i promise it won't happen again. I enjoy playing the server, and I hope you take this into consideration!


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