I wish to have the backpack plugin installed:
http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/backpack/You can change the size of the backpack for certain players, say:
54 (9x6) for Super Moderators
45 (9x5) for Moderators and Gold VIPs
36 (9x4) for Silver VIPs
24 (9x3) for Bronze/Normal VIPs
18 (9x2) for Donators (Yes, even the ones who "donated' 50 cents
9 for Non-Donators
And admins don't need them, but they can have the 54 backpacks as well.
Or you can be slightly more "cruel" to the masses and do a list like this:
54 (9x6) for Super Moderators/Admins (They still don't need them, they have Creative Mode
45 (9x5) for Moderators
36 (9x4) for Gold VIPs
24 (9x3) for Silver VIPs
18 (9x2) for Bronze/Normal VIPs
9 (9x1) for Donators (Yes, even the ones who "donated' 50 cents
0 (0x0) for Non-Donators
It's just a little bit cruel to those who haven't donated, though. Even they deserve a backpack containing 9 slots.
And it's a bit cruel to us Gold VIPs as well, as well as the Silver, and the Bronze, and the "Donators" (Looking at you, Rainy <.<)
Just please think about it. Maybe you can let us vote on the two lists if this gets voted on:
1: I want Backpack Mod to be added to VillageCraft, and I want the first list to be used. (Backpacks for all!
2: I want Backpack Mod to be added to VillageCraft, and I want the second list to be used. (Backpacks only for people who donated! Yes, even the ones who stole 50 cents from his friend and donated that! XD)
3: I don't want Backpack Mod to be added to VillageCraft. (Backpacks for none! D:)