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Messages - teddybear13cute

Pages: [1]
Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Please im ban me i was being a douche
« on: 25 February 2014, 12:42:08 AM »
whats happening >:(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Please im ban me i was being a douche
« on: 21 February 2014, 05:36:07 PM »
yes i promise im sorry  :'(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Please im ban me i was being a douche
« on: 20 February 2014, 03:13:55 AM »
Please unban me my name is teddybear13cute. I was permantly banned for stealing a horse from black,griefing and being a douche but i have no excuse i just was being a jerk and if i do unbanned ill try my hardest to never again be a jerk. I want to go back on to play with my friends its the only server we use to play on  together. Im so sorry  :'(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: im sorry please unban me
« on: 29 January 2014, 02:15:26 AM »
ok thx i just really want to get back on :)

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: im sorry please unban me
« on: 28 January 2014, 04:42:41 PM »
but y in a month or 2 y cant i try to get unbanned now.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: im sorry please unban me
« on: 28 January 2014, 04:41:09 PM »
oh sorry ill post an appeal in a month or 2

Ban/Punishment Appeals / im sorry please unban me
« on: 28 January 2014, 01:56:36 AM »
Hi my name is teddbear13cute and i was banned for griefing and stealing a horse and black called me a douche. Im really sorry i dont really have an excuse besides that i was being a jerk but i really want to come back on and i promise never to do it agian please unbann me please :'(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / please unban me please
« on: 23 January 2014, 06:05:17 PM »
Hi my name is teddybear13cute i am very sorry and i wish to make it up to you because  i love village craft and i wish to play on it again. I was permanently banned for stealing horse and 1 grief the reason i defiantly regret doing these things but my pet fish had died and 1 of the guys said he didn't care so i got angry and i am sincerely sorry.  :'(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: please unabn me im sorry
« on: 20 January 2014, 03:26:03 AM »
i am sorry  :'(

Ban/Punishment Appeals / please unabn me im sorry
« on: 19 January 2014, 11:40:30 PM »
hi im teddybear13cute i was permanently banned for stealing a horse from black and being annoying im sorry it was because i was having a bad day im really sorry  :( :'(

Pages: [1]