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Messages - fencingirl_r

Pages: [1]
Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: My Appeal
« on: 9 July 2014, 12:38:40 PM »
HahHAH i cant believe u guys got worked up over was a freaking joke! of course i was bored-i dont think ANYBODY uses sponges, and I HAD been griefeing for weeks! actually, my sister, creepergirl_a,(who is a year YOUNGER than me,) told me 2 rite the CHEESIEST, STUPIDEST appeal ever and it was like a joke- shes gotten on before for the cheesiest apeals, and i thought it would be hilarious if i got back on! God, even some of my other friends were in on the joke(i cant tell u their name cuz I dont want them banned......)
ok anyways what i wanted 2 say, was SAYONARA, SUCKERS

Ban/Punishment Appeals / My Appeal
« on: 7 July 2014, 09:45:29 PM »
State your full Minecraft username:  fencingirl_r

State the punishment you recieved:Banned

State what you were likely doing that got you banned/punished:

State what you would like to happen to your case and why (pardoned/forgiven/etc): I got banned for griefing, I admitted I was griefing without anybody asking, Hummingbird wasn't very nice :P and put me in jail. Now I understand why he(she?) put me in jail, I was taking stuff from Bluejacket at his village, and so Hummingbird put me in jail i was mad and then for no reason after he put me in jail i got banned! I think we were both in the wrong (mostly me though) and I am truly sorry!

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