Author Topic: [GR] creeperjudoca  (Read 1847 times)

Offline Noket (OP)

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[GR] creeperjudoca
« on: 30 July 2013, 05:28:45 PM »
Accused player(s):

Player(s) effected:


Time occurred: (please specify a time zone as well)
Grief Occurred: July 26, 2013 (~9:15.46 AM, According to LB)
Screenshots Taken: July 30, 2013 (3:29-3:32PM EST)

Location: (Village name or Outlands)

Co-ordinates: (not required, but helpful)

(For unlawful attack reports) If in a village, was PVP on or off?
(For TP killing reports) Was a no-kill promise made between the two parties?


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Offline PengBunny

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Re: [GR] creeperjudoca
« Reply #1 on: 30 July 2013, 05:41:58 PM »
I think you got mixed up, its not KingNurtul it was KingDante(whitewolf7710).
You know a thread is really bad when PengBunny posts on it.

My daddy is Air

air when the fuck did you do this ^^^

Offline Noket (OP)

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Re: [GR] creeperjudoca
« Reply #2 on: 30 July 2013, 05:49:58 PM »
Whoops. Yeah, I meant to fix that but I is are being tired now. Peng's right, whitewolf7710 was the victim.