Author Topic: PengBunny Appeal  (Read 4784 times)

Offline PengTheAmazing (OP)

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PengBunny Appeal
« on: 2 April 2013, 04:24:25 PM »
Alright so the specifics --

I was being a douche, to mostly everyone. After being told by a moderator, I stopped being a douche. So then I simply said, "Mooooooo" and was muted, even when E_M_I_N_E_M did it before me. When I was un-muted, I just started having a general conversation with other people, and after that I just started saying, "Guys guess what.." "I'M ON A BOAT" after about three minutes, Bl4ck_St0ne said, "Bye peng." and I was temporarily banned for three days. After I was banned I was informed by E_M_I_N_E_M that Bl4ck_St0ne also said that if E_M_I_N_E_M said anything else he was gone as well.

Since I know I was being a douche, I would just like to request a shorter ban time. I'm apologize to everyone that I was being a douche to.

Dis nigga is banned

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #1 on: 2 April 2013, 04:26:51 PM »
Well, I was partially AFK at the time this all happened, but in the staff chat, they were discussing the length of your ban before they banned you. I'm thinking that the ban was because of the douche-y-ness, it was just delayed because the duration was being discussed.

With that said, on normal terms, I would be more willing to say "yeah, he should have his sentence reduced" but since this isn't your first offense or even your first ban, I can't honestly say that.

You only apologize for being a douche when you get in trouble for it :/

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Offline Airbongo

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #2 on: 2 April 2013, 04:27:36 PM »
k checking logs.

btw, Bl4ck, You need to add the punishment to the registry...Still waiting

Offline Bl4ck_St0ne

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #3 on: 2 April 2013, 04:37:28 PM »
I didn't do the banning, I just said the go for it. Aida did the actual ban. Also Peng, you were banned for being a douche and not being quiet when I and other staff told you to.
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Offline PengTheAmazing (OP)

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #4 on: 2 April 2013, 04:38:23 PM »
I can be told to be quiet? Why didn't you just mute me? Please tell me when I was told to be quiet. Not stop being a douche, but being quiet.
Dis nigga is banned

Offline Fuzzy_Yeti_69

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #5 on: 2 April 2013, 04:49:47 PM »
I'm pretty sure we all told you to be quiet a few times, Eminem I didn't see get told much.
Then you said an excessively long "Moo" after already being told, so I muted you.
Which Black, Rune, and Aysun (I think) were aware of, and at the time, agreed with.

Offline Bl4ck_St0ne

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #6 on: 2 April 2013, 04:54:39 PM »
I told you to stop being a douche and muted you as soon as you made an insaley douchey comment about Star and Kovos' relationship, I already wanted to tempban you right at that comment. Then, I unmuted you and you started just trolling. Then once you started filling the chat will random crap.. like "Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Me, and Fuzzy_Yeti_69 both told you to stop. By that time I had seen Aida yelling in staff chat "CAN I CAN I CAN I CAN I" and you seemed to be pushing your limits, and all of us online at the moment agreed to ban you for 3 days. (Except AFK star.)

Also Peng, you were pushing my buttons and trolling me the day before. I occasionally hold grudges, like most people, and I was still annoyed by you. Since you were spamming a shitload since you had a bind to say a welcome message everytime someone joined or a goodbye message for when they left. You annoyed me for about a hour with that, especially since some people were lagging and dropping and then rejoining, which spammed the chat a shitload.

Peng, for this one... I got to say you are 100%


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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #7 on: 2 April 2013, 04:56:09 PM »
Lol. Knew I shouldn't have made an appeal , all the Moderators and Admins hate me.

Dis nigga is banned

Offline Airbongo

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #8 on: 2 April 2013, 04:56:13 PM »
Ok, I went through the logs.

1st: Yes, Peng was being annoying and rude but definitely not worth a tempban. MAYBE a mute, definitely not a fucking 3 day tempban.

2nd: (to the mods) You can't mute a player for saying "mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" We are not here to police players and we try be more relaxed.

Verdict: The staff online at the time MAJORLY over-reacted. I am unbanning Peng. You fuckers need to chill...

Appeal Won. Unbanning Peng

Offline Bl4ck_St0ne

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #9 on: 2 April 2013, 04:56:17 PM »
And about me warning Eminem about being banned aswell. I said I'd tempban him too if he didn't stop spamming and butting into Peng's business about being banned.
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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #10 on: 2 April 2013, 05:19:05 PM »
I forgot.


Offline Runek

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #11 on: 2 April 2013, 05:36:03 PM »
I'm pretty sure we all told you to be quiet a few times, Eminem I didn't see get told much.
Then you said an excessively long "Moo" after already being told, so I muted you.
Which Black, Rune, and Aysun (I think) were aware of, and at the time, agreed with.

Was I on drugs again? Because I have no memory of this. XD

P.S. That's right, I posted in a locked topic. Only to clear my good name. I do enough aboos without help, kthnx.

Offline Airbongo

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Re: PengBunny Appeal
« Reply #12 on: 2 April 2013, 05:42:02 PM »
I'm pretty sure we all told you to be quiet a few times, Eminem I didn't see get told much.
Then you said an excessively long "Moo" after already being told, so I muted you.
Which Black, Rune, and Aysun (I think) were aware of, and at the time, agreed with.

Was I on drugs again? Because I have no memory of this. XD

P.S. That's right, I posted in a locked topic. Only to clear my good name. I do enough aboos without help, kthnx.

dis aint ripurtz n grivancis u gud. de kovus kant hurt u hier