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Messages - funnyjoshua

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: End portal
« on: 6 August 2012, 05:33:33 PM »
As I am not really aware wether you can have more than one end portal on a server, I'd like to propose something.
The ability to buy an end portal for your village and/or an end portal in Qualia.
I think it would come in very handy, as a lot of people go to the end, and may not want a home spot there, the original portal can also be pretty hard to find (Which I wouldn't've found if it weren't for Islid).
So that's my idea
Flawed as it may be
I can show you where it is, it's not very far from Qualia and a portal in there would mean too many people crashing enderdragon fights, stealing xp and killing those who fight endermen.

General Discussion / Re: How do YOU make money on Villagecraft?
« on: 5 August 2012, 01:49:03 AM »
And how does one set up an obsidian farm that does not require redstone or the restocking of with lava?  Is that even possible?

Nope, but redstone = $384 a stack in the market, whereas Obsidian sells for $1,600 a stack in the market. With a fortune pick and/or good mining skills, you can easily make up to two stacks per stack of redstone, meaning you make a $2,816 profit on each stack of redstone you process in an obsidian generator.

I think I'd be willing to give up some redstone for that, and you really only need a few buckets of lava for a big one.

Islid if you want I can make you one in greystone free of charge :)
and then you and me are making 4 inv full obsidion farm

General Discussion / Re: SOOOO... read plz?
« on: 5 August 2012, 01:45:13 AM »
awww i got it again. it says outdated.....
when they update the server, if you need help just ask me or anybody else on the server I'll help if I'm on and Ipretty sure other people will also help you

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What do you do as a living?
« on: 4 August 2012, 12:18:30 AM »
Nothing yet...

General Discussion / Re: Server down
« on: 3 August 2012, 03:29:59 PM »
When the site and the server went down about a week ago I thought it was gone for good...

I've requested some chat logs surrounding the event, but if you were kicked for spamming, there's not really much I can do as far as restitution, provided you're not actually banned as well. Was it you that was spamming, or was it your friend? The mods seem to think it was you.

I also need to know when, to the best of your ability, this happened - a time and day if you can provide one for me.
I did nothing I wasn't typing at all, I said stop a few times while whatever the fuck that kid's name was using a spambot demanding OP in a bunch of different colors.

General Discussion / Re: You were an AWESOME SM, Dan.
« on: 25 July 2012, 03:08:38 AM »
He shouldn't bitch about this. JanuaryJones got him gold VIP so regardless, he still has more power than us!

Actually he wasn't really a friend, we just shared my first farm in minedrugs and he ignored me and cut connection between eachother because "I got him banned."

Reports & Grievances / Kicked for showing the server to a friend.
« on: 25 July 2012, 02:56:08 AM »
I had met someone on a drug server and the server keeps getting shut down and a few months ago it is now gone but way before that, I invited to to go into the server becuase he was tired of it and I was kicked 2-3 times, I don't know the name of the mod but he kicked me for "Advertising"  and it was sent through a private message on hamatchi. Later he did use a spambot, speak in color and beg and talk in caps for OP but I shouldn't be kicked for letting someone on the server when he didn't really have a good server to play on.

General Discussion / Re: What does your Minecraft Name stand for?
« on: 25 July 2012, 02:44:38 AM »
I use this name for everything unless it's taken.

General Discussion / Re: Sell tr0ll_ your iron armor!
« on: 25 July 2012, 02:40:59 AM »
I have about 15 iron blocks left at home but I wont be at my real "Home" until the 10th so all expenses and stuff will be resolved when I'm back.

General Discussion / Re: The Siege of Qualia REWARDS (reply here!)
« on: 23 July 2012, 08:21:42 PM »
I couldn't be there, must have been fun!

General Discussion / I can't play 'till I get home.
« on: 23 July 2012, 08:19:08 PM »
My sister and her boyfriend are gone so I wont be able to play because this computer can't handle Minecraft, I'll be back on the 10th.

Minecraft coppied Dwarf Fortess and a block game and combined them.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Well I want to change my ways
« on: 19 July 2012, 07:06:07 PM »
I'm just asuming this is for in-game play, what I do is I give stuff away knowing it's a game and I can easily get it back with a little work, I only have 1500 but when I need money I have farms and friends.

General Discussion / Re: Out of town
« on: 19 July 2012, 06:50:56 PM »

General Discussion / Re: I have been greifed.
« on: 19 July 2012, 06:06:04 PM »
You could also get mods and admins to log block it too.
Thank you for telling me XD

General Discussion / Re: I have been greifed.
« on: 19 July 2012, 06:00:58 PM »
Do you have pics of the log block?
no but when my sister gets home ill ask her boyfriend if i can use his laptop again and ill get pics but isk where i had glowstone but ill find it and he will get charged for that too

General Discussion / I have been greifed.
« on: 19 July 2012, 05:38:45 PM »
I had a circlestone genorator and 2004dog greifed about half of it and that cost me 10k and he also greifed the glowstone (in the town borders) around the houses and that was 128 glowstone, I want him banned because my town shouldn't be greifed anymore than what is already is reduced to. To add on that a few months ago dogsandcast was banned for greifing 15 of my iron blocks and I never got those back.

Ban/Punishment Appeals / Re: banned being griefed
« on: 24 June 2012, 11:39:49 PM »
januaryjones banned me for griefing when she was the one griefing me and i was in the bed and my apartment got trashed by her and she didnt apare till after it stopped me and a friend think she used /vanish and griefed my house because she did not like me. i was standing on the other side of the room and my blocks started braking and i said in chat "HELP! MY HOUSE IS DECENTIGREATING" AND "HELP! RAINY!" if i was a griefer than why would i brake my own apartment? that is dumb! my house just started braking and i was not even there it happened! i warped home because it was dark and when i got there my house was falling apart and i was calling on rainy so he could help and then january flue in and it stopped and they started to acuse me of braking my own apartment! then he kicked me out and i left and then they sent me to jail and january tp to me and killed me and took all my stuff and banned me they would not listen to me telling them i did not do it!
she didnt greif you i was probaly a glitch but rainy told me that he doesnt want you banned maybe he can get that lifted but jan shouldnt have killed u, taken ur stuff and banned you forever  she should have let u put ur stuff in ur chest in funnyville after getting ur perms on ur new account

what i mean is have a plugin where the spawn has a portal where you can have another MC world or a portal 1000 blocks from any town way far out or a minecart system of all powered rails

not sure if im able to post on parliament but can you get a plugin that allows 2 different worlds so we can have that second world everyone wants and keep our villages and items that arent in the big towns

I've let Air know that I would not support a multiverse on VillageCraft, except if we ever needed to move to a new map in an extreme case.

Sorry Joshua. But your idea has already been curbed
does that mean we cant do that? because if i loose all my stuff im most likely going to quit if i loose my towns and blaze spawners

not sure if im able to post on parliament but can you get a plugin that allows 2 different worlds so we can have that second world everyone wants and keep our villages and items that arent in the big towns

General Discussion / Re: i play
« on: 24 June 2012, 01:32:38 AM »
Bumping this up cuz I want to keep my stuff XD

General Discussion / Re: How da fuck...
« on: 24 June 2012, 01:30:54 AM »
No I haven't griefed. And I'm sure when you say "people" are saying I've been mean it's the people who broke the rules, or your two lame friends who kept griefing and the other who was caught xraying not once, but twice.

And I didn't grief your town, how could I grief something I don't even have permission to?
Again, I didnt say you greifed I wanted to know if it was true or not  cuz Aero was xraying and that's true but Joshtinusprime says he didn't greif and rainy said he didn't want him banned and a third friend says u greifed but oneof my older friends says you didn't I already got my answer and I know its not true now a lot of people are commenting on this

General Discussion / Re: Make A new map for 1.3
« on: 24 June 2012, 01:27:24 AM »
I vote we get a plugin that allows a second world and we copy paste the spawn town and people will have a second world so everyone can keep their stuff

General Discussion / Re: Make A new map for 1.3
« on: 24 June 2012, 01:25:28 AM »
But I have a small town that if taked away I'll have no items or money from my farm

General Discussion / Re: How da fuck...
« on: 23 June 2012, 01:07:23 AM »
Jan has not griefed lol dafuq
i was asking if it was true cuz jan is nice but ppl r saying that shes being mean all i said was i hope its not true

General Discussion / Re: How da fuck...
« on: 23 June 2012, 12:30:06 AM »
alot of my friends are saying jan is greifing and banned about 4 people is this true? i hope not cuz my friend lincoln said jan greifed funnyville

General Discussion / Re: i play
« on: 21 June 2012, 08:41:25 PM »
just to let the admins and players know i still play villagecraft but i cant play MineCraft over the summer because im visiting my dad for the summer and cant play from download or browser so dont sell my stuff or anything

Y̙̼͍͈̱̖͆̄͊͑͘ǫ̢̪͉͙̟̩̼͈͙͗̌̒̑͢ͅu­­̵̖̱̣̹̻ͭͮ͐͛͂ ͙͙̗̥͔͍͍̆ͬͮ͗͂̐c̖̰̦͚̦ͦͧ̀̔̂͢͡a̰ͯ̈́­­̝n̰̖̯ͩ'̸̤͓̝̞̤̠̪͚͂̂ͬt͚͒̿̋̂̓̿ͫ͜­̩ ̾ͤͭ̏͂́̃ͦ̀͘͏̮̘͓ȅ͖̣͚̍̊̓̓̓sͨͦͩ̍̂­­̯̬̦͓͐ͤ̿͟ć̥͈̜͍̞͖͉̺͊̎ͥ̚͟a̅ͦͬͨ͋­ͧ­̧͔͔͖̲́͜p̺̬̞͈̈́͗ͯ̀͞e̡̡̲͋̅ͪ̓̏̃͡­͍͇­̙ ̴̪̯̘̯̥͚ͭ͐ͤͨH̴̛̼̮̪̤̻̝ͧ̂ͩẽ̏̍̔͆͟­­̀͏̜̹̳͉̜̭̩͉r͖͓̠̟͇̈̎̇̈ͅo̸͇ͯ̏͂ͣͫ­̗­͇̩͕b̶̰̪͉̤͖̯̮͊͆̆́̍̚r͔ͣ̂ͤ̆̋͂̊̆­̯̰­̹̙̗͓͓i̪͔̠̖̮ͦn͕̜̹ͭ̃͂̿ͣ͟͞e̿̑̔­͓̇̕­̱̠̱͎̞

General Discussion / i play
« on: 21 June 2012, 03:00:53 PM »
just to let the admins and players know i still play villagecraft but i cant play MineCraft over the summer because im visiting my dad for the summer and cant play from download or browser so dont sell my stuff or anything

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