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Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Discussion on Issues With /fly
« Last post by Akomine on 11 January 2024, 10:47:31 PM »
If we go down this route, region-restricted fly could work well since it's harder to abuse. worth testing.

Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Discussion on Issues With /fly
« Last post by Noket on 11 January 2024, 09:37:24 PM »
Answering my own question - it looks like worldguard-extra-flags has a flag "fly" where fly would be enabled on entry into the region, and it could be done so it is applied only to members.

/region flag (region-name) fly -g members allow

This way, staff would manage the membership (maybe via a parent region) - that way the player can't add their friends. Doing a parent-child system to track existing fly zones would improve accounting.

Regardless of how it may be implemented - it's possible to do it per region, restricted to specific players.
Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Discussion on Issues With /fly
« Last post by Noket on 11 January 2024, 09:09:46 PM »
A shower thought I had - can fly be applied to the region, instead of the player? Or perhaps there's a way to configure it so that both the player and the region must have the perm for the player to fly - that way, the concern about using fly for pvp or unintended projects will be alleviated. Fly will be stripped from the player if they exit the region.
Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Discussion on Issues With /fly
« Last post by fluffupenguin on 11 January 2024, 08:11:38 PM »
As someone who lives in a tree and builds tree houses and such things, I urge for a flying perm for builders who can prove they can use it responsibly. Even with Eleytra and megatons of scaffolding, building still takes 2 times more slowly than with flying. (I fall off many times).
From my point of view, the entire text of the legislation goes in the face of Senate Rule A.2.ii, which states «The Senate does not pass or propose legislation regulating the internal rules of the VillageCraft Staff». An analysis of the legislation makes evident that it intends to impose a forced set of required tasks upon the system administrator of VillageCraft, all of whom are volunteers and unpaid people with real jobs (like me!)

Noket, Senate is meant to bring forward changes to the server that are brought to the server with help of staff members. These are changes like plugins - or what we have here, donation perks. This does not regulate any internal rules, it just requires aid to put suggestions through.
Some examples of previous Senate history where we've required staff help for new additions to the server:
  • Senate vote 22: Changing amount of people sleeping/afking to skip night
  • Senate vote 4: Brewery plugin
  • Senate vote 3: BottledExp plugin

It was made evident in recent discussion that requiring even 5 minutes of work from the system administrator is unlawful for the Senate.

This has a different context, requiring system admins to permanently provide updates alters what their position entails. It's regulating internal staff rules because you're putting changes in the way they work on the server and on how they operate, it manages them. However, requesting changes to the server overall doesn't directly manage them.

I think it's also important to provide context that staff including a system admin have worked on this bill together and do wish to expand donation perks. If staff believe that this bill is regulating, they'll veto it. I think we can agree now that this isn't a problem.


If senators did not agree with parts of this bill, such as adding new donor groups or adding new homes as you mentioned, they should have been mentioned while drafting.
I’d like to discuss the current senate vote with members of Parliament who will likely be voting on the upcoming bill which is currently being called Senate Vote 23.

From my point of view, the entire text of the legislation goes in the face of Senate Rule A.2.ii, which states «The Senate does not pass or propose legislation regulating the internal rules of the VillageCraft Staff». An analysis of the legislation makes evident that it intends to impose a forced set of required tasks upon the system administrator of VillageCraft, all of whom are volunteers and unpaid people with real jobs (like me!). It was made evident in recent discussion that requiring even 5 minutes of work from the system administrator is unlawful for the Senate.

The following excerpts from the current bill being voted upon show how this new legislation is unlawful, violative of Senate mandate A.2.ii, and should not be enacted by Parliament :

For the Donors of $20 range, it is stated that donors will be granted several new permissions allowing mobile access to disposal, grindstone, smithing table, as well as the ability for players to begin choosing particle effects. As somebody who used to do plugin management and configuration for the server – I can safely say that all of this work (and it is work) will impose at least 15 minutes of work on the sysadmin. If the particles plugin has never been used before (is it even installed?), then I can easily see that number jumping up to 30+ minutes. And, if it is forcing the addition of a new plugin – the bill will be supplanting the VC system administrator’s rôle in this area – again violating A.2.ii.

The next groups - $50 and $75 – adds in several more permissions (ie – even more configuring), plus the addition of a Cheese hat. Now, don’t get the wrong – I love cheese as much as the next guy – but forcing the system administrator to design a new hat is very time consuming.

The next group  for $100 adds in yet even more permissions – that’s more time forcing the system administrator to do required work. I’ll remind you again – it’s against the mandate of the senate to regulate the internal rules of the VillageCraft staff. It was established in previous bills that requiring the sys-admin to do any work, regardless of the amount of time it would take, is unlawful.

And now – the worst offending donation groups $150, $200, $300, $400, and $500 – these are 5 brand new security/access groups. Not only do these have to be configured, but the system administrator will need to go through the entire player/donor list, and manually add each-and-every-single-relevant-player to these new groups. The new groups will have to have permissions added and modified.

Finally – there is one main technical problem with this bill. Most of these new groups $150 - $500 – include practically no new content. Sure, there’s the ability to use more colors, and more particles, and set 102 homes so you can player kill and harass players at your leisure. It seeks to define new groups – add barely anything to them – and state they will include more outstanding features as they are added? Isn’t that the *point* of this bill? To add more features? Why then is there basically nothing new in the $150 - $500 range. To me – it seems like this bill was rushed through.

The main thing it accomplishes is make it extremely easy for player killers to harass and intimidate people they don’t like. They could have a home set at each of your homes to make sure you’re never left alone to build, and they could do this for many players – and still have enough homes left for the things they actually care to work on.

All of this bill feels as if it’s been rushed, and hasn’t had enough input from the community. The features and groups that are being added add very little at the higher tiers, imposes a huge set of tasks on the system administrator (which again is against the mandate of the Senate), and allows for a ridiculous number of homes to be set (which will surely be abused by those meaning to do harm). I urge the MP to vote against this legislation for the reasons I’ve detailed above.

Don't get the wrong impression here - I'm all for expanding the benefits available to donors (personally I would love to see the /disposal command) - but the way it has been proposed here is rushed, underdeveloped, and creates unintended consequences. This is something that parliament - not the senate - should be pursuing.
Senate of VillageCraft / Senate Vote 23: Additions to Donor Ranks
« Last post by Daypath on 11 January 2024, 03:11:00 PM »
With the passing of this legislation, the following changes/additions marked in bold will be made to the existing donor ranks found at

If "Yes" is majority, these changes will be passed to Parliament.
If "No" is majority, the status quo will remain.

This is the current wording proposed by Senator Dallas.

Any donor of more than $1 will receive a blue [D] tag in-game, and the ability to colour code your nickname, plus an extra row in your backpack
Donors of $5 or more will receive...
·       An improved [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       An extra 2 rows in your backpack
·       A handful of new pets to pick from
·       Plus the ability to set 3 homes
·       Plus a seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       Plus 2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
Donors of $10 or more will receive...
·       A sleek silver [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       An extra 3 rows in your backpack
·       A choice of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 4 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Plus removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Plus access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
Donors of $20 or more will receive...
·       A glorious gold [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       An extra 4 rows in your backpack
·       A range of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 6 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·      Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Plus access to all non-private village warps
·       Plus the ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Plus access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Plus access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Plus access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Plus the ability to select from two particle effects for your character to display with /particle
Donors of $50 or more will receive...
·       A tempestuous teal [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       An extra 5 rows in your backpack
·       A selection of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 12 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Plus access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Plus access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable
·       Plus the ability to select from four particle effects for your character to display with /particle
·       Plus the ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       Plus the ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       Plus a CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       And more unique features as we add them...
Donors of $75 or more will receive...
·       A Radical Rainbow Donor Tag that you can customize with any colours (except for predominantly red). Default will be a purple [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       A wide selection of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 17 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable
·       Plus access to an anvil anywhere with /anvil
·       Plus access to a stonecutter/cutting table anywhere with /stonecutter
·       Plus the ability to select from six particle effects for your character to display with /particle

·       The ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       A CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       Plus the ability to use colours or formatting codes in chat
·       And more lovely features as we add them...
Donors of $100 or more will receive...
·       Any sexy short Donor Tag that you can customize with any colours (except for predominantly red), as long as it does not conflict with other tags. Default will be black [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       A plethora of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 22 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable
·       Access to an anvil anywhere with /anvil
·       Access to a stonecutter/cutting table anywhere with /stonecutter
·       Plus access to an enderchest anywhere with /echest
·       Plus the ability to select from eight particle effects for your character to display with /particle

·       The ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       A CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       Plus a mini character hat to wear in game
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes in chat
·       And more outstanding features as we add them...
Donors of $150 or more will receive...
·       Any sexy short Donor Tag that you can customize with any colours (except for predominantly red), as long as it does not conflict with other tags. Default will be light purple (&d) [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       A plethora of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 32 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable 
·       Access to an anvil anywhere with /anvil
·       Access to a stonecutter/cutting table anywhere with /stonecutter
·       Access to an enderchest anywhere with /echest
·       The ability to select from ten particle effects for your character to display with /particle
·       The ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       A CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       A mini character hat to wear in game
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes in chat
·       Plus the ability to colour-code your nickname with custom RGB colours
·       And more outstanding features as we add them...

Donors of $200 or more will receive...
·       Any sexy short Donor Tag that you can customize with any colours (except for predominantly red), as long as it does not conflict with other tags. Default will be light blue (&b) [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       A plethora of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 42 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable
·       Access to an anvil anywhere with /anvil
·       Access to a stonecutter/cutting table anywhere with /stonecutter
·       Access to an enderchest anywhere with /echest
·       The ability to select from thirteen particle effects for your character to display with /particle
·       The ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       A CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       A mini character hat to wear in game
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes in chat
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname with custom RGB colours
·       And more outstanding features as we add them...

Donors of $300 or more will receive...
·       Any sexy short Donor Tag that you can customize with any colours (except for predominantly red), as long as it does not conflict with other tags. Default will be blue (&9) [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       A plethora of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 62 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable
·       Access to an anvil anywhere with /anvil
·       Access to a stonecutter/cutting table anywhere with /stonecutter
·       Access to an enderchest anywhere with /echest
·       The ability to select from all particle effects for your character to display with /particle
·       The ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       A CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       A mini character hat to wear in game
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes in chat
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname with custom RGB colours
·       And more outstanding features as we add them...

Donors of $400 or more will receive...
·       Any sexy short Donor Tag that you can customize with any colours (except for predominantly red), as long as it does not conflict with other tags. Default will be light green (&a) [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       A plethora of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 82 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable 
·       Access to an anvil anywhere with /anvil
·       Access to a stonecutter/cutting table anywhere with /stonecutter
·       Access to an enderchest anywhere with /echest
·       The ability to select from all particle effects for your character to display with /particle
·       The ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       A CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       A mini character hat to wear in game
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes in chat
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname with custom RGB colours
·       And more outstanding features as we add them...

Donors of $500 or more will receive...
·       Any sexy short Donor Tag that you can customize with any colours (except for predominantly red), as long as it does not conflict with other tags. Default will be dark green (&2) [VIP] donor tag
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname
·       A plethora of new pets to pick from
·       The ability to set 102 homes
·       A seat as a Member of Parliament (MP)
·       2,000 times your donation in in-game cash
·       Removed teleport cooldowns and delays
·       Access to disposal anywhere with /disposal
·       Access to all non-private village warps
·       The ability to wear items on your head with /hat
·       Access to a crafting table anywhere with /workbench or /wb
·       Access to a grindstone anywhere with /grindstone
·       Access to a smithing table anywhere with /smithingtable
·       Access to a loom anywhere with /loom
·       Access to a cartography table anywhere with /cartographytable 
·       Access to an anvil anywhere with /anvil
·       Access to a stonecutter/cutting table anywhere with /stonecutter
·       Access to an enderchest anywhere with /echest
·       The ability to select from all particle effects for your character to display with /particle
·       The ability to use formatting codes in nicknames (bold/italic/etc.)
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes on signs
·       A CHEESE hat to wear in game
·       A mini character hat to wear in game
·       Plus a money hat to wear in game
·       The ability to use colours or formatting codes in chat
·       The ability to colour-code your nickname with custom RGB colours
·       And more outstanding features as we add them...

General Discussion / Community Project - Museum
« Last post by FroggyBee on 8 January 2024, 10:41:44 PM »
Hello fellow VillageCrafters,

If you have not seen my previous comment on the VC Discord, please go check that out first! (

For those who don’t know, multiple others and I are currently working on a very big project; a museum dedicated to player heads and the community surrounding them. As much as I want to claim all the glory, the amount of heads I have collected and plan to put up could not have been possible without the support of others. Many have been gifted, donated, sold, or found by so many people and I am beyond thankful to everyone who has helped me. The museum itself is still a huge work in progress, though it is progressing pretty fast thanks to all those who spending their own free time just to help.

My collection has gone beyond just being a collection, and it feels more like a community effort that I even have as many as I do.

My museum will never truly be completed, as the history of this server is still ongoing and some players never left a trace of their existence; but that still won’t stop me from wanting to keep as much of it preserved as I can. Even though I haven’t been here long enough to have seen even half of it, I know it still means a lot to so many and the most fun I have on VC is learning about it all. To anyone who is willing to help with ideas, suggestions, building, requests, donations (and non-donations, as I’m still willing to pay a pretty penny for any heads tossed my way), or even just moral support, please shoot me a message! Anything will be greatly appreciated and deeply valued.

As far as the museum goes, there will be a room dedicated to all the help I have received. Those who have helped with planning, ideas and building, head donors, etc. will either have statues set up or names put on the contributor walls. As stated in my previous Discord comment as well, if anyone is willing to build a memorial for a lost friend at the museum I am welcoming that as well. Everyone deserves to be remembered, and everyone will be remembered here.

Thanks gamers :-)
General Discussion / Re: Why I Should Have Llamas
« Last post by FroggyBee on 8 January 2024, 01:45:49 AM »
Thank you to everyone who has channeled their energy into the universe to bless me with llamas, I am eternally grateful. I hope more llamas are passed on to everyone as well.
Parliament | Suggestions / Re: Discussion on Issues With /fly
« Last post by FroggyBee on 8 January 2024, 01:42:11 AM »
Not only do I agree, but I would also like to add that I don't enjoy the fact that staff can use fly to build their farms. Whether that is supposedly allowed or not, I have seen it happen and I don't feel like that is fair to the average player. It can just be used whenever for staff and there is no real regulation that I can see as a regular player. Staff favoritism is real and doesn't mix well with the trust system.

Same goes for creative mode, which can be given out freely and expensive blocks can be used for personal staff builds. I just personally find that unfair, but if I'm wrong or off about anything please let me know :-)
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