As the activity cycle turns around on VC and more people are coming around, elections once again take place in the great Kingdom of Gerelskovy. It's time for real leadership, leadership that we already KNOW works well and works for the people. It's time for action.
It's time for a strong economy. A new market lead with a strong hand, with lower prices than Qualia, that will result in new profits for all. Universal Basic Income - We have the resources to give back to the people.
It's time to make Gerelskovy BEAUTIFUL. When I was PM, more things were built and renovated than under any other PM term in the history of Gerelskovy. I intend to continue that trend, and to reduce lag in Gerelskovy through an intensive program to reduce lag-causing blocks and items.
It's time for a strong Gerelskovy. Re-establishing the old Empire, making Gerelskovy an unrivaled world power again. Building up our military, paying our troops a generous wage, and keeping Gere and VC safe.
It's time to make the right choice for Gerelskovy's future. Do we want a future plagued by drama, crisis and instability or a future of strength and unity? A vote for Yvette and the Progressive Party is a vote for strength and unity!