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Messages - TNMSKnightmare

Pages: [1]
Blue is doing it his gmt is -4

can you add me to the uhc list ,I can make the time please and thank you!

Ban/Punishment Appeals / TNMKnightmare ban appeal
« on: 12 April 2014, 09:27:13 AM »
killed in non-pvp zone, griefed ,hopped chest

State why you should be pardoned/forgiven: over the time a have been banned a realized what I have done was wrong very wrong and I'm sorry that a caused you the trouble of banning me. can you please unbanned me on a one chance base. I love village craft and it would mean a lot to me to get unbanned. I will not do the things I did ever again. so please will you unbanned me I'm sorry   :'(

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