General Discussion / Re: Why is Octo Staff?
« on: 15 February 2021, 01:04:50 PM »will say I appreciate the shift in tone here, I may not agree with everything you're saying here but then again I don't feel well versed or directly involved enough on individual sides of the whole thing to judge without a proper discussion, that's more for all those involved to hash out. I just think everyone needs to simmer and get the pitchforks away, remember you did create the post and the replies are a testament to the fact you basically seemed to set it up to attack Octo, or at least how it comes across.We had a pretty long discussion about it on January 28 in the staff discord. Ask the person providing you with your lil admin logs to check it I guess.Ask literally any staff member. They will agree that we had a discussion in the staff chat. I will not be supplying screenshots unless you admit who you got the admin logs from how about that Me and @Akomine had a long discussion about the appeal so if you really want confirmation that it was discussed why don't you ask the owner
Seems like the difference between those two things is that I have evidence to back up my claims, and you do not. I think that those screenshots are vital to this discussion, and would be very appreciative if you or anyone else who has access to them would post them here.
I would love to see the evidence that we didn't talk about it.
Did you guys discuss it on the 28th when the appeal was locked or on the 31st when shen's screenshots are from? I'd like a clear answer on that if possible as well as timestamped screenshots to show that a discussion actually took place. Sorry for being so anal about it, but I'm kind of working in the dark here.
I cant ask the person who gave me the those logs to check the staff discord because they are a non-staff player who doesn't have access to that space, as I've said before.Lol, right? Guess he speaks for the players and for the staff. Pretty funny.
I never claimed to do either of those things, however I do know that there are a large group of players who are not satisfied with Octo's performance or actions. The reason why so many of them are afraid to voice those concerns however, is because you guys leap on every opportunity to tear someone apart whenever they criticize your friend, who very much deserves criticism.
Dallas, I know octo is your friend, but that doesn't mean that he is immune from scrutiny.you aren't wrong gerrit with your statement of having to make this toxic but the way you did it was poorly worded. it gets attention this is for sure but in the end all this post will do is just be seen and then ignored or wrongly criticized. people will see this as an angry toxic post that is just made to throw hate at octo thus you are unlikely to get anywhere with this.
It is unfortunate that I had to make this post this aggressive and this toxic to get anywhere. Sadly, that is what had to be done. Does it suck? Yes. Is it annoying and tiring or everyone involved? Also yes. But I have tried to constructive and gentle in the past criticizing Octo's behavior and the only response I got was that Shen would "give him a slap on the wrist". I wish it didnt come to this point, but this is apparently the only way to get anything legitimately discussed. If anyone wants proof of that, go check shazam's appeal.I think there are alot of actually valid concerns and criticisms here, however the way in which it has been presented pretty much invites an argument rather than discussion.
We are all of different walks of life and have dealt with our own stuff over the years and still are and will in the future. I would encourage a genuine discussion rather than straight up insulting and presenting everything in a super confrontational manner like it aint gonna bring us to a good resolution. Also jumping on the defensive to criticisms isn't overly helpful and will only continue the toxicity but how else do you respond to what feels like a personal attack i guess.
Nothing is black & white, there are multiple sides to every story and the sooner you guys understand that the better, I don't believe anyone here is genuinely a terrible person fyi but that's not to say you all haven't made mistakes or been a dickhead at some point or another, we all do it.
Obviously stuff has been building up over a while so i reckon lets cool off, stop talking shit and riling each other up in respective peer groups and come at these issues as a community?
or carry on arguing and disregard this, the choice is yours xo
(Not to sound like a hippy preaching peace & love)
edit: Also just because we have a rule to free speech doesnt mean we all have to use it to be purposefully controversial all the time and make others feel like shit
This is directed at the whole community and not towards one side more than the other here.
I agree, sorry to all of you guys for coming out of the gate so hard, but as I said above it was apparently the only way to do it. This has gotten quite a big bigger than I expected and I think we should all cool down a little and follow Lish's advice.
I would encourage you to try to understand staff decisions don't happen lightly and there are votes and discussion that go into that which are obviously kept internal and while we are all human you actually can trust the admin's and staff teams judgement on stuff rather than taking stuff at face value and forming an immediate opinion, however i wouldn't discourage bringing up questions and criticisms the right way at all, its still important, but if you come at everyone the way you did its just inviting more toxicity and I wouldn't say it's a necessary or needed tactic by any means, still thing that's a bad call mate. I would've recommend talking with the CM or senators because they can help mediate some of this stuff and bring it to staff in a more controlled manner or even just talking without being nasty in DMs if possible.
1 note gotta say I don't think it can be a question of activity because many of us have longer spells of inactivity, some are removed, i am one to talk after all, and i haven't dedicated near as much of my time and effort to the actual running of the server as octo in recent years, and still I haven't faced the scrutiny of that argument and the same could be said for a few of us.
On the issue of the Logs you provided I have to reiterate what other staff members are saying because I also think its pretty serious, it won't be taken lightly and I would also urge yourself or whoever provided them to DM Luis and sort that situation out.
I understand you probably don't see it the same way right now from the way you've spoke on it but it isn't just a few logs, its a breach of an internal staff area which raises red flags especially when you say they aren't staff etc, hope you can understand that and how it takes the spotlight and can cause anything actually valid you wanted to bring to be overlooked.