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Messages - Tehroach

Pages: [1] 2
Reports & Grievances / Millionaurefor being a Douch
« on: 18 August 2013, 08:09:12 AM »
Accused player(s): Millionaurefor
Player(s) effected: Tehroach
Time occurred: Yesterday
Location: Bokington

Screenshots: I have many very extensive

Brief summary of what happened: Millionaurefor has placed stone blocks randomly every where :(

I was trying to figure out how I felt about this for a few days .. decided that I'm a "maybe". I like the idea of being able to communicate, but I'm also wary about  installing more software. If you could see the list of things installed on this computer, you would know why.
What kind of things...... hue

174 Unique Programs (Some are C++ redistros). Some of them are used constantly, others on a need-to-use basis. I've slowly collected them to solve problems since I got this laptop in 2009.

And then files upon files of porn.
Who the hell keeps porn files, lol? Streaming bitch!
many people keep porn files.

Yer I agree with airborne101st45; I can't see the point of keeping porn, that shit is disposable, watch it once, throw it away.
As for Noket between MS SQL Server, MS Visual Studio and MS XNA there is like 2 pages on the uninstall list, these shouldn't really count to your total. :)

General Discussion / Re: EXPgrinder in qualia
« on: 29 July 2013, 02:42:47 AM »
If you would like access to an XP grinder, give me a bell when I am online, I have a few and even have one with a bed next to it, so people can save a home and use it any time.

General Discussion / Re: Ideas for Qualia
« on: 29 July 2013, 02:33:04 AM »
Please don't remove the warp signs as this is currently the only way to get between Qualia and my village.

General Discussion / Re: Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 1 July 2013, 09:47:46 AM »
You couldn't rotate it by 90 degrees clockwise by any chance?

Reports & Grievances / Cought in the Act
« on: 1 July 2013, 06:54:02 AM »
Accused player(s): l0ckster
Player(s) effected: Unknown
Time occurred: 6:30 pm (+8GMT)
Location: Unknown
Co-ordinates: -1304:66:6474 and surrounding areas

Brief summary of what happened:
Noticed a silly comment from l0ckster, "GRIEF SPREE" 2x
then Bomber got a TPA from l0ckster and Bomber TPA me to him

I don't know who owns this village and if it is l0ckster disregard this.
but if it is not l0ckster's and I am pretty sure it isn't, here are some screenies of him red handed!


when I noticed him advertising what he was about to do.

A path that he attacked, must be old cause LB didn't tell me who laid it!

We tried to kill him, to make him stop, But PVP was disabled.

I have about 5 more screenies with him in the act, if you want them.

Any way just thought I would bring this to your attention.


The Roach

General Discussion / Enchanted Books
« on: 1 July 2013, 01:34:37 AM »
I am thinking of opening a shop in Bokington that sells enchanted books, because I don't know how many times people have asked me if I have any!

but have no idea what they are really worth!

How much would you pay for enchanted books?

Effect                              1           2           3          4
Aqua Affinity               $           $           $           $
Bane of Arthropods    $           $           $           $
Blast Protection          $           $           $           $
Efficiency                    $           $           $           $
Feather Falling           $           $           $           $
Fire Aspect                 $           $           $           $
Fire Protection            $           $           $           $
Fortune                      $           $           $           $
Knockback                  $           $           $           $
Looting                       $           $           $           $
Power                         $           $           $           $
Projectile Protection   $           $           $           $
Protection                   $           $           $           $
Respiration                 $           $           $           $
Silk Touch                   $           $           $           $
Sharpness                  $           $           $           $
Smite                          $           $           $           $
Thorns                        $           $           $           $
Unbreaking                 $           $           $           $


The Roach

Ok I have seen one that claims to do all that Core Protect 2.

It might be a good idea to change from log block anyway, as I have heard rumours that there will be no further updates for log block, but are these just rumors  ???

Once again someone has killed all the animals in my sheep paddocks and my chook pens.

Now I don't care about their replacement (although it would help), I can do that myself, it is annoying but who cares.

The issue that I would like to raze here is the need for a logging mod that tracks animal deaths.

Cause I am not talking about a few animal deaths (hell I encourage players to kill a few of my animals as part of farming practices and breeding programs).
I am talking about quite literally hundreds of animals.
Someone walking through and killing animals for a few minutes or more, this is definitely a deliberate act, there can be no by accident on this.
I know that it was not a chunk despawn because there were XP orbs everywhere.

These sorts of people are the definition of Douche and I would just like to see them banned!


The Roach

General Discussion / Re: Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 25 June 2013, 06:26:26 PM »
Don't worry about getting it too perfect.
I can always get one of my slaves, umm workers to fix any imperfections in the land scape. :)

General Discussion / Re: Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 24 June 2013, 04:06:13 AM »
Just plonk it somewhere to the south of the towers, say 60-80 blocks away, whatever will fit best and easiest.

General Discussion / Re: Want lots of $$$
« on: 24 June 2013, 04:03:10 AM »
Thanks to all of you that helped!

This job is now closed!

Reports & Grievances / Re: Could I please have my mobspawner back?
« on: 24 June 2013, 02:17:40 AM »
Thanks Air,
 I will ask next time I see you :)

General Discussion / Re: Want lots of $$$
« on: 23 June 2013, 11:16:05 PM »
RudeRock has found a second $25k for him

at least 1 left

Reports & Grievances / Re: Could I please have my mobspawner back?
« on: 23 June 2013, 11:14:25 PM »
Accused player(s): Sparkzfly100
Player(s) effected: tehroach
Time occurred: 05-08 12:55:17
Location: Bokington
Co-ordinates: 623:18:7581

Reports & Grievances / Re: Could I please have my mobspawner back?
« on: 23 June 2013, 11:11:34 PM »
I know you can't replace them or make new ones.
but cant you do a roll back?

General Discussion / Re: Want lots of $$$
« on: 23 June 2013, 10:14:02 PM »
first reward of $25k goes to Octogamer

Now I don't remember this one, so there is still at least 2 mobspawners to be found :)

Reports & Grievances / Could I please have my mobspawner back?
« on: 23 June 2013, 10:09:29 PM »
Accused player(s): Sparkzfly100
Player(s) effected: tehroach
Time occurred: 05-08 13:01:25
Location: Bokington
Co-ordinates: 660:17:7508

Brief summary of what happened:
It is a term of agreement to join my village that mob spawners are not destroyed, Sparkzfly100 for some reason has gone on a mob spawner killing spree,
I had screenshots of two other occurrences (but due to my own stupidity deleted them) I have put out a bounty for people to find them for me and Octogamer found this one.

can this please be rolled back?



The Roach

General Discussion / Re: xpgrinder troubles, any ideas?
« on: 23 June 2013, 08:45:14 PM »
I don't know how much it will help, but I have a couple of XP grinders in my village and would gladly make one available for public use, you could send these stray cats there if you like :)

General Discussion / Re: Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 23 June 2013, 09:57:59 AM »
Link to how to post pics

Move it, Move it, move it.

General Discussion / Re: Can't login?
« on: 23 June 2013, 02:49:22 AM »
A bit off topic, but when has Die ever stayed on-topic :) lol

General Discussion / Re: VC will be offline for about 3 hours
« on: 22 June 2013, 11:30:41 PM »
Is the server still down?
or is it my end?

General Discussion / Re: Can't login?
« on: 22 June 2013, 10:00:16 PM »

Also, lucky you getting an iMac! I'm saving up for one :P Is it as good as it is advertised to be?

Eww Luis!! Don't get a Mac, man! D:

You are talking to a boy who had 5 blue screens a day for a year, and trying to persuade him to stick with Windows... Both my cousins have macs and whenever I have used them I have always been amazed. It's personal preference I suppose...

How the hell do you get 5 blue screens a day?? D:

I have no idea, all I understood from the error log was windows tried to access a file that was already in use, and so it crashed. I think I narrowed it down to still having an inactivated version of Norton and McAfee installed at the same time...

It was very annoying. I went away for a week on holiday and when I got back it was working fine, strange!

Still...Macs are eww

Yer I am with Air on this! Macs, why? You will pay 2x$$$ for half the power, just because it comes in a pretty box!

First thing I would do is "Fuck off Norton" go with something free, AVG free, Avast or even MSSE.
then Fuck off anything in your add/remove programs that ends with "toolbar".

If problem still persists, swap out the RAM. (in my experience 99% of blue screens on 7 are RAM related)

RAM is the cheapest and IMO the most likely component to fail on your PC (excluding drop damage).
This is not a matter of if it will fail, it is just when it will fail, RAM will FAIL!
The only reason it fails more times on PC's than Mac's is because there are more PC's around (and that CHEAP PC's will usually have CHEAP RAM in them).

These days Mac's are just inappropriately priced, dressed up PC's with slower (notebook) HDD's, RAM and the previous model GPU's.
Mac's are NOT immune to failure!
The true difference between a Mac and a PC is, when a PC fails; you can fix it!
ie the time to fix a RAM issue on a PC - ~5mins (taking my time, using readily available tools)
          time to fix a RAM issue on a Mac - Unknown (Is the RAM a separate component or is it soldered to the Mobo, do you have the special clover leaf screw driver or is it a previous model with different screws, most probably you will have to take it back and wait a few weeks)

IMO if you are going to use computers and you are definitely young enough, just learn how they work :)
a few hours on youtube and you will be a guru on the latest hardware!
get an old HDD, plug it in and set it up as your master HDD and just install Windows.
once it is installed, go through all the settings msconfig, TaskMan, add/remove etc and just take note of the programs that are currently running and installed; these are the only programs that you will need, other than the programs that you want to use, that should ever be installed on your PC.
Once you learn this, anytime your computer starts to slow, just uninstall any program that looks Alien! or ends with "toolbar" and I can guarantee that you will be 99.99999% trouble free 8)

The only thing Apple has over the rest is their ability to market their product, in many cases they can sell an inferior product for more dollars, just because it has the Apple logo on it!
 (I reckon I could find an "Apple fanboy" somewhere willing to buy a turd with the apple logo on it!)

General Discussion / Want lots of $$$
« on: 22 June 2013, 07:45:21 PM »
Sparkesfly100 recently destroyed two mobspawners under my village of Bokington.
I had screen shots of this Grieve (as this is one of the terms and conditions to join my village),
but somehow managed to lose them :(

I will pay $25K to anyone that can find and screenshot (with sponge info) these two locations.
They are in the caves under Bokington and are accessible without digging (Mossy, I know this because I have been there before).
It is a real good maze down there, unfortunately I keep getting lost.
this challenge is available to anyone.

I will pay a further $25K for each spawner that gets rolled back and isn't a spider spawner :)

Good luck

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What are your nationalities?
« on: 10 June 2013, 12:33:04 AM »
Hahahaha lolololol, wow where did this thread come from, right out of the blue thats where!
Well it borderlines on racist and because I hate PC shit, must comment on it before it gets the boot. :)

I am 5th generation Australian on my dads mums side, 2nd gen on my two grandfathers sides and possibly 1000th generation on my mum's mum side.
My mum's dad, spent a lot of his free time tracing his family tree back and they seemed to be like gypsies and there ain't no place in europe, the middle east or northern asia they haven't been.

So what I am saying is say anything racist about any nationality and I am just going to have to up-size ya head! lol

except for American Indians, you can say what you like about them, I don't have any connection to them!

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What do you hate the most?
« on: 10 June 2013, 12:15:25 AM »

I think you are confusing terms, so let me clarify some things:

Theism is the belief in one or more deities.
A deity is a supernatural being/force, and the word "God" is often used in place of the word deity.

Atheism is simply not that. A lack of belief in any deities (gods).
Atheism has nothing more to it than that. An atheist with "their own beliefs" can still be an atheist, just as most Buddhists are.
I don't know what a "true" atheist is, as there is only one type of atheist: one who lacks belief in gods. Period.

Rationalism and reliance on evidence are not requirements of atheism because atheism has no tenets, they are just things that many atheists generally stick to.

Agnosticism is an epistemological philosophy that the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable.

As such, agnosticism and atheism are completely 100% compatible, and need not be separated in every case.
I am an agnostic atheist. I also happen to rely on scientific evidence, which is how I derive my knowledge of the Universe.

If anyone can provide evidence of a god, I welcome you to show me.
I am an atheist towards all gods, so please define the god you wish to prove.

"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."

Ok, I am confusing terms?

An agnostic atheist you say! An agnostic is in an eternal internal debate about the existence of a supreme, being because they believe that it can not be proven either way.
while an atheist simply does not believe, you simply can not exist in these two states at the same time, unless you take the superposition of having schizophrenia.

an agnostic is in a state of "+belief +not believe"
an atheist is in the state of "-belief"

add the two together agnostic + atheist = atheism
therefore the two are 0% compatible, but because you forgot to cancel you get the out by one answer of 100%

Religion = Faith
Faith = belief in something that you yourself have no evidence for.

Buddhists while not believing in a god, are still Buddhists, they don't call themselves Atheist Buddhists, No just simply Buddhists.
Now I am talking about someone that has faith in Buddhism, not just someone that has lost faith in all other faiths and thinks, I might try Buddhism. :)

This is where my debate gets a little hard to follow, but will be impossible to follow if you try to muddy the terms.
but in the end it is right, because I don't have to shift the dictionary meaning of atheism, which was my point in my first post.
The fact people seem to believe that atheism is a belief system, and oppose to the dictionary meaning, opting to want to change the dictionary meaning rather than their understanding.
(this bring me to another pet hate, where people have the key to the easy path, but choose to make things harder because they are lazy, ie what is easier changing your mind or making everyone else change theirs? but so many choose the later because they are too lazy to change theirs! ... PS I am not referring to you personally, it is just easier to think about this in the 1st person perspective)

It is a human nature to believe in something, ie myself referring to M-Theory as a religion, while I try to follow M-Theory as close as I can, the maths in many cases is just too mind blowing for me to follow, so I choose to believe the author, simply because I just don't have the time to rework their full-time career.
Now this is where the twist comes in, even though I might have the same ideas in my mind as the author and the ideas will function the same; will come to the same conclusions etc.
Our ideas differ in their source and therefore, mine become beliefs because I don't have the first hand evidence.

This is how I came to the conclusion, while many people believe the same things as an Atheist, they simply don't have the time, can't or can't be bothered to test these ideas, therefore these ideas become beliefs within their minds, not hard facts.
These beliefs will eventually form a religion of sorts, but as there is no label for this new manifested religion, people following it (most without even knowing they are) refer to it as Atheism and this is the group I was referring too.

as for your last statement above the quote, I am agnostic, the very idea of proving a god goes against my beliefs and ultimately my religion :P

lol lol lol

piece out :)

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What do you hate the most?
« on: 9 June 2013, 10:30:19 AM »
Maybe not a deity as such! but they have their own beliefs, therefore they believe and are not true atheists!
Then people confuse these with true atheists and come to silly conclusions, like atheism is a religion.

A true atheist does not believe, but relies on evidence only.

lol, I would totally support FSM, if it weren't for the fact that my religion is better! hahaha
You do realise what the entire reason for FSM is?
... It is just to prove how retarded other Theists Isms are, in particular Islam and Christianity!

Umm doesn't this technically make me a believer?

lol, I would totally support FSM, if it weren't for the fact that my religion is better! hahaha
You do realise what the entire reason for FSM is?
... It is just to prove how retarded other Theists Isms are, in particular Islam and Christianity!

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What do you hate the most?
« on: 9 June 2013, 01:06:00 AM »
Yer the thing I hate the most is people who try to justify, the concepts outlined in out-dated, debunked bronze age texts.

I must chime in, because I love a heated religious debate and before I begin I will tell you that I am agnostic and believe that M-Theory is a religion.

OK to believe you must be a Theist, as to be an Atheist by its very definition is to be a non-believer!
There is however sections of society that call themselves atheists, but they have a very outlined belief system; this does not highlight the fact that atheist have beliefs, No it highlights the fact that these people have given themselves the wrong label and are in fact Theists themselves, they should define themselves as agnostic as they are not atheists.
Unfortunately in our politically correct world, labels and stereotypes have almost been outlawed and it is "PC Wrong" to label people, even though most people will cling to their labels with their lives!

Oh yer, that is the other thing that I hate, "People that hide behind an idea of politically correctness and just turn out to be hypocrites!"

General Discussion / Re: Looking for Odd Jobs
« on: 7 June 2013, 01:12:10 AM »
I am in need of someone to find a zombie mob spawners in my village, are you interested?

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