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Messages - gadzometer

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 28 June 2013, 09:28:55 PM »
Perfect mate..  We will flatten out the ground and area.  Thanks heaps.

The items in the chests moved as well which is good.

I haven't taken anything from the old chests so you might want to destroy them or else you will have doubled my items. :)  Hey I don't mind.  :P

The sheep pens came across empty but I should be able to transplant and re-breed so that is ok.

Thanks again Ako.

General Discussion / Re: Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 24 June 2013, 04:36:54 AM »
Hi Akomine,

could you put it here.. the co-ordinates are in the image.



General Discussion / Re: Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 23 June 2013, 11:13:56 PM »
Hi Akomine,

Could I please have the village moved to TehRoach's area?  Happy for it pasted within his village (merged).  You will have to ask him where to put it as I think he has allocated an area.

The co-ordinates of my village structures at Gadzfarm are:

x= 892 to 1010
y= 35 to 199
z= 248 to 410

Cheers, Gadz

General Discussion / Some strange stuff in my village
« on: 23 June 2013, 08:06:22 AM »
Hey Admins and Mods,

I think there are some residual flags in my village Gadzfarm.  Co-ordinates x:276 y:62 z:983

I built a village.
One day I suddenly couldn't build any more in half the village because it was suddenly flagged as part of Manhattan.
An admin came and set it back to my village.

The problem is the area that was once Manhattan (but is now part of Gadzfarm) does not allow any animal spawns.  If I breed two animals, there is no baby.  If I drop a spawn egg, nothing appears.  I have had people look at it and they say that there is no flag set but the areas that are having the problem used to be in the Manhattan zone.

Can I ask a couple of things if it possible?
1) Can someone have a look at this for me and fix this issue if possible?
2) The Manhattan zone seems to have some overlap on some blocks near the water.  It is like the border between Manhattan and Gadzfarm is diagonal.  Could I please get it straightened up so that I can finish my dock near the ship?

Another option would be if I could move the entire area next to "Teh Roach".  We have discussed merging and working on some large projects together.  I don't know if this is even possible.

Also I tried to insert a screenshot of the village to show the old border but can't work out how to insert an image so I'll past a youtube link instead.  Sorry about the crappy mic static.

Thanks all.  Appreciate all the support and help from the admins and mods on this server.

Cheers,  Gadz

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Appeal against Aidang2007
« on: 24 May 2013, 09:56:25 PM »
Hi Admins,

I am currently playing with my son and daughter on the server.  My son Aidang2007 was banned for stealing from a chest and breaking a railway.  He is 6 (can't read chat so all good).  I don' think he meant any harm and didn't realise what he was doing.   I have spoken to him and told him we can only build destroy things in our area and the other buildings and chests belong to other people.  He is sorry and won't do it again.  He didn't mean any harm.

Also if possible, we have been building a farm for a while now and this week half of it came under Manhattan's restricted area.  Is it possible to limit the restricted area so we can build on our little piece of turf or have the three of us added to manhattan's area (I think I have been added to manhattan's area already).  I don't want to interfere with Manhattan's project.. (lol manhattan project.. sorry .. bad pun).

The three of us are
gadzometer (me)
Aidang2007 (my son)
Aidanlightside (his alternate account)
Angel230206 (my daughter)

Thanks all,


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