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Messages - ac144

Pages: [1]
Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: 12 November 2020, 04:19:30 PM »
Yay!!! that's awesome! Thank you! woohoo

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Ban Appeal
« on: 12 November 2020, 04:08:30 PM »
Hello. I was banned from this server 7 or 8 years ago, and now I want to play on it again. It was my favorite thing to play on and I have been really sad about being banned recently and throughout the years. My previous minecraft username was "creepergirl_a" kind of cringe.... Now, I am "daddyslilzombie" which is also cringe but in a funny and ironic way. I am asking to be unbanned so that I can play on my favorite server from when I was a kid. When I was younger, I was banned for griefing (lol), but I no longer partake in that stuff, so please let me back on the server. When I used to play, I had a few different villages that I loved building very much and I worked very very very very very hard on. I know that those do not exist anymore, but it would be very fun to play again. Thank you for considering to unban me.

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