Author Topic: Cjm721 Appeal.  (Read 27119 times)

Offline cjm721 (OP)

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #31 on: 27 January 2013, 07:22:26 PM »
[01/12/2012 12:22:45 AM] Ako: Cj, I know its all fair game and everything at midnight, but for the sake of the tempers of the staff, just offer her the stuff back
[01/12/2012 12:23:13 AM] Ako: you have plenty of cash, so you dont need the pearls
[01/12/2012 12:23:21 AM] Ako: just do it as a kindness
[01/12/2012 12:23:28 AM] Ako: a peace offering
[01/12/2012 12:23:31 AM] CJ Miller: thats what im saying i dont think its the items she bitching about
[01/12/2012 12:23:42 AM] Ako: its not
[01/12/2012 12:23:51 AM] Ako: its the fact that you pounced on her i think
[01/12/2012 12:24:01 AM] CJ Miller: i even told her it was digs
[01/12/2012 12:24:05 AM] CJ Miller: and thats why i chose it first
[01/12/2012 12:24:24 AM] Ako: well, she's not happy
[01/12/2012 12:25:00 AM] Ako: and I don't really want staff to be bitter to one another
[01/12/2012 12:25:12 AM] Ako: so please, man, just offer peace somehow
[01/12/2012 12:25:41 AM] Ako: if you know what I mean
[01/12/2012 12:52:25 AM] Ako: ok well
[01/12/2012 12:53:25 AM] Ako: looks like its time to start enforcing the admins cant be players philosophy
[01/12/2012 1:13:09 AM] CJ Miller: then ill no longer be an admin
[01/12/2012 1:14:36 AM] Ako: It might have to be that way, since it stirs up too much from people otherwise
[01/12/2012 1:14:53 AM] CJ Miller: from people that usally end up getting banned anything for breaking rules
[01/12/2012 1:15:27 AM] Ako: and the staff, as you can see, do not want to have other staff playing like that
[01/12/2012 1:16:11 AM] Ako: I really don't want to have conflicts
[01/12/2012 1:16:21 AM] Ako: but this kind of play is causeing them

[01/12/2012 12:22:45 AM] Ako: Cj, I know its all fair game and everything at midnight, but for the sake of the tempers of the staff, just offer her the stuff back
[01/12/2012 12:23:13 AM] Ako: you have plenty of cash, so you dont need the pearls
[01/12/2012 12:23:21 AM] Ako: just do it as a kindness
[01/12/2012 12:23:28 AM] Ako: a peace offering
[01/12/2012 12:23:31 AM] CJ Miller: thats what im saying i dont think its the items she bitching about
[01/12/2012 12:23:42 AM] Ako: its not
[01/12/2012 12:23:51 AM] Ako: its the fact that you pounced on her i think
[01/12/2012 12:24:01 AM] CJ Miller: i even told her it was digs
[01/12/2012 12:24:05 AM] CJ Miller: and thats why i chose it first
[01/12/2012 12:24:24 AM] Ako: well, she's not happy
[01/12/2012 12:25:00 AM] Ako: and I don't really want staff to be bitter to one another
[01/12/2012 12:25:12 AM] Ako: so please, man, just offer peace somehow
[01/12/2012 12:25:41 AM] Ako: if you know what I mean
[01/12/2012 12:52:25 AM] Ako: ok well
[01/12/2012 12:53:25 AM] Ako: looks like its time to start enforcing the admins cant be players philosophy
[01/12/2012 1:13:09 AM] CJ Miller: then ill no longer be an admin
[01/12/2012 1:14:36 AM] Ako: It might have to be that way, since it stirs up too much from people otherwise
[01/12/2012 1:14:53 AM] CJ Miller: from people that usally end up getting banned anything for breaking rules
[01/12/2012 1:15:27 AM] Ako: and the staff, as you can see, do not want to have other staff playing like that
[01/12/2012 1:16:11 AM] Ako: I really don't want to have conflicts
[01/12/2012 1:16:21 AM] Ako: but this kind of play is causeing them

Double quote again? Anyways if you want to know I offered jan the stuff in the chests back and know what her response was?

[11/30/2012 11:25:50 PM] CJ Miller: jan if you want the stuff in the chests back you can have it.
[11/30/2012 11:26:10 PM] Moneypenny: Fuck you
[11/30/2012 11:27:04 PM] Moneypenny: You are a fucking admin
[11/30/2012 11:27:09 PM] Moneypenny: Why do you do shit like this

And before that she said:
[11/30/2012 11:17:21 PM] Moneypenny: I can't just tp there
[11/30/2012 11:17:33 PM] Moneypenny: I dont know where it is and I'd rather not stoop to such faggotry

Yet she ends up tping there and griefing it, and that is when the rules where suspended mind you. But hey this is my ban appeal so why we talking about jan, besides that I offered her the contents of her chests back and she spits it back in my face.

[12/9/2012 4:38:51 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: 18. PRs may, if they choose, suggest a punishment or course of action to the Staff on any particular case once it has been investigated.

PR can make a sugestion of course of action, but it is still up to the staff.
[12/9/2012 4:40:05 PM] Kovos Datch: Which is usually carried out by the staff as the PRs are levelheaded and unbiased
[12/9/2012 4:40:33 PM] Moneypenny [Jan]: Oh my hell now he's bringing it into Skype
[12/9/2012 4:40:53 PM] Runek: So.. Much mud slinging.. It's EVERYWHERE.
[12/9/2012 4:40:57 PM] Runek: It's in my racoon wounds..
[12/9/2012 4:41:01 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: Well jan you of all people should understand
[12/9/2012 4:41:13 PM] Moneypenny [Jan]: Couldn't you say this in the staff chat you're still in?
[12/9/2012 4:41:48 PM] Kovos Datch: He would, but he is trying to defame me
[12/9/2012 4:42:25 PM] Kovos Datch: You can stop trying to defame me, Cj. I do enough of that on my own, thanks
[12/9/2012 4:42:31 PM] Runek: ^
[12/9/2012 4:42:40 PM] Moneypenny [Jan]: Wait CJ, seriously though, why didn't you just use the staff chat?
[12/9/2012 4:42:45 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: I did
[12/9/2012 4:42:56 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: I told rune first
[12/9/2012 4:42:59 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: he said take it to the forums
[12/9/2012 4:43:02 PM] Moneypenny [Jan]: Then why are you bringing it here?
[12/9/2012 4:43:04 PM] Runek: I did.
[12/9/2012 4:43:15 PM] Runek: I stand by the decision I made.
[12/9/2012 4:43:20 PM] Kovos Datch: You brought it to the forums. Ako is soon to review it
[12/9/2012 4:43:28 PM] Kovos Datch: Why bring it to skype?
[12/9/2012 4:43:28 PM] Runek: CJ is welcome to report something he feels strongly on.
[12/9/2012 4:46:39 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: and then kovos is going to lock it if I post again
[12/9/2012 4:46:49 PM] Moneypenny [Jan]: Is your new one locked?
[12/9/2012 4:46:49 PM] Kovos Datch: Because the drama needs to stop
[12/9/2012 4:46:54 PM] Kovos Datch: You both made your cases
[12/9/2012 4:46:58 PM] Kovos Datch: It's done
[12/9/2012 4:47:03 PM] Kovos Datch: The owners will review it now
[12/9/2012 4:47:18 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: Well anyways I was there when we had the vote on if we should allow it or not
[12/9/2012 4:47:23 PM] Runek: Problem solved! Let's all sing a Christmas Carol.
[12/9/2012 4:47:24 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: so its not as much feel as know
[12/9/2012 4:49:00 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: the point is aysun there was no "I feel its wrong" I know it is wrong

So this one goes right back to another post I made on this thread.
[12/9/2012 4:47:18 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: Well anyways I was there when we had the vote on if we should allow it or not

And second on this one notice how once again I followed the instructions of a staff member and get blasted for doing so. Also notice how kovos locks a thread so the "owners will review it" how many other threads has he done that on? Lock the thread so that noone can post and it may be reviewed, only happened twice from what I remember and once it was after a long discussion and then a gap of posts while the other was short and no discussion with that one being mine.

Kovos I like how many action that puts you in a negative life is defaming you, point of perspective I guess I see someone not holding to what they agree to I call them out and they bite back with insults instead of counter proof.

[12/9/2012 5:02:09 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: na star just breaks up with her boyfriend and then is over at kovos's room all the time
[12/9/2012 5:02:23 PM] Aysun: Yes, but when someone asks you not to do something, it's nice to not do it. And when you ignore it, you should probaby expect to get shit in return.
[12/9/2012 5:02:25 PM] Kovos Datch: For the record, she was over at my room when she was with her bf
[12/9/2012 5:02:27 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): Yeah probably because he's my best friend and he's keeping me mentally sane.
[12/9/2012 5:02:52 PM] Aysun: Star and Kovos have both asked nicely not to be called that.

How many times recently have you called each other boyfriend and girlfriend on the server now? To many to count. I just noticed early. As for not doing what she (Star) asked, she could of /ignored me which seems to be the general response on the forums now if you don't get along with someone.

[12/10/2012 6:48:29 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: pre-calc book?
[12/10/2012 6:48:33 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: arnt you in college
[12/10/2012 6:48:47 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): Yeah I had to re-take pre-calc because I hadn't taken it in 3 years
[12/10/2012 6:49:13 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: ya most dont take precalc at all just go to calc one
[12/10/2012 6:49:31 PM] Aysun: cuz yea pre-calc is so something that you have to take CJ.. I'm a senior graduating in may with a BS and have never had to touch calc.
[12/10/2012 6:49:35 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): My school sucks. I've been writing since I was in 5th grade and I had to take remedial english
[12/10/2012 6:50:07 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: well aysun if your going to take calc you skip precalc or you dont take any at all
[12/10/2012 6:50:41 PM] Aysun: My point is I'm not and that you shouldn't make stupid assumptions about people's place in education because of where they are in calc.
[12/10/2012 6:51:01 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): CJ's full of assumptions, I don't let him bother me.
[12/10/2012 6:51:59 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: meh i just go with the most likely and for most things it works, if your off that then there are a few other things you be off on to

Guess this is the irrelevant quote. But lets go into more detail shall we. I voice my opinion and I get bashed where my opinion is based on reports for the ACT, DoE, and being a college student. Also notice Aysun's statement does not counter mine they both say the same thing. If you touch calculus you go all the way through or you don't touch it at all.

[12/13/2012 6:55:26 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: yep you all made a choice with no power
[12/13/2012 6:55:29 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: the only one that has any is ako

Which is referring to the statement in the case about me where you posted the results of a poll where that pull was asking for opinions and was not for the determination of my punishment. Yet you (kovos) treated it as if it was the final decision when Ako said himself he was looking for opinions through it. In which his responce was:
As I accidentally messed up how this verdict was voted on and delivered...
Regardless of it, and just so this is on record, I simply announce that CJ is dismissed from the Staff.

And not:

A vote was finally cast after much thought and debate. We can finally close this case.

Preface to verdict:
The following verdict in no way dismisses the help cjm721 has given VillageCraft over the previous months. The help is appreciated fully. As always, this verdict may be appealed.

The verdict:
Based upon cjm721's conduct as a staff member, the unsatisfactory behaviour with sensitive server content without the consent of the owners' backs, and the evidence that there were cases where cjm721 used staff privileges to an unfair advantage while playing as a "player", the staff finds cjm721 guilty.

The punishment will full removal from staff in all aspects.

Which in itself is rather interesting. What staff privilege did I use my unfair advantage? Having op does not instantly make me unkillable and unlimited cash, it just gives me access to those commands of which I did not use (I reference this in a previous post also so no need to quote).

[12/10/2012 8:09:22 PM] Ako: so, CJ did indeed create a backdoor without my consent
[12/10/2012 8:09:41 PM] Ako: the secret command he made and used he hid in a plugin
[12/10/2012 8:09:46 PM] Kovos Datch: Seriously?
[12/10/2012 8:09:48 PM] Ako: he hinted at it to air and i
[12/10/2012 8:09:52 PM] Ako: and we found it
[12/10/2012 8:10:06 PM] Ako: hidden between other command lines of code
[12/10/2012 8:10:24 PM] Ako: i asked him when he made it and he claims to not remember
[12/10/2012 8:10:38 PM] Ako: I asked why he hid it twice deep within the code I wrote
[12/10/2012 8:10:43 PM] Ako: he wouldnt answer really

So which part of this am I suppose to be appealing/apologizing for? I told air what plugin it was in and the name, and with that information should take you a few seconds to get it. Also the fact that I made it, is it any different then me going on console and oping myself there? One way I have to do it from ingame the other from my other screen. I was still admin which means I still had the ability to op and deop people, with the only people I oped/deoped was myself. So the only thing I did wrong was not ask ako before I made it? In which when we talked about it he was fine that it was there just had wished I had asked before I made it. Also like to remind everyone that Ako, Air, and I had been talking about it before Jan told kovos about it and there was no punishment, yet when the rest of staff finds out about it, it then turns into some big deal that it was not when I was first talking with Ako about it. Also I gave my answer and Ako did not find it satisfactory so that "he wouldnt answer really" I did answer just it was found to be lacking in Akomine's eyes.

[12/29/2012 3:32:06 PM] Kovos Datch: Cj just told star "Star do you know how to lose some weight" so I muted him
[12/29/2012 3:32:20 PM] Kovos Datch: I am tell everyone publicly
[12/29/2012 3:32:38 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: clap clap calp
[12/29/2012 3:32:47 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: misusing your mute ability
[12/29/2012 3:32:51 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: i was not spaming
[12/29/2012 3:32:56 PM] Kovos Datch: flaming
[12/29/2012 3:33:11 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: flaming now is it?
[12/29/2012 3:33:18 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: lol kovos you need to learn
[12/29/2012 3:34:21 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): It's being a fucking douche
[12/29/2012 3:34:47 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: well you made yourself public on the internet have to be confertible with yourself
[12/29/2012 3:34:53 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): *comfortable
[12/29/2012 3:35:11 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): So your response is to try to tear me down?
[12/29/2012 3:35:15 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): Do you even fucking have a life?
[12/29/2012 3:35:31 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: [Saturday, December 29, 2012 3:35 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar):

<<< So your response is to try to tear me down?same said to you
[12/29/2012 3:35:49 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): All I told you was to shut up. You started it by attacking Kovos publicly
[12/29/2012 3:36:01 PM] Star (xxbabygirlstar): He did what he thought was right and your response to ask if he knows how to do something like he's stupid.
[12/29/2012 3:37:15 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: well does he
[12/29/2012 3:38:36 PM] Kovos Datch: No, I am an effing retard spawned in the lowest pits of mordor
[12/29/2012 3:39:20 PM] CJ Miller [CJM]: well via your actions have to agree with your sarcastic statement

During this there was several moderators on and not one of them muted me, kovos muted me. Now think about that the reason kovos has the mute ability is when something gets out of hand and there are no staff around, yet there was several staff on and after you did it Ako told me rune was telling you that you should not of muted me. This seems as a rather one way street, staff members and star make fun of me (flaming) and I turn around and give them the same treatment I get muted. So I get punished for snapping back at star yet nothing happens to her wouldn't that make you pissed?

Offline cjm721 (OP)

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #32 on: 27 January 2013, 07:23:18 PM »
Now lets quote the reason I got banned according to Akomine.
[12/30/2012 11:51:18 PM] Ako: For writing a backdoor into rTriggers and hiding it, and then refusing to give a straight answer about it, or why you hid it.
For being a complete douche to many people.
For going out of control in the recent days with your inflammatory remarks that seem to only be designed to either insult people or stir up shit.
For directly harassing and bullying members of the server, especially Star, who you decided attack her for being overweight.

I have recieved so many complaints about you recently, and the staff has decided that for the betterment of the server that you could not be involved in it if you were going to behave this way. In many's opinions you have been given several opportunities to "shape up", but have perhaps only gotten worse. We can't have someone directly negatively affecting other human beings on a videogame that is supposed to be fun. I took your advice to stop being a pacifist and take lead, so I listened to the mass of complaints, the threats from many to leave the server, and the advice of the staff, and agreed to ban you. I didn't originally want to do this, but it is a good decision.

I thank you for everything you've done with the server, and regret that we had to come to this point. I know you said you were setting up another server with someone, and I hope that is successful. As with any player who has recieved a punishment, you are free to appeal on the forums.

Lets take a closer look at the middle paragraph. "I listened to the mass of complaints, the threats from many to leave the server," so I was banned because people threatened to leave the server because of me. So my messages is what got me banned when the people could of just /ignore (which you seem as the general response if you don't want to hear someone), but instead I am banned without any final warning (go back up to previous post). Now mass complaints does not equal mass people, I do not talk to very many people on the server so there is only so many people that could be on this mass complaint list, of which:

[12/30/2012 11:54:31 PM] Ako: some staff, some non-staff

Also I said this to Ako after he sent me that and I will say it again. I told Akomine to lead and speak his mind to the others, instead he had/has been sitting back letting others talk in his name when he told me he did not agree with them, so either akomine was lieing to me or other staff members are lieing about what they where told. "and agreed to ban you" that is not leading that is falling to peer pressure. Also with my comments to star I apologized being the better man and saying I screwed up even when we have stuff like that going on the server every day and nothing happens.

Now it is very unlikly that I will be unbanned in any circumstance because the same people that are voting to have me unbanned are the same people that threatened to  leave the server if I was not and also where the first to say I should be instantly banned for evidence brought up by kovos before I was even asked about it.

Which btw the ending line of kovos's statement was:
"I also hope fair, swift action is taken so justice can be extracted"
and he had not even talked to me about any of it.

"But what I think is best is punishment, he resigned so I'm ready to say the best idea is a ban/long tempban."

"My understanding is that strict punishment is a last resort, and I fully support this. In this case though, its my opinion that CJ be permanently banned. Given the gravity of the situation, I also recommend that the server owners make an executive decision on this."

Lycoris (AIDA_Player):
"God mode, messing with admin permissions, and stopping the server. All horrible and unforgivable things. That is the ultimate unfair advantage. He abused console and stop, he also abused out trust upon giving those things to him."

All of there was from before I even asked about the situation. Which in the end I showed I did not grief when it was not allowed nor did I use my abilities as an admin to help me do it. With kovos leaving out facts that he was there when he said I griefed the place and did not mention that at all. That entire thread was using circumstantial evidence so that 1+1 = 3 and an attempt to have me banned.

Also durring the investigation:
[][12/04/2012 03:16:05 AM (VillageCraft: -951,5,-621)] JANUARYJONES: /ss and I'm sorry your friend is a serious power abuser, don't get mad at us
[][12/04/2012 03:16:14 AM (VillageCraft: -949,5,-621)] JANUARYJONES: /ss just trying to make things right

Makes things right by doing what bugging me with /spectate and tpo?

[][12/04/2012 03:17:53 AM (VillageCraft: 1099,66,412)] Runek591: /ss Cay, you really are welcome to state your opinion on this. =) You're part of the staff, and we
[][12/04/2012 03:17:58 AM (VillageCraft: 1099,66,412)] Runek591: /ss will listen.
[][12/04/2012 03:18:40 AM (VillageCraft: -17560,5,2908)] cayrat: /ss i rather not, most the time this happens "You're the kid, you don't know anything"

As another note on that cayrat is the only person who said anything positive about me and she is instantly verbally assaulted by being called childish, stupid, and told to stay out of it. Now if any of you where going to call anything douche that is and where is the non bias attitude.

Some more quotes:
[][12/01/2012 05:15:43 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -732,9,19)] JANUARYJONES: /ss you broke my protected chests you fucking dickhead
[][12/01/2012 05:15:51 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -732,57,-15)] cjm721: /ss did you not read the new rules
[][12/01/2012 05:15:54 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -732,57,-15)] cjm721: /stack
[][12/01/2012 05:15:56 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -732,57,-14)] cjm721: /ss no lockette
[][12/01/2012 05:15:56 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -731,9,16)] JANUARYJONES: /ss MY PROTECTED CHESTS
[][12/01/2012 05:16:01 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -731,9,16)] JANUARYJONES: /ss I don't care
[][12/01/2012 05:16:04 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -731,9,16)] JANUARYJONES: /ss why would you do this?
[][12/01/2012 05:16:12 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -732,58,-3)] cjm721: /ss first off dig build this
[][12/01/2012 05:16:16 AM (VillageCraft: -1582,97,-2381)] cayrat: /ss he hated dig
[][12/01/2012 05:16:18 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -732,58,-3)] cjm721: /ss second im doing it to all
[][12/01/2012 05:16:25 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -731,9,16)] JANUARYJONES: /ss I don't care you broke my lockettes
[][12/01/2012 05:16:36 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -731,9,16)] JANUARYJONES: /ss how did you get to my spawner?
[][12/01/2012 05:16:36 AM (VillageCraft: -3906,108,-3709)] airborne101st45: /tpo jan
[][12/01/2012 05:16:47 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -737,58,23)] cjm721: /ss had a home here since dig started building
[][12/01/2012 05:16:55 AM (VillageCraft: -1582,97,-2381)] cayrat: /ss there was a warp there a long ago too
[][12/01/2012 05:17:05 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -731,9,16)] JANUARYJONES: /ss I'm fucking done
[][12/01/2012 05:17:12 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -737,58,-1)] cjm721: /ss i made the warp when we were looking at dig
[][12/01/2012 05:17:16 AM (VillageCraft_the_end: -731,9,-9)] JANUARYJONES: /ss cunt

"I don't care" when I ask her if she read the new rules that had been up for a week. Jan's general response to me I don't give a shit about you, cuss at me then leave.

But hell as I said before the cards are stacked and as a general note it seems that if you can get a few people including staff to threaten to leave the server you can get anyone banned. Especially if you spend a month trying to spin everything against them, then follow them around all the time. I will continue this appeal because my reasons for coming back have not changed, but I am not naive enough to think people who have never changed before are going to change now.

As it exceeded the post length had to two it in 3 sections.
« Last Edit: 27 January 2013, 09:04:23 PM by airborne101st45 »

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #33 on: 27 January 2013, 07:35:51 PM »
lol, there are so many lies and inaccuracies on this I'm not even going to bother.

I wish you all the best in the future, CJ. I'm done with you. :)

Offline Aysun

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #34 on: 27 January 2013, 07:37:22 PM »
One of the main staff guidelines I seen broken time and time again since I left is using staff only commands to help player / hurt non rule breaking ones, and using staff only commands for personal gain. That has never been allowed yet soon as I step down I start seeing more and more of it.

Lol. You did that. At such a monsterous level that you "stepped down" as a result.

Also the point of having staff commands is to use them to help the playerbase (replacing griefed items, settling disputes via observation with /vanish, ensuring rules aren't broken with /spectate, etc).

Good luck in future, CJ.

Offline cjm721 (OP)

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #35 on: 27 January 2013, 07:45:44 PM »
One of the main staff guidelines I seen broken time and time again since I left is using staff only commands to help player / hurt non rule breaking ones, and using staff only commands for personal gain. That has never been allowed yet soon as I step down I start seeing more and more of it.

Lol. You did that. At such a monsterous level that you "stepped down" as a result.

Also the point of having staff commands is to use them to help the playerbase (replacing griefed items, settling disputes via observation with /vanish, ensuring rules aren't broken with /spectate, etc).

Good luck in future, CJ.

No I stepped down because I was not able to play as a player while being an admin. I abused no commands when I was griefing the spawners so ya get your facts straight.

And two both of you you can say I'm lieing as much as you until the point that everyone heard it so much that they believe it, but that does not change the truth.

And directly to rune. Point them out then instead of your general to many to bother.


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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #36 on: 27 January 2013, 09:05:54 PM »
I think Aysun and Rune covered my thoughts as well.

Just as I made a case against you, Cj, about the end, you bring this on me. I was incorrect on some thing in the "end" case. You explained yourself and the staff took it into consideration. You, like I, have a few things wrong here.

For example, let's get something clear here:
When you insulted Star. There were staff members online... however they were afk (as none of them were responding to players, me, or general chat). I weighed the situation... as well as the crap you gave us (mainly me) on the forums and I took action.
[12/29/2012 4:04:17 PM] Kovos Datch: He flamed Star today. After she basically asked him if he knew when to shut up, he asked her if she knew how to lose some weight. I muted him for a few minutes. You all were afk at the time and were busy with other things.
[12/29/2012 4:21:23 PM] Ako: he said what?
[12/29/2012 4:21:28 PM] Ako: did you save what he wrote?
[12/29/2012 4:22:10 PM] Kovos Datch: Well it's in chat logs.... but it went something like "Star do you know how to lose weight?"
[12/29/2012 4:23:27 PM] Ako: ohh
[12/29/2012 4:23:31 PM] Ako: but the weight thing is in chat?
[12/29/2012 4:23:36 PM] Kovos Datch: it was
[12/29/2012 4:23:40 PM] Ako: when?
[12/29/2012 4:23:43 PM] Ako: i'm gonna check logs
[12/29/2012 4:23:50 PM] Kovos Datch: 3:25-3:35 EST
[12/29/2012 4:23:57 PM] Ako: so, recently
[12/29/2012 4:24:09 PM] Ako: today?
[12/29/2012 4:24:09 PM] Kovos Datch: Indeed
[12/29/2012 4:24:09 PM] Ako: k
[12/29/2012 4:24:15 PM] Kovos Datch: You all were afk
[12/29/2012 4:24:31 PM] Kovos Datch: So i muted him until I could talk to Rune or you about it
[12/29/2012 4:24:51 PM] Ako: k
[12/29/2012 4:27:17 PM] Ako: btw, you muting him in that case is TOTALLY OKAY
[12/29/2012 4:27:19 PM] Ako: and thankyou for doing it

Good fight, old chap!  ;)

Now that command was there because I do not trust the current staff with being able to handle running the server

Don't you now! Well I believe that speaks chapters about you! You don't trust them? Why should they trust you?

What I am getting at in a roundabout way is:
Your ban appeals shows you haven't changed a bit. You believe your truth is the only truth and that there can be no other way. Your point of view is the only feasible option. There have been many philosophical discussions, thoughts, and papers about this kind of thing. Philosophers have come to a general consensus: there are many perceived truths, but there is only one REAL truth.

For example: You are sitting at the lunch table and you see a small group of people looking at your general direction... and they are all laughing. You think they are laughing at you because of some negative reason. They, in fact, are laughing at a joke you told in class right before lunch. Your perceived truth makes it seem that you are correct... but in reality, you a totally wrong.

You, Cj, fit right into that category. You can only think in your own truth. You cannot accept total, real, factual truth. You only claim your truth is truth. Some of your "truth" is factual... but some of it is totally false.

You said in your first post:
After quite a while of debating I have decided to request to be unbanned. I know I let my emotions get the best of me and I took it out on everyone on the server, and for that you all have my apology. If I am unbanned I will be quite and just keep to myself.

I would like to point out that you are doing a sorry job of proving that on this ban appeal. It seems to me that you cannot wrap your head around other "truths" that have truth behind them. I also enjoy how you went after me, specifically, on this ban appeal. My posts were giving my professional opinion. In fact, let's take my 2 posts from this ban appeal. The first one was, in my opinion (as well as the opinions of others), well thought-out and well written. It didn't make any direct attacks on you so much as give my opinion of the situation. My second post went something like:
I went through some of the skype chats and asked around for some of the other ones. Some of these posts may or may not be relevant, so I will just post them all. Take them how you want.

Please note how I left it to open interpretation. I didn't attack you. I didn't defame you. I didn't cast you in any sort of light. You, however, repeatedly went after me in those responses you gave. That, too, speaks chapters about how much you have changed!

In my professional opinion, Cj, you have not changed in the least.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #37 on: 27 January 2013, 09:38:40 PM »
I think Aysun and Rune covered my thoughts as well.

Just as I made a case against you, Cj, about the end, you bring this on me. I was incorrect on some thing in the "end" case. You explained yourself and the staff took it into consideration. You, like I, have a few things wrong here.

For example, let's get something clear here:
When you insulted Star. There were staff members online... however they were afk (as none of them were responding to players, me, or general chat). I weighed the situation... as well as the crap you gave us (mainly me) on the forums and I took action.
[12/29/2012 4:04:17 PM] Kovos Datch: He flamed Star today. After she basically asked him if he knew when to shut up, he asked her if she knew how to lose some weight. I muted him for a few minutes. You all were afk at the time and were busy with other things.
[12/29/2012 4:21:23 PM] Ako: he said what?
[12/29/2012 4:21:28 PM] Ako: did you save what he wrote?
[12/29/2012 4:22:10 PM] Kovos Datch: Well it's in chat logs.... but it went something like "Star do you know how to lose weight?"
[12/29/2012 4:23:27 PM] Ako: ohh
[12/29/2012 4:23:31 PM] Ako: but the weight thing is in chat?
[12/29/2012 4:23:36 PM] Kovos Datch: it was
[12/29/2012 4:23:40 PM] Ako: when?
[12/29/2012 4:23:43 PM] Ako: i'm gonna check logs
[12/29/2012 4:23:50 PM] Kovos Datch: 3:25-3:35 EST
[12/29/2012 4:23:57 PM] Ako: so, recently
[12/29/2012 4:24:09 PM] Ako: today?
[12/29/2012 4:24:09 PM] Kovos Datch: Indeed
[12/29/2012 4:24:09 PM] Ako: k
[12/29/2012 4:24:15 PM] Kovos Datch: You all were afk
[12/29/2012 4:24:31 PM] Kovos Datch: So i muted him until I could talk to Rune or you about it
[12/29/2012 4:24:51 PM] Ako: k
[12/29/2012 4:27:17 PM] Ako: btw, you muting him in that case is TOTALLY OKAY
[12/29/2012 4:27:19 PM] Ako: and thankyou for doing it

Good fight, old chap!  ;)

Now that command was there because I do not trust the current staff with being able to handle running the server

Don't you now! Well I believe that speaks chapters about you! You don't trust them? Why should they trust you?

What I am getting at in a roundabout way is:
Your ban appeals shows you haven't changed a bit. You believe your truth is the only truth and that there can be no other way. Your point of view is the only feasible option. There have been many philosophical discussions, thoughts, and papers about this kind of thing. Philosophers have come to a general consensus: there are many perceived truths, but there is only one REAL truth.

For example: You are sitting at the lunch table and you see a small group of people looking at your general direction... and they are all laughing. You think they are laughing at you because of some negative reason. They, in fact, are laughing at a joke you told in class right before lunch. Your perceived truth makes it seem that you are correct... but in reality, you a totally wrong.

You, Cj, fit right into that category. You can only think in your own truth. You cannot accept total, real, factual truth. You only claim your truth is truth. Some of your "truth" is factual... but some of it is totally false.

You said in your first post:
After quite a while of debating I have decided to request to be unbanned. I know I let my emotions get the best of me and I took it out on everyone on the server, and for that you all have my apology. If I am unbanned I will be quite and just keep to myself.

I would like to point out that you are doing a sorry job of proving that on this ban appeal. It seems to me that you cannot wrap your head around other "truths" that have truth behind them. I also enjoy how you went after me, specifically, on this ban appeal. My posts were giving my professional opinion. In fact, let's take my 2 posts from this ban appeal. The first one was, in my opinion (as well as the opinions of others), well thought-out and well written. It didn't make any direct attacks on you so much as give my opinion of the situation. My second post went something like:
I went through some of the skype chats and asked around for some of the other ones. Some of these posts may or may not be relevant, so I will just post them all. Take them how you want.

Please note how I left it to open interpretation. I didn't attack you. I didn't defame you. I didn't cast you in any sort of light. You, however, repeatedly went after me in those responses you gave. That, too, speaks chapters about how much you have changed!

In my professional opinion, Cj, you have not changed in the least.

So someone is lieing as when I talked to Ako he told me it was not right that I was muted. Also you say you weighted in on "the crap" I gave you on the forums. So your saying you muted me there because not what I said ingame but what I said ingame combined with on the forums. Which if you take to the next logical step I did not break a rule ingame as you would not of had to weigh what I did on the forums also to make your decision.

And for not trusting staff lets see why. I already knew most of them wanted me gone and that I have had to talk to all of them about rules they have broken. So ya I don't trust people without conditions when I seen them cheat.

  • Using worldedit to build enderman farm
  • Using worldedit to build village

Personal Use of:
  • xray
  • ./enchant
  • Creative in personal village (pre and post admin)
  • Using tpo to set alt account at location of catty's blaze farm
  • When asked about /vanishing then tpo to specific people would not give a reason as to why she was just checking them and noone else


Has a soft spot for Januaryjones that has been noticed by all the owners not just me. Of the things listed above all she got was a talking to no physical action of which she did not change her methods.

You have always treated anything I post different. For other people you are open about what you are doing, but when I post I am always wrong and if anything is looked at it is never talked about.

Now for quite a few more look at the forums. Then you come back and tell me why should I trust them.

Now this ban appeal started as me stating that I take the hit for all this bull shit, but as this has progressed I have also seen no change in anyone's attitude. Just going to spit the same thing back over and over and not even answer anything I bring up. Such as why I was not warned in that hour before I was banned. Why there is inconsistencies between what I was told and what you are saying. Or how my actions deemed a ban yet others not even a talking to. Also saying I only believe my own statements the same could be said for you. I been playing on this server logger then anyone (physical time) and you really think there was some switch turned from where I was trusted to that I am a liar? I as a person have not changed, I still hold on to my morals and beliefs yet all I am seeing on here is a bandwagon of people who don't want me back not because I broke any rules but because I caught them breaking rules (side reminder here until recently I also kept it confidential which is not the same favor I got in return).

So if I am totally wrong kovos go through my posts and state how they are wrong, considering probably just going to start making up false evidence again like you did the first time but hey prove me wrong. But like you said you don't flame only I do, but in all reality lying is worse then flaming kovos. If you change your actions then I will forgive you, but if you keep wanting to do the same thing over and over don't expect to get a different response.
« Last Edit: 27 January 2013, 09:41:19 PM by airborne101st45 »

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #38 on: 27 January 2013, 09:43:39 PM »
I just want to explain what the backdoor was because there seems to be some wrong information about it. CJ hid 2 scripts in a plugin. These scripts gave CJ and ANYONE the ability to use the /op and /deop commands because the commands had no permission node and he even gave the two commands interesting names. The command to OP himself was called "hereitis666" and the command to deop himself was "soitbegins666". CJ did tell us (Ako and me) about the backdoor a couple days after I removed him from staff and removed his console privileges and FTP access. The thing is...when I asked CJ why he made the backdoor he said that it was an old backdoor and he just removed the permission node. This seemed kind of strange to me so I checked my October/November server backups and of course, the backdoor wasn't there, which means that CJ made the backdoor after all the disputes started to happen.

My theory is that after CJ "resigned" from staff and lost access to the server files, he regretted creating the backdoor because he feared Ako or me would find it so he decided to come clean about it. What were his true intentions when he created the backdoor? I have no idea but the names he gave to the backdoor commands are interesting.

My stance on this appeal (and the voting we did) is that CJ should be unbanned when VC is running 1.5 but that is just my own opinion.
« Last Edit: 27 January 2013, 10:01:17 PM by airborne101st45 »


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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #39 on: 27 January 2013, 10:29:28 PM »
So someone is lieing as when I talked to Ako he told me it was not right that I was muted. Also you say you weighted in on "the crap" I gave you on the forums. So your saying you muted me there because not what I said ingame but what I said ingame combined with on the forums. Which if you take to the next logical step I did not break a rule ingame as you would not of had to weigh what I did on the forums also to make your decision.

And for not trusting staff lets see why. I already knew most of them wanted me gone and that I have had to talk to all of them about rules they have broken. So ya I don't trust people without conditions when I seen them cheat.

  • Using worldedit to build enderman farm
  • Using worldedit to build village

Personal Use of:
  • xray
  • ./enchant
  • Creative in personal village (pre and post admin)
  • Using tpo to set alt account at location of catty's blaze farm
  • When asked about /vanishing then tpo to specific people would not give a reason as to why she was just checking them and noone else


Has a soft spot for Januaryjones that has been noticed by all the owners not just me. Of the things listed above all she got was a talking to no physical action of which she did not change her methods.

You have always treated anything I post different. For other people you are open about what you are doing, but when I post I am always wrong and if anything is looked at it is never talked about.

Now for quite a few more look at the forums. Then you come back and tell me why should I trust them.

Now this ban appeal started as me stating that I take the hit for all this bull shit, but as this has progressed I have also seen no change in anyone's attitude. Just going to spit the same thing back over and over and not even answer anything I bring up. Such as why I was not warned in that hour before I was banned. Why there is inconsistencies between what I was told and what you are saying. Or how my actions deemed a ban yet others not even a talking to. Also saying I only believe my own statements the same could be said for you. I been playing on this server logger then anyone (physical time) and you really think there was some switch turned from where I was trusted to that I am a liar? I as a person have not changed, I still hold on to my morals and beliefs yet all I am seeing on here is a bandwagon of people who don't want me back not because I broke any rules but because I caught them breaking rules (side reminder here until recently I also kept it confidential which is not the same favor I got in return).

So if I am totally wrong kovos go through my posts and state how they are wrong, considering probably just going to start making up false evidence again like you did the first time but hey prove me wrong. But like you said you don't flame only I do, but in all reality lying is worse then flaming kovos. If you change your actions then I will forgive you, but if you keep wanting to do the same thing over and over don't expect to get a different response.

Mind if you post specific evidence of these specific incidences listed above? I'd love to take your word on it... but seeing as your word seems a little shoddy right now, I'm going to need to see some hard evidence.

You say you told Ako and he said differently? Good! Please post the chat you had with him! I'd love to see it!

You say Ako favors Jan? How is that any different from Cay favoring you?

You say Aida W.E. his ender spawner? You said you moved your ender spawner.
I had already explained the reason I moved it which was because no players had been to my spawner and only staff members I had allowed to teleport there were to see what one was, so I moved it in a circle around the center island a few degrees to avoid any issue of having to deal with staff members using staff only knowledge to get there.

I don't know if Aida did W.E. something in. If you have evidence, please post it. However, you seem to have done some things yourself. But, hey, it's always different when you do it, right? After all, you do have that warped sense of reality that I explained before.

Jan did all of that stuff, did she? As I said before, please post evidence.

As for me, I think I am done with this ban appeal. I explained my thoughts and I think I did so in a reasonable fashion. I would like to hope for you the best in life, Cj. Just watch the temper and be open to the ideas of others  :)

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #40 on: 27 January 2013, 11:42:26 PM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

Offline Aysun

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #41 on: 28 January 2013, 12:02:29 AM »
What I wanted to see from you in this appeal to consider you seriously:
1. Own up to what you have done from abuse of powers to the douchery after you were demoted.
2. Explain why you did these things -- you let your emotions get the better of you? What does that mean?
3. Show that you have changed.

What I have seen:
Same old bullshit.

While I'm not sure why airborne edited your post, and you're quick to make an assumption that it was to silence you, the point remains.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #42 on: 28 January 2013, 12:03:57 AM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

Disclaimer: I was not active during the time that most of this went down. Believe i stopped playing right after it started. Also didn't read EVERYTHING in this thread  >.>

But anyways... Cj the staff is doing wut they should be doing and following the rules. You were given powers other players didn't have... Sure you did some good with those powers but apparently you also did some bad. You fucked up basically... not sure why or exactly to wut extent but it was bad enough that it became an issue and staff had to talk about it and decide wut needed to be done. You stepped down from staff or wut ever... that doesn't change anything you did at that time... that doesn't make up for anything you did... That was your chance to change and make up for the bad things you did... but apparently you didn't and you continued to act like a douche on the server... If I fucked up so bad that I had to step down from staff I wouldn't wanna fuck up anymore because I know I would get banned... Guess you didn't realize that... The staff isn't acting just out of feelings... You broke the golden rule.... "Don't be a douche!"... To the point they banned you. Maybe this appeal was to soon.. probably should have waited tell 1.5 came out or something... But I don't think any of the staff is really ready to trust you. Or at least not enough of it. Sorry dude... you dun fucked up... Now you got to live with it... Just move on and learn from it. If you can't do that try again in a month or two?... Don't know wut else to tell you.

You didn't seem all that bad to me (prior to me quitting for a couple months)... but I can see where the rest of the staff is coming from.
« Last Edit: 28 January 2013, 12:06:35 AM by DarkenedAngel »

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #43 on: 28 January 2013, 12:06:39 AM »
I just want to explain what the backdoor was because there seems to be some wrong information about it. CJ hid 2 scripts in a plugin. These scripts gave CJ and ANYONE the ability to use the /op and /deop commands because the commands had no permission node and he even gave the two commands interesting names. The command to OP himself was called "hereitis666" and the command to deop himself was "soitbegins666". CJ did tell us (Ako and me) about the backdoor a couple days after I removed him from staff and removed his console privileges and FTP access. The thing is...when I asked CJ why he made the backdoor he said that it was an old backdoor and he just removed the permission node. This seemed kind of strange to me so I checked my October/November server backups and of course, the backdoor wasn't there, which means that CJ made the backdoor after all the disputes started to happen.

My theory is that after CJ "resigned" from staff and lost access to the server files, he regretted creating the backdoor because he feared Ako or me would find it so he decided to come clean about it. What were his true intentions when he created the backdoor? I have no idea but the names he gave to the backdoor commands are interesting.

My stance on this appeal (and the voting we did) is that CJ should be unbanned when VC is running 1.5 but that is just my own opinion.

I do thank you air for at least saying something, but as long as you protect Jan with all the shit she has done there is no reason for me to come back as she will just find some reason to state to every why I should be banned, then the band wagon will join.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #44 on: 28 January 2013, 12:14:43 AM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

I removed 2 lines of text because they were completely irrelevant and false.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #45 on: 28 January 2013, 12:29:46 AM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

I removed 2 lines of text because they were completely irrelevant and false.

Oh really now? Jan has not been giving nude pictures of people she is calling ex girlfriends? So why had she sent nearly 200 of them while I was still on staff? I am being questioned for my reliability by people who are not trustworthy or reliable. If I am going to be torn apart by mixing real with false then I might as well shed some light on the people doing it.

I was banned because people threatened to leave the server including JANUARYJONES. Do you really think I am that much of an idiot not to see how much you ask for photos and Ako instantly hop on skype not to notice. You picked boobs over me, fine. Just stop trying to point it the other way.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #46 on: 28 January 2013, 12:34:58 AM »
Welcome to the internet and get a sense of humor, CJ. Pictures like that are everywhere.

I understand you're still young, but damn, no need to be afraid of boobs.

Suggesting a topic locked. The vote is underway, I think we've seen enough.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #47 on: 28 January 2013, 12:38:00 AM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

I removed 2 lines of text because they were completely irrelevant and false.

Oh really now? Jan has not been giving nude pictures of people she is calling ex girlfriends? So why had she sent nearly 200 of them while I was still on staff? I am being questioned for my reliability by people who are not trustworthy or reliable. If I am going to be torn apart by mixing real with false then I might as well shed some light on the people doing it.

I was banned because people threatened to leave the server including JANUARYJONES. Do you really think I am that much of an idiot not to see how much you ask for photos and Ako instantly hop on skype not to notice. You picked boobs over me, fine. Just stop trying to point it the other way.

lol wtf! She never called them "ex girlfriends" and we did all of it as a fucking joke. Only your brain could turn that to "You picked me over boobs".

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #48 on: 28 January 2013, 12:41:47 AM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

I removed 2 lines of text because they were completely irrelevant and false.

Oh really now? Jan has not been giving nude pictures of people she is calling ex girlfriends? So why had she sent nearly 200 of them while I was still on staff? I am being questioned for my reliability by people who are not trustworthy or reliable. If I am going to be torn apart by mixing real with false then I might as well shed some light on the people doing it.

I was banned because people threatened to leave the server including JANUARYJONES. Do you really think I am that much of an idiot not to see how much you ask for photos and Ako instantly hop on skype not to notice. You picked boobs over me, fine. Just stop trying to point it the other way.

lol wtf! She never called them "ex girlfriends" and we did all of it as a fucking joke. Only your brain could turn that to "You picked me over boobs".

Time to go back 6 months into skype logs, and yes she did. So saying it was all a joke does that still make it any better? She shows you all nude pictures of women and you all go running for it. If it was a joke why you guys do it over 10 times that I was on and saw.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #49 on: 28 January 2013, 12:48:31 AM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

I removed 2 lines of text because they were completely irrelevant and false.

Oh really now? Jan has not been giving nude pictures of people she is calling ex girlfriends? So why had she sent nearly 200 of them while I was still on staff? I am being questioned for my reliability by people who are not trustworthy or reliable. If I am going to be torn apart by mixing real with false then I might as well shed some light on the people doing it.

I was banned because people threatened to leave the server including JANUARYJONES. Do you really think I am that much of an idiot not to see how much you ask for photos and Ako instantly hop on skype not to notice. You picked boobs over me, fine. Just stop trying to point it the other way.

lol wtf! She never called them "ex girlfriends" and we did all of it as a fucking joke. Only your brain could turn that to "You picked me over boobs".

Time to go back 6 months into skype logs, and yes she did. So saying it was all a joke does that still make it any better? She shows you all nude pictures of women and you all go running for it. If it was a joke why you guys do it over 10 times that I was on and saw.

What's wrong with sharing pictures of boobs...? It's called socializing...people like to socialize.


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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #50 on: 28 January 2013, 12:53:39 AM »
You downloaded almost every single nude photo I uploaded, so what's the problem?

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #51 on: 28 January 2013, 12:59:51 AM »
Well this appeal was lost quite a while ago, as seen by my post being edited. To be more precise it was lost the same day that you all agreed to ban me not based on the rules that had been set up but on feelings. No idea why I appealed in the first place when I could still see ingame chat.

If you guy's don't follow your own rules how do you expect anyone else to follow them.

[1/22/2013 7:15:20 PM] Ako: not everyone has voted yet, and there are votes in both directions, so the better your appeal the better the chance you are unbanned. Bring up whatever you need to bring up, it is your appeal.

As of that vote last time being 6:2 for me to be banned at least shows someone on staff remembers what they should be doing. And more to Akomine if you really thought this appeal was to early what where you waiting for to be the right time? For everyone to forget about it all?

I guess if my posts here are going to be edited I will move off this forums for the public eye to see where they cannot be edited and then you all can explain yourself. That is unless someone explains a very good reason as why it was edited, but ya cya all tomorrow.

I removed 2 lines of text because they were completely irrelevant and false.

Oh really now? Jan has not been giving nude pictures of people she is calling ex girlfriends? So why had she sent nearly 200 of them while I was still on staff? I am being questioned for my reliability by people who are not trustworthy or reliable. If I am going to be torn apart by mixing real with false then I might as well shed some light on the people doing it.

I was banned because people threatened to leave the server including JANUARYJONES. Do you really think I am that much of an idiot not to see how much you ask for photos and Ako instantly hop on skype not to notice. You picked boobs over me, fine. Just stop trying to point it the other way.

lol wtf! She never called them "ex girlfriends" and we did all of it as a fucking joke. Only your brain could turn that to "You picked me over boobs".

Time to go back 6 months into skype logs, and yes she did. So saying it was all a joke does that still make it any better? She shows you all nude pictures of women and you all go running for it. If it was a joke why you guys do it over 10 times that I was on and saw.

What's wrong with sharing pictures of boobs...? It's called socializing...people like to socialize.

Socializing over what is "ex's" pictures. Joke or not you really think it is that appropriate. You think it is funny to joke about betraying trust especially when the person "joking" about doing it has done it several times? Hell why is she even an admin? What did she do that was above expectations of staff members that earned her the title of admin. When ever we were both on she always push everything todo to me and say its my problem to do deal with, and I did deal with it never really caring. Now looking back all I see is that distrust and abusive use of others for her own gain.

So ya I'm going to lose this appeal not based on what I have said at all here, but what was set December 31. She wanted me gone for a long time and there is no way in hell she is going to let me back without a fight. So unless you all start looking around and realizing your just going to be stuck in it.

And I downloaded them jan not because I wanted to see them, but because I saw a person trying to get other people by using others. Kinda glad I still have them now and all my skype backed up because I had enough of this parade you been running around with. And yes I realize all your going to say is I am just scraping the floor and lost the appeal so trying to stir up shit. The goal is for people on the server to know the truth and make their own decision and if I have to be banned for that so be it, but at least others will know what really been going on.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #52 on: 29 January 2013, 04:13:01 PM »
I have 5 things to talk about, and soitbegins:

Thing #1: Regarding the hidden op command, and that you say you told me before Jan told me about it.
This isn't true. You didn't tell me or air or her for days. People were looking over logs and Jan told me about you using op while non-staff. For a few days I would ask you a variety of questions regarding it, like how you did it. Your answers were typical of your know-it-all attitude, and instead of giving me a straight answer you gave cryptic ones, and thus you sent me on this stupid little question asking quest of slowly getting more information out of you day by day. Finally, upon getting enough info from you, Air and I had the knowledge of what you had done to be able to ask for the command and plugin.

You can paste the tiny little piece of convo where you finally give it to Air and claim that "you ask, I told" all you want, but it isn't factual. Though I think Air is right in saying you were worried about us finding it before you told us outright, I still wish you just told us and I didn't have to play the question asking game.

I'll always be curious why you named them /hereitis666 and /soitbegins666.

Thing #2: Regarding your use of the hidden op command, and your non-defense of that use.
Many times in this appeal you stop making it your appeal and start attacking others. I have no idea what this does for your case. You're probably trying to deflect blame onto other people instead of admitting any fault of your own.
One of the main staff guidelines I seen broken time and time again since I left is using staff only commands to help player / hurt non rule breaking ones, and using staff only commands for personal gain. That has never been allowed yet soon as I step down I start seeing more and more of it.
You did exactly this. You used a command for personal gain. You admitted to using your hidden op command to use creative to edit something in atlantis, and to fly around to look at something going on near or in your town.

"That has never been allowed yet soon as I step down I start seeing more and more of it." Maybe because YOU WERE THE ONE DOING IT RIGHT ONCE YOU "STEPPED DOWN"?

YOU abused the command. Period. I don't know how you can possibly claim that this wasn't an abuse of power. Not only was it for "personal gain" which is apparently not allowed, but it was also while you were NOT a Staff member.

Also, your excuse for writing and hiding that command is that you didn't trust staff. You don't get to write and hide commands from the owner of the server. You also don't get to be removed from Staff and then use those commands and claim it is okay, and then claim that anything any other player has ever done ever that mildly resembles what you did is somehow comparable.

You did something that you attack others for doing (and seem to think that you doing it is innocent). You are what is called a hypocrite.

Thing #3: The mute against you.
Was totally justified. Teasing or even attacking someone or their actions in the context of the game is one thing, but stepping into the real world becomes harassment and bullying, and I truly, truly, truly, hope that you do NOT harass or bully anyone (whether online or offline) ever again. I don't know why you think it was okay, or how you can possibly think her telling you to shut up is even remotely similar or warranting of your pathetic stab.

Kovos muted you for a good reason. If the staff weren't responding and he decided to mute, that works for me. It was 100% the right thing to do, and I hope he'd do it again any day. I would have muted you too.

Thing #4: The dark day when the evil monster known as Runek591 put a colour code in Star's nickname.
He put the colour code on to show other players that she was helping relay messages and requests for Staff help to him. In my verdict, I was saying that while I would like Staff to ask about these things, in the context of that event, it was totally justified and I pardoned both Rune and Star of any percieved or alleged wrongdoing.
Quote from: cjm721
Notice the  "are pardoned" you don't get pardoned if nothing was wrong.
Pardon? What does this mean? They had allegations against them, and I pardoned them. Simple as that.
For whatever it's worth, I kindof like the idea of an overworked lone staff member getting someone to help relay messages.
This is a good example of the empty attacks that have nothing to do with your appeal.
What Rune did was beneficial to the server, and it is unclear to me why the fuck you care about colour in a nickname.
"Abuse of power! Abuse of power!" Nope. Good use of power. Well done, Rune. And thank you, Star.

Thing #5: Resigned vs dismissed.
I induced your resignation because I didn't want you to retaliate.
Regardless, you weren't Staff any longer, and you still had no right to use op powers.
And to be REALLY clear: you are still considered dismissed from staff, and it is both as a punishment and also because you were directly contributing to the degradation of the staff at that point. The only thing I got wrong was how the vote worked and when the verdict was delivered. What I got right was dismissing you from staff. (Btw, I basicly had asked Kovos to deliver it, but forgot to tell him to wait slightly longer, but it wasn't a big deal. I wrote the verdict, and Kovos was only the messenger of it at that point. It is still legitimate).

Again, I thank you for your help with the plugins (before you hid an op command in them), but I do not thank you for your derisive conduct that has culminated in everything you see here.

And Thing #6: Have you changed? Has this been an effective appeal?
I won't reiterate what we look for in an appeal, but I will simply say that much of what you have written here is very, very telling that you not only show no signs of guilt, but that you think everything you did is justified, and think it is acceptable to instead attack others as a defense.

You show:
-Callous unconcern for the feelings of others;
-Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations;
-Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment;
-Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.
(Signs of ASPD:

You also show:
-A lack of empathy,
-Superficial charm (though not recently),
-Irresponsibility, and;
-A lack of remorse.
(Signs of Sociopathy:

In other words, I'm concerned that you might actually have symptoms of something that would require assistance beyond what anyone on this server can give you. I don't think we have anything to offer you here.

I don't think this was an effective appeal, and I don't think you have shown that you have any remorse or plan to have any change of course.

If you really want your redstone creations, I will give them to you if you promise to leave the server forever and to never initiate anything with the members of it from then on. Simply; I think we should part ways, keep our ways parted, and do it amicably.

So, hereits:

Appeal lost.
Despite clear evidence of his guilt, cjm721 does not seem to show any sort of willingness to change. It is the opinion of the majority of the staff that he was already given the chance to change. Seemingly disregarding the advice from myself, other members of the staff, as well as an almost 2 hour long Mumble conversation with Kyro, cjm721 has not displayed that he has taken the appropriate steps to be reintegrated back into regular play on the server.

Because it would be the Staff who would have to constantly monitor him and deal with any fallout of his actions, I offered the entire Staff the ability to vote on several paths to take with regards to cjm721. These included a parole option where he would have to abide by extra restrictions and could only be online with Staff present, a tempban option that would expire upon a stable-running 1.5, to deny this appeal and remain banned, to unban, to pardon, to suggest an alternate option, and to abstain.
As of right now, the vote sits at 2 for tempban, 6 for remain banned, and 1 recorded abstention. For this reason, as well as my own reasons, the reasons of many members of the playerbase, and the evidence in this appeal, I do not think there is enough support or reason to reduce the punishment for cjm721.

CJ, I have made you an offer, and hope that you will be amicable enough to agree to it. Let's put this in the past, wish eachother luck, and say good bye.


PS: If something is really troubling you and you need to talk to me or just to someone, PM me... There are people who are concerned about you, and I'm happy to talk if it would be helpful.

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #53 on: 29 January 2013, 05:49:17 PM »
CJ, just one thing.

You may edit this now, peepz.

Note: unless you are appealing a punishment, please don't post in someone else's appeal unless you have evidence or information that would make your intervention worthwhile. We don't need comments or opinions, unless we ask for them. Evidence and information is okay. Intervening with irrelevant posts that are not important to the appeal may result in an immediate forum temporary ban. Please, though, post useful information, observations, and interpretations if they add to the thread.

« Last Edit: 29 January 2013, 06:49:38 PM by airborne101st45 »
Dis nigga is banned

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #54 on: 29 January 2013, 06:05:30 PM »
Should put him in Hell/Banishment.
Just like Rainy, who was less of a douche.

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Re: Cjm721 Appeal.
« Reply #55 on: 31 January 2013, 05:00:14 PM »
CJ, if you ever make another appeal on another server, you really should state why you think you should be pardoned from the server ban, not tell other people what they have done wrong. Even I can tell you that this appeal was poor and trust me I goof off a lot. Evidently you are not sorry for what you have done and instead started to attack other people that have posted in this forum. I could see why you were not pardoned.. I'm sorry you couldn't rejoin this wonderful server, CJ.

Dis nigga is banned