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Messages - sweedxj818

Pages: [1]

Kingdom of Heroes

Ban/Punishment Appeals / I'm sorry.
« on: 14 October 2014, 05:26:16 PM »
Hey guys, its Sweed, long time no see.
It's been what, 1 1/2 years since I was banned?
I don't remember much, but I am truly sorry.
I was just a hotheaded little 11 year old then
I've matured a bit more and I'm not afraid
to say that I'm sorry. Can you please forgive
I swear, I will never do anything like that ever

Ban/Punishment Appeals / My Ban
« on: 9 July 2013, 10:27:14 PM »
Yeah so quickhit3 qnd i were just screwin around and i had logged out when something happened. I log back in and im in jail!? Log back out (due to boredom) and then im banned! its all quick and his friends fault i was just a victum.

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