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Messages - theseanm

Pages: [1]

rivers edge

P.S. i made sure i have 5 members

General Discussion / Re: HELP!!
« on: 13 March 2014, 07:13:11 PM »
thx all i got out


Rivers Edge

P.S. i don't know if i have 5 members yet i can't get on to check because of my problem with the game (the "HELP!!!" thread on general discussion)

General Discussion / Re: HELP!!
« on: 1 February 2014, 04:44:58 PM »
but if i do /back ill still be stuck in the wall

General Discussion / Re: HELP!!
« on: 1 February 2014, 08:54:13 AM »
where i was tied to was a village so i can't break the block

General Discussion / Re: HELP!!
« on: 31 January 2014, 08:01:19 PM »
i can't because if i get hurt when its waiting to teleport me somewhere it will cancel is there any way you can do what i said in my first post

General Discussion / HELP!!
« on: 31 January 2014, 07:12:21 PM »
i was in my village when someone tried to tp me to them, they said that they needed help turns out they were lag stuck in a wall so i got stuck too if it is possible can a mod check were i last left the game and destroy the blocks around there then respond to this thread and i will go in and get to a safe area then ill respond and you can replace the blocks i can't just let myself die be cause i had diamond tools in my inventory please help!

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