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Messages - Modeus_The_Demon

Pages: [1]

I'm an owner of Ieyasu.

General Discussion / Re: CM Term 7 Campaign Pitches
« on: 19 January 2021, 08:19:30 PM »
if i become CM i will try to help people out as much as i can, like helping out with builds, or lending them tools and ect. I will plan really fun events like a dragon chase in the end, or a capture the flag game- With dragons (or no dragons, its the players choice), and maybe an among us sort of game where there are imposters who try to kill people without being noticed. Those are just a few ideas ive had but there will most likely be more- oh! and im happy to listen to your suggestions for events! thank you in advance!!!

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Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Nominations for 7th Community Minister
« on: 17 January 2021, 12:27:51 PM »
i nominate myself

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