Alright guys, I was there the WHOLE fight. It all started with "knitefall" saying in Global Chat "Oh my god! The server is ruined and dead!" Well, "airborne101st45" and I "digdug68" questioned why, he said and I quote "Because air is now an admin!" Then the whole fight sprang out, with "bcrollerblader" plagiarizing multiple jokes off websites to further insult "airborne101st45", and "knitefall" just calling him a dick, 9 year-old, and MANY other obscenities! I even tried intervening on "airborne101st45" side, because, well, I would consider him a friend FAR more than "knitefall". From my intervention I too got slandered, oh, and on top of it all. He ("knitefall") said many times, and I quote, "The server is dead! It sucks! Here is the I.P. for a better one [Insert I.P. here]!" I personally say a ban or PermMute (
) is in order, for he battered air, an ADMIN of all things, with MANY derogatory remarks. If desired, jail "bcrollerblader" too, but her offences were not as deep as "knitefall"'s.