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Messages - idabeast99

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Haha, I respect you guys. Mainly cause i had a blast fucking with yall and the players. I love pissing people off online, it's funny. But yall only know me as that, xNinja, Karate and I are pretty chill IRL. Checkout my configuration work and Karate's building work on our server.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Remember me?
« on: 27 April 2015, 08:57:09 AM »
Funny that one group of hooligans led by me fucked up your whole player base pretty much. You dumbasses let me talk yall into unbanning me like 10 times. lol.
and staff, yall are shit at making a configuring a server. Jan, i ate yours and ya gma's clit for breakfeast. Ako, you're cool, just wierd af. And a dumbass.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Remember me?
« on: 26 April 2015, 11:17:51 PM »
What is yalls opinions on me? any VC vets here that remember me?

Reports & Grievances / Thanks all, one more thing i need to ask.
« on: 2 December 2013, 09:35:04 PM »
I'd like to start by thanking the staff for allowing me to return. I promise it'l be better. However i need a quick explanation. My village owned by me and xninjaxunicornx called "Avon" is no longer in my ownership, and the items in it are owned by me, which i'm sure whoever owns it now has taken them. Maybe since i was gone so long it was given to someone else, but i'd like to propose it to be back in my hands of ownership. If that's reasonable, or a refund for the cost of the village. Thanks for all again.


Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 1 December 2013, 09:06:14 PM »
I'm curious, when would i be unbanned.... if i am going to still be.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 1 December 2013, 04:08:40 PM »
Thank you very much, i was also IP banned... Just FYI

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 30 November 2013, 08:17:44 PM »
Thanks Airborne for your help, i really appreciate you guys for helping me out here. Thanks

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 30 November 2013, 11:37:34 AM »
Almost all my offenses revolve around me being disrespectful to staff. It's entirely my fault, and i understand that now.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 30 November 2013, 11:35:11 AM »
Buddy, i've already done that. It was awhile after I got banned, i pleaded my case wanting to be unbanned, apologized and was rejected. Which i now see as perfectly reasonable due to how i acted. But, if you wish to hear it again, fine by me.
I was banned countless times on this server, because i didn't have self control when needed and insulted the staff. The main staff i insulted was January, and she knows that. She also knows that when i first joined VC i was a respectable player to the admins, the only time i acted up was when i thought something was unfair done to either me or my friend, i blew up. I apologize for that staff, if you could please give me one final change, i %100 guarantee that i won't mess up. You have my word.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 29 November 2013, 08:11:54 PM »
Die, i never stated that "i've changed" I already know that i have, i stated that since i'm recording and showing my fans a server  i like, it forces me to follow the rules, because it fully effects me if i ruin it.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 29 November 2013, 07:20:29 PM »
+Plus, i'm very experienced with bukkit and configurations, so if there is every a time staff has trouble with that topic, i'll gladly help. Computer's internals also, i know that's off topic, but if your CPU is acting up, i'd gladly help you out.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 29 November 2013, 06:51:48 PM »
Well of course, cheese is cheese. 'Tis fucking amazing

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 29 November 2013, 06:35:25 PM »
If you want to checkout my work, my channel is: CraftedAgony

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Just read, it's a reasonable deal from me
« on: 29 November 2013, 06:16:23 PM »
Hey, i have a deal VillageCraft staff. I know i've been banned forever, but maybe that can be changed. Just maybe if you listen to what i'll offer. I have a youtube channel that has gotten over 26 subscribers in only a weeks span. It will grow to be more. If you were to make a series of playing on your server, it would drive players into your community no doubt. Players that are intrested in what i'm doing. Which will be playing what the server offers. Now, on your concerns, how will i behave? Since i'm recording and showing my views what i do, i'll for sure act mature and appropriate, or it's effect my channel. Please consider this guys, it's a win win for all of us. Thanks for your time.

~ Ida

General Discussion / Hello community.
« on: 24 October 2013, 08:53:38 PM »
So i was reading through PengBunny's ban appeal today to see who all has joined the "banned club." Apparently i've had over 8 offenses on the server. Damn. It's fine i'm banned, i'm more of a faction player now, that pvp gets me going. I'd just like to say Hello to everyone i've upset throughout my time on the server, i was kind of a badass dick if you put it that way. I mean, what two years later and i'm still recognized on the server for being practically the biggest douche? I'd pridefully accept that award. So this is a hello to all those players and staff that have suffered my memorable rain of terror, i miss those old days on that server. The constant adrenaline of being accused of everything i've done only slightly wrong by the whole community. The staff that have had to constantly punish me, and give me 8 chances to many. VC was the first server i had ever played on in minecraft multiplayer, my friend xNinjaxUnicornx showed me it. The partner in the massive upset we brung apon you all. Miss all you old foes that constantly horded me for punishment. It was a nice run, and somehow brought strangely gratifying memories. Thanks all for the experience.

- Idabeast99

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Maybe a return...
« on: 8 September 2013, 06:24:59 PM »
Alright, that's fine. Thank you for viewing this.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Maybe a return...
« on: 8 September 2013, 01:31:27 PM »
Well, hello VillageCraft. I know a lot of people  may be reading this appeal, and most everyone will immediately discard this. But I, Bryan (idabeast99) would like to return to VillageCraft. I was given a chance about a year ago, and quickly blew that... But i can promise you all that that old kid is no longer going to be present. I will actually try to follow the rules as best I can. The peaceful enviorment of VillageCraft is why i want to return. It's an unique server, that you cannot find elsewhere. If maybe you guys could reconsider me, and give me a change for a second look. I'll promise that you won't be disappointed in me.

   Thanks for your time in reading this,

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Permanent Ban
« on: 18 February 2013, 10:07:28 PM »
Thank you airborne (=

General Discussion / Re: Server Lag
« on: 18 February 2013, 10:03:43 PM »
The lag seems to be so bad, no one is on lol. Let us know when you get any info. Thanks for you help and work (=

General Discussion / Server Lag
« on: 18 February 2013, 08:38:55 PM »
How long will the server be this laggy? I am not trying sound winey, and i understand you guys are working on it, id just like to know when id be able to play again?

Reports & Grievances / Tycoon griefed me
« on: 18 February 2013, 02:48:46 PM »
So i went to my home named "end" and this is what i found when i got there

Reports & Grievances / Re: Wanna compromise pengbunny?
« on: 17 February 2013, 05:42:14 PM »
Ok peng you said you want to take the first deal. The deal is i get my enchnted boots, chest, and legging, and my enchanted sword and bow. Deal?

Reports & Grievances / Re: xDoggyStomperx and Pengbunny
« on: 17 February 2013, 05:26:04 PM »
xxbabygirlstar Did you check the loggs?

Reports & Grievances / Re: Wanna compromise pengbunny?
« on: 17 February 2013, 05:23:31 PM »
Umm ya ako specificly said that he can go out early if i want him out. He greifed in MY place

Reports & Grievances / Wanna compromise pengbunny?
« on: 17 February 2013, 03:39:00 PM »
Peng, i will tell ako that im cool with you getting out of jail early, if you return the items that you got from a complete douchey kill. Both to xninja and i, or you could let me use the farm you were talking about whenever i wish to, or you can rot. Just trying to give you some options peng (=

Reports & Grievances / Re: xDOGGYxSTOMPERx
« on: 17 February 2013, 03:14:08 PM »
Gettin' real tired of xDoggy and Peng's shit...

Reports & Grievances / Re: xDoggyStomperx and Pengbunny
« on: 17 February 2013, 03:11:47 PM »
Ok, it was night, about probably like 11:00pm Central time zone 2/16/2013

Its funny how there is two reports of this same exact problem... Coincidence?

Reports & Grievances / Re: xDoggyStomperx and Pengbunny
« on: 17 February 2013, 03:35:10 AM »
Thanks ako, and oh ako, i have a screenshot i sent you in skype of peng shooting arrows at me and that other guy at jail, and killing me. Thats probably allowed, but just informing you (= Thanks for the help ako (=

Reports & Grievances / Re: xDoggyStomperx and Pengbunny
« on: 17 February 2013, 03:28:20 AM »
Staff, just check the loggs if that isnt enough.

Reports & Grievances / Re: xDoggyStomperx and Pengbunny
« on: 17 February 2013, 03:27:49 AM »
Look at where i was killed, and where my home coordinates was (=

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