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Messages - Cyllea

Pages: [1]
Reports & Grievances / Re: Report Against Lividup64
« on: 15 November 2015, 04:10:36 PM »
Just to sum up my feelings

1: There is no proof that any warning or anything was given to Livid to tell him to stop.
2: This rule is VERY unregularly enforced, and I've seen multiple people worse than Livid not get banned. Quite a bias.
3: Most of the examples are mild. A catholic joke is now actionable? What are we, PC Central? I guess freedom of speech doesn't apply despite it applying when i was told to get raped, and someone was being racist/sexist/homophobic.
4: Apparently there's this magical line of "douchiness" that can be crossed, but mods decide where it is unilaterally and without warning ban people for it.

Pretty bad conduct by the mods. Seriously disappointed.

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