Author Topic: ascn is ip banned because of his brother  (Read 1340 times)

Offline sophsparks (OP)

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ascn is ip banned because of his brother
« on: 15 January 2021, 02:28:03 PM »
Hi! So we're trying to get ascension101 on the server but his brother chirpa got him IP banned. Can you undo the IP ban? It seems a little unfair because its something his brother did

Offline Naomi

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Re: ascn is ip banned because of his brother
« Reply #1 on: 15 January 2021, 03:00:59 PM »
I think one of the issues was Chirpa was using ascn's account to get on
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Offline luisc99

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Re: ascn is ip banned because of his brother
« Reply #2 on: 15 January 2021, 03:02:42 PM »
Chirpa was banned for a lot of things, including many cases of ban evasion. The IP ban was part of the response to this. How can we be sure he's not going to return with new accounts, or simply use Ascn's account to bypass his ban? Ascn isn't without previous offences too, there's a chance the ban includes them both intentionally (I'll have to check when not on my phone). Is there a reason Ascn isn't appealing himself?

Offline OctoGamer

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Re: ascn is ip banned because of his brother
« Reply #3 on: 28 March 2021, 02:29:28 AM »
It looked like Ascension101 was unbanned today, I was checking when he was last online out of curiosity. It seems for the time being this has been resolved, and since soph hasn't replied, and Ascn didn't appeal for himself I'm going to lock this as its been months. If this isn't resolved, Ascn, (or @sophsparks ) message a staff member on Discord or bring it up to us again here.
Topic Locked.