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Messages - tailspinsmith

Pages: [1]
Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: tailspinsmith's Ban Appeal
« on: 8 July 2013, 05:37:12 PM »
of course i donated and everything,.. tailspinsmith rhats my name

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: tailspinsmith's Ban Appeal
« on: 8 July 2013, 05:26:46 PM »
Yes, I was banned last night I'd say at around 1030-11ish

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: tailspinsmith's Ban Appeal
« on: 8 July 2013, 05:23:14 PM »

General Discussion / Re: My Ban
« on: 8 July 2013, 02:46:37 PM »
P.S I feel like I got banned for giving people free things:( I will not do this again and you can trust me on this.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / tailspinsmith's Ban Appeal
« on: 8 July 2013, 02:44:58 PM »
Sorry, I did not see the ban appeal page on the forum before. Anyway again I posted on the general discussion. Besides the point I am A little confused on what I did to get banned. I am very sorry for what I did though and if you give me a second chance I will change my behavior and be a good player. Honestly I love villagecraft I donated to the server because I love it and enjoy playing on it. I could play on it all day.  :-[ I'm very sad I do not get to play on it anymore. :( can you please unban me. thank you.


General Discussion / My Ban
« on: 8 July 2013, 02:36:13 PM »
Hello, admins and all. I do not understand why I have gotten banned from villagecraft. I really loved the server and enjoy building and having a good time on. Can you tell me why I got banned please and I am really wondering if I can have a second chance. Just because I donated to the server and I love it. And honestly I really miss it. Thank you.


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