Community Minister of VillageCraft:The Community Minister (CM) is an elected position. VillageCraft's CM organizes
in-game events, can choose to be a
Senator on the VC Senate, and can
certify Simple Parliament Votes.
The current Community Minister of VillageCraft is
Quick-Read Version:A - The CM is elected to run
Community Events, can become a
Senator, and can certify
Simple Parliament Votes.
B - Elections occur by request only.
Any MP may request a new election at any time. Any MP may
nominate candidates and run in the CM election.
C - The CM is given powers to run Events, and may appoint a
CM Team to help.
D - The CM is offered a
Seat in the Senate of VillageCraft at the start of every new Senate Session.
E - The CM has server permissions, a tag, and receives compensation.
VillageCraft Community Minister Official Guidelines:All nominations, signatures, and elections take place on the Parliament Board of the VC Forums, and all participants must be Members of Parliament.
ARoles:1. Event OrganizerThe CM serves as a community event organizer on VC. The CM's goal shall be to create and run events to help bring the community together to have fun and make the server a better place to play. This could include building competitions, PVP matches, elytra races, and anything else to get players involved. The CM will run the events, but will work with the Staff to make sure the event is possible before organizing it.
2. Sit as a VC SenatorBefore the start of a Senate Session, the CM is offered the choice to become a Senator in the upcoming Senate. For full details, see Section D.
3. Certify Simple Parliament VotesThe CM can represent the players' interests by certifying requests for Simple Parliament Votes in the VillageCraft Parliament. For more information on types Parliament Votes, see the
Parliament Guidelines.
BElection Process:CM Elections are triggered by player request. Elections can be requested at any time. Outgoing CMs serve until a new incoming CM starts their term. VC Staff run the elections, or may assign someone to do so.
1. Election Requesti.
Requests for new CM elections are requested on the anonymous election request board. The minimum threshold of unique players required to trigger a CM election relative to the amount of time the current CM has been serving is listed below.
- Under 2 months served: 7 players and 1 Staff Member
- 2-4 months: 6 players
- 4-6 months: 5 players
- 6-9 months: 4 players
- 9-12 months: 3 players
- over 12 months: 2 players
ii. Election requests during the first 2 months of a term expire once the first 2 months of the term is reached. Each further request expires after 1 month.
2. Candidate Nominationsi. CM candidates will be placed on the election ballot with:
- 3 nominations (including the candidate themselves), and;
- A declaration they want to run.
ii. The nomination process ends and proceeds to an election when there are at least 2 candidates and no more nominations are coming in.
3. Electioni. The CM election between all nominated candidates uses the Approval voting method, where voters approve all candidates they feel would be good in the role. If there is a winner, they are offered to become the new Community Minister.
ii. If there is a tie for winner, a First-Past-The-Post election ballot between the tied winners will determine the final winner, where voters make only 1 choice. Further ties will be resolved with a random number generator.
4. Term Beginsi. The new CM term begins within 15 days of the election result, on a day chosen by the election winner.
ii. The previous CM is removed as the new CM's term begins.
CEvents and CM Team:The CM organizes and runs community events, and is given permissions to do so. The CM can appoint a CM Team to help.
1. Event Organizationi. The CM runs community events open to VC players. The CM determines prizes, refereeing, and judging of competitions. Some aspects may require Staff approval and assistance. The CM can post a Schedule and coordinate with Staff to advertise events.
ii. The CM can be given server permissions to make their job easier and more efficient. These shall be determined by the Staff.
2. Community Minister Teami. The CM can appoint a team at their choosing. Up to 2 members of the team can receive the CM Team Role which will provide additional server permissions suitable to run server events,
subject to staff approval.
ii. CM Team members are usually
not offered compensation or a tag. However, in the instance of CM Team member(s) running events in other time zones, they
may be provided with a temporary CM Team Tag in order to reduce confusion.
DCommunity Minister Seat in the Senate of VillageCraft:The CM can join any new Senate Session and become a Senator without needing to be selected through sortition. This allows the CM to represent VC members and participate in the democratic process easily if they choose to do so.
1. Community Minister Senate Seati. Prior to a new Senate Session, before Sortition, the Community Minister chooses whether to sit as a Senator for the upcoming Session.
ii. The CM can indicate their choice up to 10 days before a new Senate Session begins, and must make their decision before the Upcoming Sortition List is closed (24 hours before the start of the new Session).
iii. If the CM does not choose, declines the seat, fails the Competency Test, resigns from the Senate, or ceases being CM, the choice is not offered again until the start of the next Senate Session.
iv. If the CM is a Senator and ceases to be the CM, that individual is removed from the Senate, creating a vacant seat.
EPrivileges, Compensation, and Emergency Removal:Privileges:1. The CM will have the ability to talk directly to Staff about potential community events and CM Parliament Vote Initiatives.
2. The Community Minister will be given server powers to run community events and CM Parliament Vote Initiatives.
3. The CM will be a local Forum Moderator for the Parliament Board.
4. The CM will have an in-game [CM] tag in front of their name.
Compensation:5. The CM will be paid $250,000 VC Dollars every 2 months if their mandate was met.
Emergency Removal:6. The CM can be removed at any time by Staff Vote if there is evidence that they have abused their position or privileges.
All nominations, signatures, and elections take place on the Parliament Board of the VC Forums, and all participants must be Members of Parliament.
PAST CMsTerm 1 -
ShensleyTerm 2 -
Lividup64Term 3 -
Frogster18Term 4 -
Hobbes13Term 5 -
TheLegend12369Term 6 -
NaomiTerm 7 -
Allison (RedFox_13)Term 8 -
KoalaBurritoTerm 9 -
CbddallasCURRENT CMTerm 10 - Daypath