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Messages - bmxdude124

Pages: [1]
Ban/Punishment Appeals / RE: What Did I Do?
« on: 7 July 2013, 02:10:21 PM »
:)Hi Guys I'm sorry for what i did! :)

I Griefed (I don’t know what I griefed tho)
I think the player that i griefed home killed  me first i wanted revenge! :P >:D
Sorry Again For What I Did
i know it was wrong and i'll never do it again........

Well, Hello VillageCraftians!
If I Griefed you, PLEASE tell me what I griefed,
I Love This server, it’s the only one that I like I've been on it 4 almost a year
And idk what I Griefed!
So, Im sorry but idk what I griefed!


Well,  :o
Idk i don't know about most of this stuff tho :\
Im Sorry If I Messed up anything oh and btw :-[

Fuzzy_Yeti_69 idk what u talkin bout X-Ray.

But Sorry AnyWays!

Its Worth A Shot!

Please ForGIve Me!  :'(

<a href="http://[shadow=red,left][color=black]~[/color][color=teal]b[/color][color=limegreen]m[/color][color=yellow]x[/color][color=red]dude[/color]124[/i]&nbsp; 8)[/font][/font][/size][/size][/shadow]" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://[shadow=red,left][color=black]~[/color][color=teal]b[/color][color=limegreen]m[/color][color=yellow]x[/color][color=red]dude[/color]124[/i]&nbsp; 8)[/font][/font][/size][/size][/shadow]</a> sorry bout that

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Bmxdude124's ban appeal
« on: 6 July 2013, 08:11:16 PM »
 :)Hi Guys I'm sorry for what i did! :)

I Griefed (I don’t know what I griefed tho)
I think the player that i griefed home killed  me first i wanted revenge! :P >:D
Sorry Again For What I Did
i know it was wrong and i'll never do it again........

Well, Hello VillageCraftians!
If I Griefed you, PLEASE tell me what I griefed,
I Love This server, it’s the only one that I like I've been on it 4 almost a year
And idk what I Griefed!
So, Im sorry but idk what I griefed!


Pages: [1]