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Messages - ThePirateThief

Pages: [1]
Reports & Grievances / Re: TP killings by demolisher56
« on: 31 October 2013, 07:46:37 PM »
Maybe I'll check you guys out when you get 1.7.2, writing down your IP. On a friends computer right now anyway.

Reports & Grievances / Re: TP killings by demolisher56
« on: 31 October 2013, 07:40:52 PM »
Are you guys full 1.7.2?

Reports & Grievances / Re: TP killings by demolisher56
« on: 31 October 2013, 07:31:40 PM »
What is the IP of the server you are talking about? Ours is

Reports & Grievances / Re: TP killings by demolisher56
« on: 31 October 2013, 07:29:56 PM »
Explains the help I get on the forums, and not on the server. Heh. Sorry guys.

Reports & Grievances / Re: TP killings by demolisher56
« on: 31 October 2013, 05:50:19 PM »
A few more details, a lot of players lost their items, some were talking about being griefed by the tpkiller, I wasn't killed. He tried to kill me though. Aware of the situation at that point I smartly typed /home the moment I was tped there.  Anyway players lost their items, and a few said they were quitting.

Reports & Grievances / Re: TP killings by demolisher56
« on: 31 October 2013, 05:43:09 PM »
Accused player(s):demolisher56
Player(s) effected: All online at time of crime.
Time occurred: (please specify a time zone as well) 4:00-5:00
Location: (Village name or Outlands) Everywhere
Co-ordinates: (not required, but helpful) None to be exact.
(For unlawful attack reports) If in a village, was PVP on or off?
(For TP killing reports) Was a no-kill promise made between the two parties?
Screenshots: (Useful for grief reports. If you don’t know how to take or post screenshots, look below)
Brief summary of what happened: All above. Sorry I keep forgetting about the template.
(Please write this in a clear, precise, and calm manner. We are here to help you, not to be yelled at)

Reports & Grievances / TP killings by demolisher56
« on: 31 October 2013, 05:39:10 PM »
Well I got on, 30min ago-ish. And some guests were being tpkilled. I told them the member code and that guests often were tpkilled like that, being as it happened to me twice before I got Member. So somehow in chat it slipped by that SpiderPig killed mmPeaches. Well soon it also popped up next to the screen, a kill chart showing demolisher56 at the top of it. And went through chat and it showed demolisher56 getting on the server but never leaving, yet the Legend appeared no where when I pressed tab. So after voicing my suspicions that it was SpiderPig aka demolisher I announced that if I messaged demolisher56 "Hi", to prove the message we show to me it was sent to SpiderPig, his nickname. Well it went to ASFjerome, something along those lines. I was discouraged until ASF said in chat "wat did i do?". Well seeing I never directly accused him but merely said hi, I think that's a nice confession right there.
The killings went on for maybe 3 minutes and he left. Along with his leaving the killings stopped. I now feel like L from Death Note.

Reports & Grievances / Re: XdEmOnDzZz griefed/stole from me.
« on: 30 October 2013, 09:36:45 PM »
Nevermind, it was also an elaborate troll on the person who helped, I think. Anyway my things are there. Thanks.

Reports & Grievances / Re: XdEmOnDzZz griefed/stole from me.
« on: 30 October 2013, 09:13:38 PM »
Nevermind this all. JuliaLupin helped me. And it wasn't XdEmOnDzZz. It was a very elaborate framing on narekilledur's part. I believe that was his name. Anyway, I got rolledback, lost all my items though. No stacks of diamonds, tools, torches, food. Yes that is important. But I will make due, I hope.

Reports & Grievances / Re: XdEmOnDzZz griefed/stole from me.
« on: 30 October 2013, 07:57:23 PM »
My dearest of apologies, I was a little angry is all, I don't like it when noobs make demands on the server I am staff on either, so what of the grief?

Reports & Grievances / Re: XdEmOnDzZz griefed/stole from me.
« on: 30 October 2013, 07:46:33 PM »

Accused player(s): XdEmOnDzZz
Player(s) effected: ThePirateThief
Time occurred: (please specify a time zone as well) I don't know, between 11:00 last night to 6:45 this evening.
Location: (Village name or Outlands) Outlands? Idk, I live alone.
Co-ordinates: (not required, but helpful) x:1004 y: 80 z: -754
(For unlawful attack reports) If in a village, was PVP on or off?
(For TP killing reports) Was a no-kill promise made between the two parties?
Screenshots: (Useful for grief reports. If you don’t know how to take or post screenshots, look below)
Brief summary of what happened:
(Please write this in a clear, precise, and calm manner. We are here to help you, not to be yelled at) What I wrote in the post itself, sorry for the caps.

Reports & Grievances / XdEmOnDzZz griefed/stole from me.
« on: 30 October 2013, 07:39:24 PM »
I got on and I found my house griefed, my PROTECTED chests empty, private signs gone. I had very, VERY good items. I noticed his house newly next to mine, it's protected but some chests are out of the zone, I opened them and I see my chain armors, and the chest he stored all my food, I know it's mine because of the number of apples and the 2 cooked fish. He stole and griefed me. I want the grief rolled back, my items returned and this guy banned. My IGN is ThePirateThief. The zone tells me the house with my items belongs to XdEmOnDzZz.

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