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Messages - Brutalfive

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Rules | Info | Support / Village Union - Dawnia
« on: 11 March 2023, 12:50:59 PM »
Name of Union - Dawnia
The power structure - Brutalfive is in charge of this Union. The Union is a monarchy.
How union land is handled - Brutalfive makes all decisions about federal land
How to join and leave the Union - To join, the village must be approved by Brutalfive, to leave the village must ask Brutalfive for its independence. Only Brutalfive can allow new villages to join and grant independence.
How to change the constitution - Brutalfive can change the Constitution at any time, without any friction.

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: PARLIAMENT VOTE #33: Village Tiers
« on: 8 December 2021, 08:11:55 PM »
I strongly disagree

Could you explain why?

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Marriage Plugin Suggestion
« on: 8 December 2021, 08:04:04 PM »
Personally I like this idea. I think we should at least try it out seeing as Luis said in theory it is possible. Let’s see how it works and from there decide if it’s practical to implement it for inclusion purposes and LOREEEEEEE. If it isn’t practical then Ofc it won’t be implement. Worth a try. No hard doing so

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: PARLIAMENT VOTE #33: Village Tiers
« on: 8 December 2021, 07:48:02 PM »
What is a buffer zone - this? -

0: Homestead / Land Claim
- 1 structure
- Cannot be within 200m of any village you do not own, unless consent is given (see additional notes)

I'm just making sure I understand the issue being discussed, you're proposing that the 200m provision be changed?

Yes. You can also see it under the additional information/terms section B. I would like the 200m to be removed ideally

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: PARLIAMENT VOTE #33: Village Tiers
« on: 8 December 2021, 07:21:20 PM »
ok im kinda confused, buffer zones seem to be a separate issue entirely from village tiers?

Yes but they are included in the proposal. I would definitely support them being voted on separately

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: PARLIAMENT VOTE #33: Village Tiers
« on: 8 December 2021, 11:45:30 AM »
Basically long story short (think this might either be a sign to summarise or the train wifi is awful. Probably both haha)
I think a buffer zone causes issues for more populated areas of our server (disproportionately affecting older and returning players), takes away from the fun risk factor of new unwanted neighbours and rushing to grab land before they can, and the role play and lore aspect of the server which once stood strong and is now too often forgotten.

I would also like to note before writing this I did speak to others who disagreed with me, but I still wasn’t convinced, this is why I wanted to discuss this in an open forum.

I hope we can all have a respectful, honest and civil discussion on this matter. Thank you and I look forward to ready what you all have to say.

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: PARLIAMENT VOTE #33: Village Tiers
« on: 8 December 2021, 11:40:46 AM »
Sorry not all of my post was posted. I’ll re write the rest

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: PARLIAMENT VOTE #33: Village Tiers
« on: 8 December 2021, 11:36:05 AM »
Hi everyone,

Hope you’re all doing well this winter season!

I would like to start off that I rlly like the idea of tiers. However I do have a concern about a buffer zone. Personally I am against this. I think it takes away a big element that’s always been apart of VC, that element being risk of having an unwanted neighbour.
I’ve had my fair share of unwanted neighbours, so I understand it’s very frustrating. But that’s just another element of VC, it’s role play aspect that is too often ignored and many villages history and lore.
I also think while a buffer zone may in theory work in new mostly untouched land, in areas like those around Qualia, a 200 or even 50 block buffer zone means nobody can do anything with the little gaps of land between villages. I personal hope this proposed village tier system encourages ppl to focus on building in one area rather than having lots of little unused and forgotten about villages all over the map (many of u know I have many villages everywhere but will also be aware that I am focusing on one area - staff have been painfully aware of this in the past and may have had nightmares over my requests

I think this is a lovely idea!

General Discussion / Re: Gerelskovy Auctions
« on: 11 May 2021, 10:16:51 PM »
I am also interested, although I highly doubt anyone is surprised by that :)

I nominate Naomi and Dallas (and Gerritt and Legend - not that either matter now tho :))

Parliament | Suggestions / Protect Villages in the End
« on: 7 April 2021, 10:32:34 PM »
So now that the End is infinite, could we introduce village protection in the End. I think this would be a good idea as many players, including myself have stuff in the End that we would like protected.

I cant think of any drawbacks at current but am very interested in hearing a potential discussion on this.


Parliament | Suggestions / Re: BottledExp Discussion
« on: 16 February 2021, 07:23:19 PM »
As everyone knows I die a LOT! But on the rare occasion I don't die before tallying up some of that sweet sweet XP, I would love to bottle it up or even sell it. This could add a new aspect to the player market, one that cant be set by Qualia (which would be interesting)

General Discussion / Re: New Debate: What is the Best Minecraft Block
« on: 12 February 2021, 07:27:43 PM »
I'm gonna be basic with terracotta... don't come for me, cos I'll cum on you!

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Ideas
« on: 9 February 2021, 07:57:50 PM »
I like the Jobs and bottled XP plugins, I hope they come back!!!

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Official Minecraft Wood Ranking
« on: 9 February 2021, 07:54:11 PM »
1 - Spruce
2 - Acacia
3 - Dark Oak
4 - Birch
5 - Oak
6 - Jungle

If you disagree you're just jelly *hair flick*

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Brewery Plugin Ideas
« on: 4 February 2021, 01:51:54 PM »
Sprite - gives you energy

And before anyone asks, yes you can brew sprite.... just ask the Koreans, they call it Cider.
This message was paid for by Sprite and their representatives

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: 2 February 2021, 05:52:25 PM »
So although this incident does not directly involve me, I was online when this happened.
First off, I would like to start by saying in regards to this incident, I am commenting my opinion regardless of my personal view of all those involved and commenting.
What Shazam was doing to me does seem like harassment as it was a constant incident (as the logs show). Shazam also showed what seemed to me like a lack of respect or consideration for Octo when it was clear that Octo did not appreciate these messages.
Octo, as staff cannot /ignore a player as it would limit his ability as a staff member to help Shazam if help was needed.
I can also confirm Octo's statement that he did mention he would have punished Shazam by now if it was another staff member that had been the 'victim' to this harassment.
The issue for me is simple, Octo did not follow staff protocol as I am aware of it. There was NO offical warning, via Kick (ideally I would want to see two kicks before action is taking further, as two kicks can clarify it is not a jokey kick incase their was a misunderstanding). While it took Shazam till the 30th to show some sort of genuine remorse, a perm ban is incredibly extreme. I would have suggested -> kick, kick, temp mute, temp ban, ban. I know that this may change per circumstance, but to jump straight to perm ban is extreme.
Due to staff not following protocol by showing clear warnings and by how fast staff were to shut this appeal down, I am disappointed.
Thus, I suggest due to the harassment and staff's mess up, a 2 week temp ban seems roughly fair. But of course staff may want to change this length of time when they compare it to other players would have committed a similar offense in the past and their punishments in the past.

General Discussion / Re: A Couple of Maybe Cool Ideas
« on: 21 January 2021, 12:23:39 PM »
I personally love the idea of an introduction animal, it certainly seems like it could help new players.

I, like Gerrit, also have a village dedicated to new and poor players, to help them get on their feet before they decide to either start their own village or join a more 'advanced' village. The challenges faced by new players should certainly not go unresolved, as many of them do become overwhelmed with all the information given to them in that small, tight, crowed tunnel. Not only would this introduction animal help our newest members, but those older players who want to assist them in finding their way on Village Craft.

Finally, while I do personally love the current spawn as its where I and others first spawned when we joined the server, and it has sentimental value to our community, we must realise why we are still defending the reason we want to keep it as the main spawn. I believe, upon self reflection, it may be due to our complacent nature, 'why fix something if its not broken'. Unfortunately while it is not broken, it is no longer fit for purpose, so we must at least consider other options. Personally, I have not made a decision myself on which spawn should be picked, but that is largely due to the lack of self investigation into new the 'new spawn'.

In summary, I love the idea of an introduction animal, and I'm open minded to the idea of changing our spawn location to the 'new spawn' upon more self-investigation and community discussion.

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Nominations for 7th Community Minister
« on: 18 January 2021, 02:15:23 PM »
I also nominate Dipshit... i mean dipjack   :o

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Nominations for 7th Community Minister
« on: 17 January 2021, 09:04:56 PM »
I also nominate Hot Hobbes

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Nominations for 7th Community Minister
« on: 17 January 2021, 12:21:27 PM »
Hey everyone, although I do really want to be CM, I don't think its the right time. To be CM is obviously a honor, but also is a lot of hard work and takes a lot of dedication. I fear that at the moment due to the circumstances in my personal life (university and some other short term temporary things) if I were to win, I would not be able to give the role the much time its needs and the dedication the players deserve. I will be on more than I was during my first semester, but I also have a new VC project I am hoping to work alongside staff on. So I don't think I should run, I will definitely run another time when I believe I can truly do the role to the best of my ability. It also helps that I have peace of mind knowing that no matter who wins out of the current nominees, CM will be given to a very deserving and dedicated player who I have no doubts will do VC proud.

Even though I am no longer running, I still want to help out in anyway I can, whether that be working with the CM, Staff or players.

I also would like to thank everyone who nominated me, I am very thankful and feel honored to have received your trust, and best of luck to all of the nominees

General Discussion / Re: A Couple of Maybe Cool Ideas
« on: 17 January 2021, 12:29:05 AM »
Could we also look at staff, and find a way to ensure that all staff remain motivated, and if a staff member is no longer motivated and no longer doing their job, they should be replaced by an eager new recruit who can bring new ideas and energy to the server. (shown thru the likes of cy and legend as they brought a lot of amazing new energy to the server)

General Discussion / Re: Thank you for the 9 months of CM!
« on: 16 January 2021, 11:39:52 PM »
Thank you for an amazing term Naomi, while it is a shame to see you stepping down I'm so happy that u can no longer taunt me with you ability to fly (EVIL BITCH)
But in all seriousness thank you for all you did for us

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Tits or Ass 2: The updated referendum
« on: 16 January 2021, 11:27:35 PM »

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Nominations for 7th Community Minister
« on: 16 January 2021, 11:14:52 PM »
I also nominate gerrit and nurtul

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Nominations for 7th Community Minister
« on: 16 January 2021, 10:36:13 PM »
I nominate Naomi, legend, Allison,  Cyphur and myself

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Gender roles on discord
« on: 17 December 2020, 01:35:31 PM »
I support this, it doesn't sound like its a big ordeal to do and if it makes members of our community feel more welcome, seen and valid, then why not do it.

I understand the proposal of changing your name, and while at first I thought it was a smart alternative, good points have been made against that option - players with long names.

I support this as it doesn't negatively affect anyone, only brings about a positive affect.

And lets not lie, we all could do with more positivity in our lives.

But I'm still open to suggestions and alternative methods of supporting our fellow community members!

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Ban pardoned from my record please
« on: 3 September 2020, 08:45:32 PM »
Hey, so will my ban be pardoned?


Allow players to pick who they want to be their priest - if the players who are getting married want one of their none-staff friends to marry them, then that player can be made a priest for that wedding (and their perms can be removed immediately after). This means that anyone can be married by their friends and are not limited to picking between staff and one player who is a priest for the month. This could be a nice little touch added to the role play experience.

General Discussion / Re: The Next Event! Survival Games!
« on: 3 August 2020, 06:24:41 PM »
Im in!

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