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Messages - MutluMali

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Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Thoughts/opinions on night skipping
« on: 31 December 2023, 06:33:15 PM »
I agree with the 51% option. Unlike most servers, 5-10 people is a very normal number of players for VC. So, as Day mentioned, it can be a major struggle trying to skip night when just a couple people happen to be afk or not paying attention to chat. I don't think people are hunting mobs at night nearly as frequently as people are working on building considering that this is a village-based server, so it would help out a lot of people to simply be able to skip night with as little friction as possible.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Llamas
« on: 25 December 2023, 01:30:01 PM »
For your service to llamas, you have been awarded two additional llamas. Merry Christmas!
The greatest Christmas gift of all. Bless!!!

Off-Topic Discussion / Llamas
« on: 24 December 2023, 04:22:02 PM »
In honor of the recent Llama forum posting as well as the Christmas season, I thought I would show off my small but ever-growing physical llama collection!! I have also obtained 2 pairs of llama socks as well as a now-consumed llama birthday cake over the years. To those struggling with a lack of forum llamas, I recommend cheering yourself up by surrounding yourself with llama memorabilia. It has always helped me when I am feeling blue.

General Discussion / Re: Why I Should Have Llamas
« on: 21 December 2023, 10:55:03 AM »
I have never seen a llama come from a hat before, I think you’re thinking of rabbits. There is no justice this cruel world

General Discussion / Re: Why I Should Have Llamas
« on: 6 December 2023, 12:58:43 AM »
You fail to recognize a crucial point.

The llamas come from within.

Off-Topic Discussion / PSA
« on: 17 May 2023, 04:51:19 PM »
I <3 the VC Forums  :) :-*

I hope Paste finally gets in

Right? poor paste hahaha

me plz  :)

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Let's Get to Know Each Other! #2
« on: 14 March 2023, 05:50:02 PM »

Would the next person rather be dirt poor but truly happy or filthy rich but miserable?
As a parent, I have to go with filthy rich and miserable, because even if I wasn't happy I could make sure that my family and my kids had everything they needed, and I could help other people.  Dirt poor me couldn't be truly happy because I'd be worried about taking care of my loved ones. 

Oops, forgot to ask a question - !

Next poster, would you rather live in the mountains or at the beach?

I'm actually thinking of moving somewhere by the beach after college, so... the beach. The ocean is one of the coolest things ever to me and I probably would've majored in Marine Biology if I didn't seriously suck at science. Screw dealing with hurricanes though.

What is the next poster's favorite warm drink ie coffee?

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Let's Get to Know Each Other! #2
« on: 9 March 2023, 02:27:42 PM »
Home made chocolate peanut butter balls.

What one language does the next poster which they could speak?

I can make those! 

Also, living in Texas it would be SO USEFUL to speak fluent Spanish.  I speak very little and would love to learn.  Might put that on my list for 2023..

What is the next poster's opinion on New Year's Resolutions and will you be making any?

New Year's resolutions don't usually work for me in any capacity because I pretty much just don't see the point. Since most people admit that they never work, why try anyway? This year I decided to have a vague New Year's resolution to build skills, and although I've kind of forgotten about it already, I think I have been stumbling in the right direction. I have definitely done more ambitious things this year.

What is the next poster's favorite kind of pie? (Mine is cherry)

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Year of [Blank]
« on: 4 January 2023, 04:30:16 PM »
I'm so glad I just saw this, because I watched the exact same video and had very similar thoughts - though I took to heart what he was saying about having Themes for seasons! And so far, my theme for Winter has been discipline - which I've been having alot of success with. I started December 21st!

That is so cool!!! Discipline is a great theme, I think I've been having success with mine so far too.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Year of [Blank]
« on: 19 December 2022, 09:10:24 PM »
I had a really good discussion about this a few months ago where ifn your goals are too vauge, that's why it's hard to have any concrete success. For example instead of saying I'm going to draw more, set the goal I'm going to do a sketchbook page a week. Or whatever goal system works for you!

I think your year of skill building sounds so fun and I think it opens you up to exploring so many cool hobbies! Who knows what you will discover!

I've talked in great length on the fact that 2023 will be my Year of Travel! I plan on traveling on some sort of trip every month of 2023 from larger trips to smaller day trips. I also will be doing at least one hike every month because I've been slacking on that hobby that brings me great joy.

I think a theme is a great way to focus your goals without being overwhelmed. I know my sister used to chose a word of the year which could help set the tone of what she wants to accomplish. The theme seems to set a similar tone. Can't wait to hear what everyone elses 2023 becomes and we should totally recap at the end!
I remember you talking about that now! Also I agree, a recap post is definitely due next year. It would be a lot of fun to share what our 2023s looked like.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Year of [Blank]
« on: 19 December 2022, 09:08:01 PM »
I think the sentiment of having an overall backdrop for the year is positive. If ever you feel scattered, if all else fails, you can just work on improving a skill, and that will be a success.

I've come to realize the overall reason that New Years resolutions tend to sit un-achieved is because right from the get-go, you're already putting it off. Why wait till New Years? Because really, the only way for something to come true is to do it. There are a thousand excuses to not do the thing you set out to do, and it's your job to not give in to 97% of them. Postponing starting something is making an excuse instead of starting the thing. I say, just start it. The only way to build a habit in our stubborn monkey brains is to do the thing. Otherwise you're starting by making a habit out of putting it off.

Keep that trend line upwards, like CGP Grey said. You can do it. It's hard. You can do it. In 97% of those moments where you get to choose, choose the improve a skill branch.

You got this :)

Also I like his theme system journal. I made my own for free. Let me know if you want it. He discusses it here:
You're definitely right about New Year's resolutions failing because you're putting it off from the get-go. I think that's the reason I've never even really tried before, I just know in the back of my head that if I don't want to do it today, I won't suddenly want to do it when the numbers on the calendar change.

I also think the theme system journal is really cool, I'm debating whether I should use a separate notebook for it or incorporate the systems he used into my preexisting bullet journal (which may not be an empty, fresh start but has sat unused for at least six months and I feel like I should do something with it again lol).

Off-Topic Discussion / Year of [Blank]
« on: 18 December 2022, 08:55:50 PM »
I've been thinking in the back of my head over the past month or so that I'd really like to have some concrete New Year's resolutions for 2023. Usually I halfheartedly say I'll start doing something more/less but I never seriously try, and this coming year I would like to. Some resolutions I've been thinking about are that I'd like to start reading and drawing more consistently. Of course, I'd also like to fix my sleeping schedule, but that's always a losing battle.

I've been trying to think of ways that I can seriously implement "draw more" and "read more" next year, but I'm already sort of hit with the fact that I will stop maintaining whatever schedule I set up about three days in. Everyone says that New Year's resolutions don't work unless you're really careful about which ones you pick, so I already feel intimidated by even trying to plan for New Year's goals. Earlier I looked up on YouTube ways to actually implement them, and I came across this cool video, called "Your Theme":

It sort of introduces the idea that instead of having a list of concrete goals you'd like to achieve, you set a "theme" for your year, like Year of Reading or Year of Health. That way when life screws everything up or you lose motivation for the specific plan you set out, you can still find ways to achieve what you set out to do. This idea is really intriguing to me because I've never heard that approach to New Year's resolutions before. I think it removes a lot of the dread associated with having goals you already know you can't realistically achieve.

I think for 2023, instead of having the resolutions "draw more," "read more," "practice violin more often," etc, I might end up having a "Year of Skills" where I focus on building/maintaining my different skills or hobbies. (I think reading would count as part of that? It's a work in progress, I only got into this idea like thirty minutes ago.) Anyway, if you guys had to pick a resolution theme for next year, what do you think it would be?

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Let's Get to Know Each Other! #2
« on: 3 November 2022, 09:00:53 PM »
While thinking about it I realised I don't get many days off because I always seem to be busy, but in my free time I do enjoy tinkering with things and coding. Some of that is for VC on projects that may or may not see the light of day, but I also enjoy coding and building other there things. One of my current goals (which I've been putting off for ages as I never find time) is to make a fun lamp with a few different LEDs in it that change colour like a cross between a mood lamp and a lava lamp, maybe controllable from my phone. We'll see

What is the next poster's favourite dessert?

I honestly feel like I can't decide, but cherry pie has always been one of my favorites if not #1. I love the way my mom makes it.

What is the next poster's opinion on spotify vs apple music

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Let's Get to Know Each Other! #2
« on: 8 October 2022, 08:23:28 PM »
What's the next posters favourite vc drama ?

This is a hard one, but for me the farm ban drama was very entertaining, in retrospect. It caused a lot of shit between players and made a lot of people angry, but the process of making the policy, as a political science student, was very entertaining and interesting. And, in the end, the ban was removed later, so nothing was really affected in the long run.

What is the next poster's opinion on ginger ale? As a Michigan resident, my blood is basically made of Vernors, but I know that it is a controversial drink. Also, what about cream soda?

Personally, ginger ale is not bad. I typically only drink it when I am under the weather. I do prefer ginger ale when it comes from a glass bottle! As for cream soda, it is personally one of my favorite drinks! 

What is the next posters favorite cryptid? (An example is my personal favorite is mothman.)
I don't know if favorite is the right word but I feel like I have to say Bigfoot. My dad told me about Bigfoot when I was 8 years old and I looked up a bunch of creepy videos of it on YouTube. Weeks of nightmares ensued. I distinctly remember screaming and crying in the middle of the night because I couldn't stop thinking about Bigfoot coming to get me, waking up my parents who desperately tried to assure me that Bigfoot was not real so that I would go back to bed. (It didn't work very well). My mom really hated my dad for telling me about him. The best part of this is that we lived in the flattest, driest, desert-y region of West Texas. Sasquatch being notorious for hanging out in heavily wooded/snowy locations.

What is the next poster's favorite fall/halloween themed movie or tv show?

Reports & Grievances / Re: Carnival Chaos
« on: 8 August 2022, 11:27:38 PM »
Personally, I feel like Kale should at least get their stuff back here. In response to Kale asking about finding more coins for the event, CRH intentionally lied to them about coins in a chest in a pvp-on arena, led them to said chest, and then killed them immediately after they opened it. Whether it's literally against the rules or not, CRH admitted on Discord that he intentionally tricked them into this to get their items. From what I know CRH has been friendly with Kale in the past meaning there was no reason for them to distrust him when they asked for help. Kale deserves to have their items replaced.

Senate Vote #16: Adding pronoun roles to the VC Discord.

With the passing of this legislation, the following changes will occur: Three automatically assignable roles will be added to the VC Discord: she/her, he/him, and they/them, allowing users to select their pronouns if they so choose.

If "Yes" is majority, these changes will be passed to parliament
If "No" is majority, the status quo will remain

This is the current wording proposed by Senator Mali.



:'( :'( is this still going to happen ?  :(

I would also like to be added to the list

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations to our new countries!!
« on: 5 February 2022, 02:58:28 PM »
Yeah!!!! Go Subcontia and Tilgangur!

I don't personally have a problem with tips or voting notifications, but I definitely wish there was an option to ignore Discord messages. There was a Parliament vote awhile ago about that specifically, and it ended up passing. Hopefully it's implemented soon! It would largely prevent /ignore bypassing since the Discord server chat channel is currently the most used way to communicate with the main server.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2022!!
« on: 1 January 2022, 04:09:36 AM »
My resolutions are also on the vague side. For me in 2021, I learned to understand myself as imperfect and start being kinder to myself, and I think in 2022 I need to take that same sentiment and start applying it to everyone else in my life. I also need to learn to stop letting people get to me and just go with the flow, which is something I’ve always been horrible at and will probably need a lot of work. I have a note on my phone with a bunch of reflections but much like Naomi it is really unlikely that people want to hear most of it :P

I’m doing a book challenge this year too - 18 books, 22 essays, and 22 poems. I miss having books as part of my day! I’ve been gaming and watching YouTube too much recently lol.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2022!!
« on: 1 January 2022, 03:54:35 AM »
not smoke any substances and hopefully find love and a little more self worth in myself...
This is a really awesome goal. Good luck Octo, we’re rooting for you :)

General Discussion / Re: 2021 Holiday Donor Giveaway!
« on: 16 December 2021, 05:20:03 PM »
Okay, my favorite memory for this week:

When Allison posted a picture of a tray of cookies on the bathroom sink to the Discord as a joke, and Shadow responded by saying that's super gross etc etc. So Alli of course sent a video where they dipped one of the cookies in toilet water and proceeded to eat it. ...Was it revolting? Yes. Was it one of the best VC comebacks of all time? Also yes. I still laugh every time I think about it.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: VC Player Rankings 2017 (top 20)
« on: 12 December 2021, 02:53:40 AM »
I wonder who will be the top 20 players of 2021  :o

If I can't have Relevart beside me (this is the first one he's too busy to do) Mali you are a great substitute <3
You flatterer you!

Sure! Thanks

I also want in

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