Author Topic: M&MH VII (game)  (Read 1553 times)

Offline SirLogiC (OP)

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M&MH VII (game)
« on: 12 December 2014, 11:42:17 PM »
Just heard about this, and so far it looks decent. Initial release date 2015 (probably late).

So if any of you played heroes of might and magic III (old game) well heroes VII looks to be more like that. Heroes VI was shit, and I have a very negative opinion of it because A) it's shit B) I could never play in online mode, which disabled all weapons for me, which sucked.

So from what I have seen in M&MH VII-
Heroes VI style skill points are in but..
Proper spells are back! They aren't gained as skills. My guess is skill points are more for passive bonuses for all heroes, might abilities for might heroes, and spell upgrades to replace the novice/expert/master etc upgrades of the older games.
Shitty online part is gone. Can play completely offline without game penalty.
No tacked on good/evil system.
Factions are- Haven, Academy, Dungeon, Sylvan, Necropolis, Stronghold
They are bringing back 4 special resources, although they are creating new "epic" names for them.
They are using the core/elite/champion system from heroes VI, but there appears to be 2 champion units per faction. Probably means you can choose only one to build for per city.

I saw the names of the units for dungeon, and it seems they are bringing back some of the more monstrous units (medusa, troglodytes, they are long time missing from heroes games). Just seems in general they are making this game feel more like a Heroes game and less like a stinking heap of shit like Heroes VI was. Of course game isn't out yet and it may still be shit, but it looks like it might actually be good or at least decent.