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Messages - Road_Runner14

Pages: [1]
Ban/Punishment Appeals / im not fucked up
« on: 27 March 2014, 03:45:02 PM »
im not fucked up im just saying that my friend greif and ender chest and noket told me to re apply because the first one I dint look what a appeal look like so yeah

Ban/Punishment Appeals / i greif and im sorry that i did that
« on: 27 March 2014, 07:08:17 AM »
hello my name is Road_Runner14

I grief

I think I should get unban cause the house that I greif look like its was a guy that dint play anymore because they was hole every where in the house and I did not no about the block that tell you ween its was placed.

The day before that my friend greif a ender chest from the guy that I greif and just a 3 day temp ban

Ban/Punishment Appeals / im ban
« on: 26 March 2014, 07:18:34 PM »
hi im road_runner14 im been ban for 9 month now can I plz can unban I just deleted a block of some one house so thanks

your friend road_runner

Ban/Punishment Appeals / perm ban
« on: 4 June 2013, 04:35:01 PM »
hey jan im sorry for the term "brother" im sorry xxbabygirlstar for the armour selling its was just because the bad plugin of the lotteri that i lost all my money i needed money because i was building a village im sorry fuzzy for the tpa i so sorry i wont tp to you any more.

this is the only server that i like i know that there million of server on minecraft but its so fun with the village proctection my friend just told me (its suck that your banned because now there a mob arena) im so sad i cant try it. its sound so fun :'(

the house that i grieff it look lost and i just wanted to see what was in the house after i grieff there was a info in the text that if you do /lb toolblock you can see if the house is lost i did that and i look and is was not lost

plz unban me im building a village with my friend and its was fun

thanks you

your ban friend Road_Runner14

Ban/Punishment Appeals / im banned and sorry
« on: 3 June 2013, 04:00:25 PM »
hey all admin and mod im sorry for the grieff my brother deleted one and i didt know plz unban me or your serer is going to be useless for 10 player that i no because they only play with me im real sorry all pay filletfish 1K (that the player that my brother grieff)


your banned friend Road_Runner14

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