accused players: robrick550
players effected: piper2009sk (maybe die_enderman too)
time occured:i was told at about 6:30 (probably actually happened before that) in us eastern time zone
location: caracas island
co-ords: x: -6195 y: 63 z: 1486
screenshots: i cannot upload because my comp sucks, but i'm sure die will be able to, i hope since this is her village.
summary: piper asked for staff, i told her there was no staff, but i could try to help, and she told me about the grief, i logblocked and found out it was robrick550, and she said she doesn't recall anything happening between them. (also i heard from lish that robrick griefed lish and got jailed a while back)
sorry for the no screenshots i can try to fix that later, for now if die sees this please post screenies. some farm grief and a nether portal stairway.