Author Topic: Goodbye for now, so long.  (Read 4060 times)

Offline xxbabygirlstar (OP)

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Goodbye for now, so long.
« on: 22 April 2013, 07:42:58 PM »
I fear, VC, that this is goodbye.

My reasons for leaving are plentiful. Mainly, I want to focus on my let’s playing channel (, I want to focus on my relationship with Kovos (April 20th marked 3 months for us), I want to focus on my schooling (which I definitely need to do), and I want to focus on life.

Also, I’m getting a very serious orthopedic surgery done over the summer where I’ll be non-weight-baring for a week and on crutches for months after. I’m going to be in a tremendous amount of pain, which will cause me to be short and irritable with everyone. That’s not a quality that a moderator should have.

…And I guess I should admit that VC has changed for me. I’ve grown up with VC somewhat. I’ve made friends and I’ve made enemies. I’ve learned what to do and what not to do. I started as a regular player, worked beside Kovos as a PR, and even had a taste of being a moderator. And while I do love and embrace change, I don’t think this is the kind of change I want. I’m not going to go into details, but some of the manners in which this server is run, I cannot agree with. I do not say this to fault the staff in any manner—I love them dearly. Disagreements happen. Some of them I just can’t get over.

Before I get on to the goodbyes, I suppose I should divide up what I have amongst the people I trust them with.

Gerudo, I believe, should go into Catty’s hands. As an active player I know, trust, and still communicate with frequently, I’m sure it will be well kept with him. Catty, if you do not want it, now or in the future, I would like to have to say in who it goes to next, as I spent days working on it and don’t want to see it go to the wrong person.

Skycastle is Kovos’ property, I’m only a co-owner, so I don’t need to worry about that.

My money… I have $433075.67. I would like it to be split up like so:

250k goes to Jared316
100k goes to millionaurefore
50k goes to RudeRock
The rest (33075.67) goes to Die_Endermen

I decided to split up my money by first looking at who I knew, then looking at how much they needed it. I’m all about helping the little guy(s). Hope it helps, boys and girl.

I would like any chests of mine to not be broken open. If it wouldn’t be too much of a bother, I’d like them all moved to my Mooshroom Island, Kamino, which I would also like to stay right as it is. If I were to ever come back, I’d like to have my stuff and my pixel art creations. I worked too hard on them to give them up. I can give the co-ords to all my chests to any of the staff members to make the move easier?

Before I depart, I have a few things to say.

First and foremost, thank you Villagecraft, to every member, from the incredibly rude to the incredibly nice. Meeting each and every one of you has been a blessing, and has taught me a little something. Without VC, I believe I wouldn’t be dating Kovos right now, seeing as our conversations about VC, our time spent together on it, and all the support our relationship got when it finally happened helped us along. He’s one of the best things to happen to me, so in turn, you are too.

Runey- Well, I know this isn’t goodbye for us, but while I’m sitting here being all squishy and emotional, I just want to tell you again how blessed I am to know you. You’re like the big brother I wish I had. You’ve helped me through so much and I know that I always have you to lean on when I need it. Thank you.

Akattack- I’m sorry I’m leaving. I really enjoy talking to you, even when we disagree. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to become a PR and a Mod on this server. It meant a lot. I still hope we can keep in touch on Steam :)

Airbby- I hope this isn’t a final goodbye to you. I’m always going to be on Steam. But anyway, thanks for having my back when I was going up for mod. I know you were a big influence in all of that. Thank you.

Jannygirl- Remember that night you and I sat outside and looked at the moon together? I’ll never forget. I had wet hair and it was only 20-something degrees out and I still did it. I love you. Always. And I’m always going to have my phone on me.

Aidabear- Those late-night conversations in the ender farm via signs were amazing. I’ll never forget them. I always had a bit of a soft spot for you :P

Million- You’re determined, caring, and always looking to help. Although at times you can be a little over-zealous about expressing them, they’re good qualities. Don’t let them go.

Sax- Even when you annoyed the hell out of me, you were always a little brother to me. Hope we can keep in contact sometime :)

Die_Endermen- Well, I didn’t just want to put “die” because it seems mean XD Anyway, even though on occasion, you could seriously get on my nerves, I think you’re a good kid and you’ll get far in life if you keep being nice and caring.

Bleh. I’m no good at these. I think to everyone else, we may have had good times and bad, but like I said before, I wouldn’t give them up for the world. And if you didn’t get included in the list, I either don’t have anything specific to say to you, or I’ll see you on Skype and Steam (like catty and Jared and Aysun) so this wouldn’t be necessary :P

I’d love to keep in contact with you guys. My contact info will be in the signature.

Stay golden.

All my love,
Star <3

Steam name: xxbabygirlstar
Skype name: xxbabygirlstar
Youtube channel:

Offline DoggyStomper

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #1 on: 22 April 2013, 07:48:21 PM »
Bye Shtar. Best time we shared was when you helped report Peng and I's "village" coughdirthousescough.
my heart broken and none of you care

Offline Die_Endermen

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #2 on: 22 April 2013, 07:48:58 PM »
Star, I will miss you so much. I hope you are better after your surgery and I didn't know you cared so much about me. I will always remember you and I hope I see you back :(. WE WILL MISS YOU!!!!!

Offline Fuzzy_Yeti_69

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #3 on: 22 April 2013, 07:50:15 PM »
Hope to see you back some day, thanks for all you've done, and good luck in the future.

Offline MossyPaws

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #4 on: 22 April 2013, 08:19:58 PM »
Sad to see you go. Good luck, and maybe see you again on VC someday.
discord- katie#7438

Offline Saxturian

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #5 on: 22 April 2013, 08:56:40 PM »
Tbh I am really sad. I I'll miss you, I wish you the best in life. Gud luck with Kovos  :). That awkward moment when I don't have steam   :(
« Last Edit: 22 April 2013, 10:19:03 PM by Saxturian »
If you smoke my stash I will cut your dick off and feed it to my hounds so they get a good taste for your flesh. I will then set you free in the forest and give you a one day head start so my hounds get nice and hungry, then I will unleash them and they will hunt you and devour your flesh. hoe

I don't see why a little porn is dark but ok.

Also, if you do choose to hack VC in whatever method, I can get your IPs from the server log, and with more coding knowledge than most people here, I could easily and more importantly legally hack you back. And if you hack VC, I'll be cross. Don't try it.

That is all
Luis, in all his badassery

I love the yearly reminders that Jan has much bigger balls than I do.

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #6 on: 23 April 2013, 10:38:43 AM »
Good luck for the future. Hope to see you again soon sometime and would like to keep in touch somehow. Stay safe!


Offline ChaosMushrooms

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #7 on: 23 April 2013, 10:49:22 AM »
Farewell, but not goodbye.

Offline TheCatsMangler

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #8 on: 23 April 2013, 12:59:12 PM »
Farewell good friend, I hope are paths cross again some time.

I shall take great care of gerudo for you.

Ill look out in the sky of vc for you at night for your return,  I know you will come back some day.  :)

Farewell again and I hope you have a great life!

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #9 on: 23 April 2013, 06:34:19 PM »
I'm really going to miss you. Buh-bai. ;(
The Fappening will continue... FOREVER ON JLAW NUDES... FOREVER ON!

Offline lordmel01

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #10 on: 25 April 2013, 08:18:12 PM »
Hope things go great for you. we are all sad when a member leaves

Offline millionaurefor

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Re: Goodbye for now, so long.
« Reply #11 on: 27 April 2013, 01:34:12 PM »
I'm touched :'(
Best Wishes,