Accused player(s): Glarf_McNarf
Player(s) effected: Kewlboy999
Time occurred: Recently. My screenshot didn't get the time, mb
Location: Outlands
Co-ordinates: 13:64:452
Screenshots: Look up
Brief summary of what happened:Basically, Glarf griefed everything Kewlboy had that didn't have a lockette on it. This also isn't the first time this has happened, but it was while logblock was down, so I'm not sure if Glarf was responsible for that too or not.
I reimbursed Kewlboy 500$ out-of-pocket to replace the wood.
It's a pretty extensive grief, and he even came back and stole a wooden step later, showing he doesn't care that he has griefed.
I'll leave punishment up to you.