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Messages - jennilee123

Pages: [1]
daniel you cant be member of parliament for sunny side
1. i am already an mp
2. u r not in the village
3. we don't want you making votes 4 us, you never consult us

I like the idea of setting the difficulty to hard, we could maybe try and find a plugin that allows for the difficulty to be changed according to the region. I have discussed with the members of my village and it has been said that we don't like the idea that the day and night cycles should be 6 hrs, sometimes you need night to get mob drops or to set spawn and to do that you'd have to wait, it would also get kinda annoying having to wait for ages for night.

Reports & Grievances / Re: LOST EVERYTHING
« on: 29 October 2015, 01:58:34 PM »
I do have more sreenshots if you want them but they're a bit unclear

Reports & Grievances / LOST EVERYTHING
« on: 29 October 2015, 01:56:58 PM »
players affected: me
players accused: no one
place: warp m
This isn't a standard report for getting someone banned, this is a plea, earlier today i was on the server, i haven't been on in a while because I've been on holiday, so I typed in /warp m to see if anything had changed, as i teleported i started to die, i wasn't bothered as i would just go to pick up my stuff after, but as I went back my stuff was under the floor and unnacessable, i wouldn't mind usually, but here's a full list of items
Full enchanted DIAMOND ARMOUR
enchanted diamond shovel, silk touch efficiency and unbreaking
enchanted diamond axe, efficiency 3, un-breaking 2
enchanted diamond pickaxe, efficincy 4, unbreaking 3 and fortune 2
enchanted diamond sword, idk the enchantments but it was 13.2 attack damage
and some food
Is it possible next time an admin is on they could maybe replace my stuff
so you can probably tell i'm a bit pissed, and before you post a comment saying i just want to get free stuff here is the proof:

Reports & Grievances / Re: EVERYTHING STOLEN
« on: 17 August 2015, 07:10:51 AM »
i tried to post the screenshots but they haven't worked how can i do it

Reports & Grievances / Re: EVERYTHING STOLEN
« on: 17 August 2015, 07:08:41 AM »
here are some screenshots

Reports & Grievances / EVERYTHING STOLEN
« on: 17 August 2015, 06:46:18 AM »
user: PandabearFB
user affected: jennilee123
i logged onto the server after a weekend away to see that someone had broken into my house in my village, which is protected, they had gone into my chests and stolen everything, including nearly a stack of diamonds, i then found that this was PandabearFB using the logs, he was a member of our village but i have now removed him. >:(

Reports & Grievances / Dano140 Being Nast to other leaders of village
« on: 3 August 2015, 12:12:58 PM »
Users affected : jennilee123, TeesMaid, Maddyhockers ChaosMushrooms
Accused Player : dano140

Scenario :
On multiple occasions dano140 has been horrid to the other village owners, we have tried to remove him before , but we were given the reason that because daniel had paid for the village, even though I had given him the money, he could not be removed.  He has been nasty in chat towards me and maddy, he has killed our pets and animals, he makes village decisions without consulting us, and unlocks our lockettes for no reason other that to steal our diamonds. Chaos Mushrooms has tried to make dano see sense by telling us to buy the village off him, daniel then refused to allow this and Chaos received a load of abusive language, maddy then said that she was going to report him, daniel then threatened her, and said that he would destroy her village, we have proof, maddy has recorded a conversation on oovoo of daniel threatening her and being abusive, as i will not attatch as it is verry person and i do not have access to this file, daniel then blackmailed maddy and said that if maddy filed a report he wouldn't speak to me ever again.

General Discussion / Mob Catcher Plugin
« on: 2 August 2015, 03:05:25 PM »
I am very confused about the Mob Catcher plugin, me and the members of my village would like to use it, however we are unsure, we have followed the steps needed and they have not worked, my next guess was that we needed to install the plugin, we are all very confused as we couldn't find anywhere to download it !  :( PLEASE HELP

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