Good builders are needed. I reserve the right to withhold payment if your work is dissatisfactory to the point of needing to be torn down and redone.
Hello friends, I am hiring people to build in Gerelskovy, as I can't do it all alone and there is too much to do before my term as PM is up.
So! Here is your opportunity to be payed generously for your work, do community work for Gere, and be part of revitalising our infrastructure.
A list of what needs to be done, and what I will pay for it being done. We will reimburse you for materials used in the build in addition to your payment, please keep a track record of how much you spend.
Please do not do any work without asking me beforehand. I reserve the right to withhold payment if you build without authorisation.
Contact me through Forum PM or Mail.
Building for the Olympics - To be discussed. 200k for the main arena, will negotiate prices for other things being built.
Finishing the College - 100k
Finishing the Hospital - 100k
Finishing the Airport - 100k
Building a National Museum - 100k
Renovating the Parking Garage into Offices - 80k
Building for the New Neighbourhood - To be discussed. 60k to do the road system, 25k - 50k per house depending on how good it is.
Rebuilding various homes around Gere - 25k - 50k
Finishing the Interior of the Auditorium - 25k
Renovating the Metro - 20k per train station that is renovated.
Building new storefronts - 15k - 20k per storefront.
Redecorating the interior of the Courthouse - 10k
Redecorating the bottom floor of the Post Office - 10k
Redecorating the main floor of the Police Station - 10k
Renovating the Community Pool - 10k
Various Greenery decorating around Gere - Prices to be discussed (This would entail things such as unique trees, small parks and sitting areas, ect)
Various Decorating around Gere - Prices to be discussed. (This would entail things such as filling in space that is too small for buildings with things like statues, monuments and other various decors)
Demolishing Various Outdated and Unneeded buildings - Prices to be discussed.
I will post updates when work has been added/removed.