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Messages - whitewolf7710

Pages: [1]
Reports & Grievances / MenCraft1234 was using hacks
« on: 2 July 2014, 01:12:19 AM »
Accused player: MenCraft1234

Accused of: Using sprint hacks

Players affected: No one at the moment but if he can use sprint hacks he can use kinds of hacks as well from his client.

Time occurred: About 12:45 am 7/1/2014

Location occurred: The Wolves Guild

Brief summary: I was showing Nattyboy8 around my village when he decided to tpa Mencraft1234 to our location to see the my village also.  I was showing them the outdoor area when I notices that MenCraft1234 was walking around with particles under his feet.  He was maneuvering around like normal except the particles were under him.  Then he tried to lie about it saying that he did not know what I was talking about.  Nattyboy8 saw this too so I have a witness and I do not know how to post it :P

Ban/Punishment Appeals / ban appeal
« on: 21 June 2014, 12:03:42 AM »
State your full minecraft username:


State punishment you have received:

permanently banned

State what you were likely doing that got you banned/punished:

I hopped a chest in February 2014 belonging to banned player ep1cwaffles

State why you should be pardoned:

I've never had any intention to disrespect the rules of this server. I believe I should be pardoned because I fully understand I was disrespectful and impatient. I understand I should have waited for a member of staff to come online to help me but I took it upon myself and hopped the chest instead of wait for staff to help me, and for that I had to pay the price for something that could have easily been avoided. I let everyone on your server down including the staff and I deeply apologize.

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