Author Topic: why am i muted?  (Read 5777 times)


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why am i muted?
« on: 19 April 2013, 02:27:29 PM »
what did i do? if its because i said i was fighting bad guys in the the factory that exploded because i am a super hero than, why? i was not making fun of it or the people whom died. i said that i was in the fire because i am a fire super hero. sorry if i offended anyone. please unmute me.

Offline Runek

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #1 on: 19 April 2013, 03:01:53 PM »
I reviewed the logs. You would not have been muted had you not been acting like a total jackass and deliberately trying to offend people.

We see this with you time and time again.

I for one am not unmuting you, and while I generally try to steer clear of driving people away, I'll make an exception: You're not welcome here.


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #2 on: 19 April 2013, 03:13:44 PM »
wtf! first you jip me with my new village then you down right lie to me about expanding it. now you unmute me for joking about causing a fire because i am a fire super hero? what do you  have against me? it was a joke! how was i deliberately try to offend anyone? what did i say? please i would love to know what i said that was so deliberately to someone. and what can i do about it now? no one here ever believes me when i am genuinely sorry about things. what do you want from me if you wont accept my apology that i should not even have to give because i never said anything insulting.

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #3 on: 19 April 2013, 03:21:08 PM »
You're not worth the time or energy to compile a list of all the filth that has spewed from your mouth.

You've received multiple chances - far more than most people, actually - and still you behave like a degenerate. Any other staff member is free to unmute you at their leisure - you've burned all your chances with me.

Good day, sir.

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #4 on: 19 April 2013, 03:38:20 PM »
Even though I agree with all the things Rune said, you broke no rules so I will unmute you. I changed the mute to 1 day cause you are a bitch. You are a stupid asshole though and you have fucked up issues, I just want to add that : D
« Last Edit: 19 April 2013, 03:48:53 PM by airborne101st45 »


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #5 on: 20 April 2013, 01:42:13 AM »
Ok, I completely agree with everything you have said air. I have even admitted to all that on severaly acations. Thank you for being reasonable. Also rune, please explain what I said that insulted anyone last night when I was muted? You can't answer that because I didn't insult anyone or make fun of anything. I made a simple joke around pretending that I was fighting bad guys with bombs and shit at the factory and I blew up. That's all. I can completely understand Aida being touching because his friend was hurt in Boston, but I was not talking about that. Aida did what he thought was right and I can respect that.

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #6 on: 20 April 2013, 08:10:45 AM »
joshtimasprime: I think I burnt down a fertilizer factory though
joshtimasprime: when I was runny away from the guy with the sword I heard a Big Bang and flung away by a b
joshtimasprime: by the blast
joshtimasprime: my power suit protected me though and fire does not harm me so I was fine
MossyPaws: why does everyone keep talking about texas what happened
AIDA_Player: Factory Explosion
joshtimasprime: I caused that
joshtimasprime: did you see me on the news Aida?
joshtimasprime: in the video you can see me at the edge being shot into the building right before it explo
AIDA_Player: See You in the news for what?
joshtimasprime: explodes
AIDA_Player: What do you mean?
MossyPaws: he's saying he caused the explosion
joshtimasprime: yeah Aida when I was fighting them one of them had a through a pipe bomb at me and it lunc
joshtimasprime: lunched me into their factory right before it exploded
AIDA_Player: My friend Austin was hurt in those explosions, Don't joke about them
joshtimasprime: I am not joking
joshtimasprime: what explosions? there was only one
AIDA_Player: There where 2
AIDA_Player: In boston
joshtimasprime: I am not talking about Boston
joshtimasprime: I am talking about Texas
MossyPaws: same difference, faggot. It's not funny
joshtimasprime: what's not funny? I fucking saved the world! you ungrateful
AIDA_Player: However Making fun of recent tragic events are not welcome when I am online
joshtimasprime: I am not making fun of anything
joshtimasprime: I am a super hero
AIDA_Player: "I'm a super hero, I was there durring the explosion. I'm invincible"
joshtimasprime: yeah basically

Extending your mute by a day. Please, continue to be an assshat (Google it), and see where it gets you.


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #7 on: 20 April 2013, 11:59:58 AM »
Yep. Rune thank you for proving my point! Please explain who I insulted and what I made fun of? Because I didn't make fun of anyone or insult anyone. Rune, I even said I said that stuff in this post already. Also I didn't say post the whole thing I said post what I said that insulted someone or made fun of it? You extending the mute a day in completely uncalled for and unjust. All I said was that I was fighting bad guys with bombs and swords and accidentally set fire to/blew up a factory. Who did I make fun of? Who did I insult?

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #8 on: 20 April 2013, 01:18:27 PM »
Yep. Rune thank you for proving my point! Please explain who I insulted and what I made fun of? Because I didn't make fun of anyone or insult anyone. Rune, I even said I said that stuff in this post already. Also I didn't say post the whole thing I said post what I said that insulted someone or made fun of it? You extending the mute a day in completely uncalled for and unjust. All I said was that I was fighting bad guys with bombs and swords and accidentally set fire to/blew up a factory. Who did I make fun of? Who did I insult?

By making light of a very tragic situation, you're making fun of everyone effected by it, victims and their families. If I knew someone effected by it, I'd be pretty pissed off too. Actually, I'm kind of just pissed off at the principle. Do you seriously know nothing about civilized conversation?

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #9 on: 20 April 2013, 01:58:56 PM »
He didn't know someone effected. He thought I was talking about Boston but I was talking about Texas. And also just to be clear, the explosion is reality was caused by incompetent fire fighters trying to put out an ammonia fire with water. Water causes ammonia to super heat and that caused the fertilizer tanks to explode. In my eyes it wasn't a tragic situation as much as it was a huge cock-up on the part of the now deceased fire fighters. I would never try to joke about something awful like in Boston because that was a terrorist attack and innocent people were hurt for no reason. This however was caused entirely by them using water instead of putting it out with foam or just letting it burn. I do feel sorry for the people whoms houses were destroyed because of the shockwave, but not the fire fighters be them volunteer or not.


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #10 on: 20 April 2013, 02:05:25 PM »
You are very well aware that you intend to piss off every single person on the server.
You didn't joke about a national tragedy to be funny.

He didn't know someone effected. He thought I was talking about Boston but I was talking about Texas. And also just to be clear, the explosion is reality was caused by incompetent fire fighters trying to put out an ammonia fire with water. Water causes ammonia to super heat and that caused the fertilizer tanks to explode. In my eyes it wasn't a tragic situation as much as it was a huge cock-up on the part of the now deceased fire fighters. I would never try to joke about something awful like in Boston because that was a terrorist attack and innocent people were hurt for no reason. This however was caused entirely by them using water instead of putting it out with foam or just letting it burn. I do feel sorry for the people whoms houses were destroyed because of the shockwave, but not the fire fighters be them volunteer or not.

You have to be the most retarded person I have ever encountered on this server.
Boston was awful, and so was Waco. You really shouldn't be joking about either of them, no matter how it happened.
You are a piece of shit.
Do yourself a favor and for once... Be quiet. You only make things worse.


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #11 on: 20 April 2013, 02:08:32 PM »
I never said anything about Boston I was telling them that I was not talking about Boston. And I didn't even make fun if Texas. If anything I was making fun of myself.


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #12 on: 20 April 2013, 02:19:42 PM »
I didn't say you did. I said it's stupid to think it's okay to piss people off talking about Waco over some stupid fireman rant.
I don't know why you have to fuck with players on the server so much or why you're so mentally damaged but I'm about done tolerating it.


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #13 on: 20 April 2013, 02:26:41 PM »
I never wanted this to be like this but I was muted for no reason and then air made it a day which was fine, but then rune made it another's day for no reason whatsoever!


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #14 on: 20 April 2013, 02:49:37 PM »
Remember that advice I gave you..?
You'll be better off being silent..who knows, you could be unmuted earlier.


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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #15 on: 20 April 2013, 02:56:36 PM »
Might as well. I have nothing else to say.

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #16 on: 20 April 2013, 03:30:47 PM »
He didn't know someone effected. He thought I was talking about Boston but I was talking about Texas. And also just to be clear, the explosion is reality was caused by incompetent fire fighters trying to put out an ammonia fire with water. Water causes ammonia to super heat and that caused the fertilizer tanks to explode. In my eyes it wasn't a tragic situation as much as it was a huge cock-up on the part of the now deceased fire fighters. I would never try to joke about something awful like in Boston because that was a terrorist attack and innocent people were hurt for no reason. This however was caused entirely by them using water instead of putting it out with foam or just letting it burn. I do feel sorry for the people whoms houses were destroyed because of the shockwave, but not the fire fighters be them volunteer or not.

Sorry for commenting here, but I would like to say something. I have a friend that recently moved to West Texas. So when I heard about the explosion I ran to where I left my phone and called her. I found out that she had moved because her dad got a managing position at that factory. Her dad was luckily on break and went to eat, and was about a mile or two away from the factory at the time of the explosion. However, her dad's car, and her house were effected by the blast. She was also cut up by glass fragments. She had to get stitches in multiple places, including her face.

I still get on the forums to laugh at things people have said. I came across this and I am extremely horrified that you would even joke about this. Just because you or someone around you does not know anyone does not make up for the fact that you are making a joke out of people dyeing.

You are a mistake of a human being and I hope you burn in your mother's vaginal cave

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #17 on: 20 April 2013, 03:33:10 PM »
He didn't know someone effected. He thought I was talking about Boston but I was talking about Texas. And also just to be clear, the explosion is reality was caused by incompetent fire fighters trying to put out an ammonia fire with water. Water causes ammonia to super heat and that caused the fertilizer tanks to explode. In my eyes it wasn't a tragic situation as much as it was a huge cock-up on the part of the now deceased fire fighters. I would never try to joke about something awful like in Boston because that was a terrorist attack and innocent people were hurt for no reason. This however was caused entirely by them using water instead of putting it out with foam or just letting it burn. I do feel sorry for the people whoms houses were destroyed because of the shockwave, but not the fire fighters be them volunteer or not.

What is this crap?

Those "incompetent fire fighters" probably knew damn well that if the ammonia was reached by the flames, they were toast. They were probably doing everything they could to delay that to save as many people as they could. It got out of hand and they lost it, sadly. Perhaps they should have left long before that, but unlike you, I still feel sorry for them.

"Water causes ammonia to super heat and that caused the fertilizer tanks to explode."
This is not exactly what I would call, you know, correct. While ammonium nitrate does have an endothermic (heat-absorbing) relationship with water, I want to know how YOU can definitively say this is the cause of the explosion and the FAULT of the firefighters. And, why would this cause you to simply disregard any sorrow you would have otherwise had for them? In fact, because of this, you think it is no longer tragic, but instead just a cock up by a bunch of idiots in bright suits. Fuck them, eh?

Boston was awful, but Texas? Fuck those idiots in Texas! They only, like, died, or whatever.

"I do feel sorry for the people whoms houses were destroyed because of the shockwave, but not the fire fighters be them volunteer or not."
You are an idiot. You seriously need to rethink the sewage you just puked onto this forum, because it is vile.

Also, the word is "whose", not "whoms", asshole.

If you want to discuss why you are a heartless asshole, and get some tips on how not to be a heartless asshole, please feel free to PM me.

Ako is gay and has superaids - Air

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Re: why am i muted?
« Reply #18 on: 21 April 2013, 11:42:33 AM »
Locking this so those of us with an IQ over 2 don't waste any more time on it.

Disgusting excuse for a human being.