Author Topic: Horse spawn eggs, tests and results.  (Read 1934 times)

Offline Saxturian (OP)

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Horse spawn eggs, tests and results.
« on: 22 August 2013, 04:26:36 PM »
Test: Spawn, recapture warp to spawn and spawn it.
Results: Horse was exactly the same, not missing any items (saddles or armor) and waws still tamed.

Test: Spawn horse 5 times
Results: Horse was fine after 5 captures. Nothing had changed.

Test: Spawn horse 5 times, change inv slots each time
Results: I got distracted and saw 2 other horses. I captured them and continued with the horse I had been using. Strangely enough, I spawned it (originally white) it had lost it's saddle, and was the same colors as the other 2 horses I had captured. It also had 53 hearts (Sidenote: It may say 53, but it only spawns with 20 some)

Test: Spawn horse 5 times change inv slots each time
Results: On the 5th time I believe it turned into a donkey... I do not know how to change it back... also it still said horse when i captured it

*Random result* I was taming a horse cuz the other one was a donkey.
I typed /back but forgot to get off my horse. It says returning to previous location but it doesn't. Also when you dismount and do /back you go to where you originally typed /back on the horse
Also you don't suffocate going through leaves.

Test: Spawn the test horse then a random untamed horse
Results: Both horses remained the same.

Test: to make the donkey a horse again
Results: I spawned it and it was a horse 5 minutes after being a donkey.

These are the tests I performed. I will update and post some more later. kthx

If you smoke my stash I will cut your dick off and feed it to my hounds so they get a good taste for your flesh. I will then set you free in the forest and give you a one day head start so my hounds get nice and hungry, then I will unleash them and they will hunt you and devour your flesh. hoe

I don't see why a little porn is dark but ok.

Also, if you do choose to hack VC in whatever method, I can get your IPs from the server log, and with more coding knowledge than most people here, I could easily and more importantly legally hack you back. And if you hack VC, I'll be cross. Don't try it.

That is all
Luis, in all his badassery

I love the yearly reminders that Jan has much bigger balls than I do.

Offline luisc99

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Re: Horse spawn eggs, tests and results.
« Reply #1 on: 22 August 2013, 05:02:38 PM »
I think it is something to do with the persistent NBT tag for the item not being used, therefor resetting when the inventory container is refreshed, by closing or opening, therefor when spawned it randomly picks the NBT tags for the new horse. That will be how you got your donkey, the tag will have been randomised into a donkey much like a vanilla spawn egg. It is a pretty simple fix on the developers end and if they haven't already fixed it, I may submit a pull request.

Offline SirLogiC

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Re: Horse spawn eggs, tests and results.
« Reply #2 on: 23 August 2013, 01:33:01 AM »
Just a small note too- you don't take suffocation damage in leaves in any situation. It's normal not to.