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Messages - Pitt43

Pages: [1]
Reports & Grievances / ColeMadeAwesome griefing my house
« on: 2 January 2014, 09:49:10 AM »
colemadeawesome griefed two jungle wood of my house and now it looks horrible, i sponged it and staff should too, he destroyed it on christmas eve, great christmas spirit, and it stayed like that until i found out on january 2 2014

i spent most of my time trying to get cole unbanned and finnaly i got january jones to unban him and he started complaining that i did nothing, i go to the same school as him and he was thanking me for getting him unbanned from this server. also the village is actually mine because i gave cole the $5000 to buy the village so the village belongs to me because it was my money

this is what really happened.
me and raeiu were mining in a cave that raeiu found and cole asked to tp to us. we told him to give us diamonds, and we said to give us 20 each, to come to us because we found a lot of obsidian. he tped to us and he started running away from us. we caught up to him and told him to give us he diamonds (we were all on a skype call together). he kept on running, and after about 30 minutes, he gave us a piece of dirt called "20 diamonds". he said he got it from akomine so we killed him because he didnt pay us and he had 25 sponges which u can get with typing /lb toolblock. since he said the dirt was from ako, i went to my house and raeiu played a prank on cole to get back at him, he changed the sign near his house to say that cole was stupid and he destroyed the sign to rewrite it to what it said earlier. cole stole the sign and said we griefed and that we wouldnt give it back. he started complaining "waaah, why wont you give me my sign back:( " he reported us a bunch of times while no one believed the truth, i dont lie.

Reports & Grievances / Octogamer
« on: 10 November 2013, 04:09:23 PM »
octogamer was spawn killing me in my own house and he somehow glitched up the floor of my house and killed me three times

Reports & Grievances / Re: y is januaryjones extremely mean?
« on: 21 September 2013, 10:56:56 PM »
oh its helping a lot of people alright and you can just shut up and u can shut up too airborne ur not even doing anything ur just posting random pictures that get in the way. and most people think ur the stupid little brat january

Reports & Grievances / Re: y is januaryjones extremely mean?
« on: 21 September 2013, 10:46:58 PM »
spearmoon123 griefed the house, frostbittenz took 4 WOOL!!!!!! and if u read carefully in my text ull see i said "I ASKED U TO BAN COLEMADEAWESOME AND NOW I WANT HIM UNBANNED" r u stupid?

Reports & Grievances / Re: y is januaryjones extremely mean?
« on: 21 September 2013, 10:42:52 PM »
why are there so many people on the forums and noone on the server? oh ya januaryjones banned everyone

Reports & Grievances / Re: y is januaryjones extremely mean?
« on: 21 September 2013, 10:30:25 PM »
4 cyan wool, 4 CYAN WOOL!!!!!!! look at what i put for cole ... DIRT, DIRT ur gonna ban some1 over dirt!!!!

Ban/Punishment Appeals / ColeMadeAwesome
« on: 21 September 2013, 10:28:12 PM »
just unban ColeMadAwesome, i'm no mad at him anymore he did something idc about know and he stole... dirt.

Reports & Grievances / y is januaryjones extremely mean?
« on: 21 September 2013, 10:23:51 PM »
if the owner of villagecraft is looking at this i think im speaking for at least ten people that januaryjones is the worst andmeanest admin ever. hebanned my friend ColeMadeAwesome permanently for breaking some of my stuff. and he stole dirt. januaryjones also banned my own brother (frostbittenz) twice, for taking our stuff and using it for his own purposes, we dont even care about his house anymore anyways or what he did, we forgave him. and i know januaryjones is going to say something stupid on this comment about "oh well idc u told me to ban them and u got wat u wanted." and now im saying to that idiot that i want them unbanned, they arent going to hurt anyone, they dont want to hurt anyone, 6 cyan wool was what frostbittenz stole from octo, and hes a VIP to, octo is out to kill me and my friends cant u understand that? i have 2 friends who have split off from our village to stay safe because of januaryjones and octogamer. ALSO WHEN COLEMADEAWESOME WAS BANNED JANUARYJONES DIDNT GIVE ME THE $5000 DOLLARS THAT I GAVE COLEMADEAWESOME TO BUY VILLAGE PROTECTION. oh and any admins out there that are seeing this, i would like to ask you to make a vote to derank januaryjones.


Reports & Grievances / Re: seofTNT
« on: 21 September 2013, 10:05:25 PM »

not sure if this will post my picture

Reports & Grievances / seofTNT
« on: 21 September 2013, 09:57:17 PM »
seofTNT griefed two of my window broke past a locked door and ate all my decoration cake! >:(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Again...
« on: 4 July 2013, 07:36:20 PM »
ok i didnt mean for cole to be perm banned i meant temp! i need him for my village he has 5000 of my money for protection!

Ban/Punishment Appeals / frostbiitenz
« on: 3 July 2013, 06:37:23 PM »
frostbittenz spearmoon123 and mejames21 are all friends and grief people because people kill them so they get mad i think that people are killing them on purpose just to get them banned

Reports & Grievances / Re: Pitt43
« on: 3 July 2013, 06:31:17 PM »
hey i just posted the REAL story of what happened and it was just me and raeiu904 killing u cole not a gang of people!

Reports & Grievances / ColeMadeAwesome
« on: 3 July 2013, 06:28:42 PM »
ColeMadeAwesome killed me and my dog so i went in his house and killed him. The entrance i made was big enough for mobs to fit through. Cole started getting made at my and destroyed a ton of my glass panes (two walls). Then he started blaming me for all that happened thats the real story.


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